Hype time

hype time

Cringy lyrics time

Don't bother with the thread, Sup Forums hates RTJ now ;_;

What for bb?

as much as I like these guys holy fuck they need to lay off with REEEEing about trump and politics in general

wrong pic user

whats Sup Forums have against RTJ?

>"meme rap"
So no reason at all

The 3 singles are mediocre at best

And they're giving it away for free. Which is nice.

obnoxious political lyrics
also el-p is a retard and a cuck
that thing with the red hats really pissed me off and was the final nail in the coffin for me i hate RTJ now


Not as good as los lonely boys


They're popular and they speak out about how much of a cunt trump is

That's about it really

When is it out?

>that thing with the red hats really pissed me off

what does that have to do with their music though?

holy fuck I remember them

you sound like the most undereducated uninformed naive smug asshole. and people complain about liberals living in a bubble lmao

I'm honestly curious, what was Sup Forums's opinion about Run the Jewels before the whole "reddit-tier/meme-rap" label they have here now?

they were in almost every "essential hip-hop" chart with rtj1, but then rtj2 came along