Does this character, 'Angry Kid', awaken a previously repressed memory of sexual or physical abuse in you?

Does this character, 'Angry Kid', awaken a previously repressed memory of sexual or physical abuse in you?

In an unrelated thread someone posted a picture of this fuck and myself and another user both replied that it made us feel uneasy and recanted a vague memory/feeling of being abused.

The overriding emotions were fear and confusion. I don't know if it's true. But, for some reason, 'Angry Kid' makes me recall those feelings. If the abuse is real, for me or the other user, neither of us know how 'Angry Kid' was involved.

I'm genuinely going out of my mind right now. I was 6 when 'Angry Kid' started (1999) and after some extensive thinking realise that I have almost no memories of my life between the ages of 6 and 11. Plenty before and, obviously, after. So, I think something happened to me and I feel like if I can talk about it, maybe it'll come back. I really want to know what happened (if anything) and how the fuck the image of 'Angry Kid' was involved. Or, if nothing happened, I would like to know why 'Angry Kid' makes me feel like this. Until tonight, I thought I had never heard of, or seen, this ginger cunt. But apparently I have, and it was under deeply unpleasant circumstances.

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This gave me a seizure, thanks OP

You're welcome. Thanks for the bump. I fear it may be futile.

That's probably just because that's a disturbing fucking picture..

It wasn't that picture that set me off. It was this one (pic related). I just chose the one in the OP because it was better quality.

this is weird

It's still disturbing lol. Maybe even moreso.

Well said

I know, man. To my knowledge I was never abused but 'Angry Kid' stirred up something I think I repressed. I hope the other user who said it had the same effect finds this thread. The one we were in 404'd before I could ask him some questions.

Better take this to /x/
They'll have answers

guess i'll help keep the thread alive then

that's a good idea, /x/ would be all over this

I was in that thread... Angry Kid has clown hair, so perhaps it's a freaky clown thing?

I know, but I've seen plenty of fucked-up or creepy things online before. Something about this character, specifically, makes me vaguely remember being about 6-8 years old, confused and scared. Angry Kid is the key. It was used in some way to do something fucked-up to me.

dont start with this bernstain bears shit again. you fucking faggot

well great, now i hear damn mice squeaking in my room.

Thanks for the suggestion, anons. I probably should have thought of that before starting the thread. I don't really go to /x/ because I don't believe in the paranormal or anything. I posted in Sup Forums because I was already here, to be honest. If this thread dies I'll take it to /x/. Thanks.

This has nothing to do with that nonsense. This is real shit; not some faggy conspiracy.

No feeling of being abused or anything, but feels very uneasy. I watched that shit as a kid and it was freaky claymation, it scared me to look at peoples faces for ages afterwards.
I was born in 1995 but they played this angry kid shit after south park on sbs in australia at least.

I appreciate you. You smart; you loyal.

see my post
Am neither OP nor person OP is talking about. 3rd person with similar experience

This guy falls right into uncanny valley

Until tonight I had no recollection of ever seeing Angry Kid before. All of a sudden I remember his face, and I remembered his voice before I checked out one of the videos for what I thought was the first time. For some reason, I repressed the memory of Angry Kid for almost 15 years. And a strong sense of fear and confusion tells me that the repression of Angry Kid was just a by-product of repressing something much more frightening.

>ITT a few 16 year old girls pretending angry kid was anything but lulzy. if you had seen it you would know just how cuntish these cunts are. sage

OP here. Thread has a distinct sense of an impending 404. Thanks to anyone who tried.

Thank you for your insight, wizard.

have never seen this before, still get a really uneasy feeling.

possibly, then again, im sort of an asspie (big surprise on Sup Forums) and faces were something i was never really good with, i had to train myself. His face and expressions fucked me up and scared me so much as a kid, it was like the first time i saw a screamer i almost hada heart attack. it just felt wrong

thanks for the bump

Maybe Angry Kid reminded you of that time when you plugged your asshole with a finger for fun, smelled it afterwards and had to puke ? My brother did all kinds of crap when he was young and it is extremely uncomfortable for him to remember any of it.

You did some silly kiddy-shit back then and try to conjure up some abuse by others to make up for it.

That is extreme, mate. I was a normal kid. No mental illness or social disorders. Actually probably too sociable; a bit of a show-off. Generally just an annoying, energetic kid. I don't know what the fuck happened, if it even did. In which case, I don't know why I forgot I knew Angry Kid; and why remembering him made me panicked and confused.

As to what said. I've never had a single issue with synthetic faces.They don't upset me in any way. In fact, one of my favourite animations is Madame Tutli-Putli*, in which the characters are highly realistic, but disconcertingly synthetic. It's a specific feeling to this character.


This makes me incredibly uncomfortable, and yes, it does. I recognize the pose and facial expression. What the actual fuck.

I have memories of doing fucked-up, or weird shit as a kid. That stuff makes me laugh, even if I'm embarrassed, disgusted or ashamed of it. This feels different.

I have had dreams of this coming out of things like power outlets and tv's amd shit and coming after me. I thought it was a clown but this is definitely it.

It is likely that some form of sexual abuse occurred to you and the link to Angry Kid is that his show was on the TV during one, or several, of the abuses. The type of repressed memory, and the foggy/vague association, that you are describing is very common among sexual abuse victims. Often times, a flashbulb memory may also occur as more detail is recovered from memory.

Is it general discomfort over the image itself, or does it feel like the image is connected to something bigger?

Do you recall watching, or being a fan of, Angry Kid when you were young? That's what fucked me up. I forgot that I knew about it. But it felt more deliberate than just forgetting. Also, when I looked it up tonight (still with no memory of watching it) I could remember his voice before I clicked on the first video.

I'm not sure what to say
Lucky im not you lmao

Thanks for the info. If this is the case (which I'm strongly starting to believe it is) then I think Angry Kid was used in some way to attract me, or distract me from something. I'm trying to watch some Angry Kid videos in the hope of jogging my memory, but it's tough. It makes me feel too confused and uneasy.

> (You)
>Lucky im not you lmao
WTF does that response even mean? You are lucky you aren't the person who explains the psychology of repressed memory and its relationship ex post facto to sexual abuse to a person who asked? We have very different definitions of luck, but apparently, in this case, you are lucky.

If it were me, I'd just try to forget about it. What if you manage to dig up said memory that was repressed? It's not going to be a pleasant one.

That strategy is not uncommon, believe it or not. Studies have indicated one of the techniques employed by abusers is to "lure" or distract their child victims with cartoons or video games.

Is this the new Candle Cove or something?



So I don't link it to repressed feelings or abuse, but something about this show always like, put me off.

It was like a morbid fascination that kept me watching recently when I went down the youtube hole and found links to it.

It made me really uneasy, and at times I know it's cause it felt like the character was interacting with me or looking at me. Other times, I don't know.

This is just kinda freaky that this happened.

Truthfully, many professional psychotherapists are starting to believe this. They are finding little benefit, and much harm, into forcing repressed memories. There is little value psychologically to reliving trauma. The old way was that this was essential to healing. However, the tide is turning toward the brain being 'smarter' than we are in its ability to blackout trauma. It is akin to the body healing itself from cuts, breaks, etc.; i.e., it is not necessary to recreate what you were doing when you broke your arm in order to heal the bone.

Although the memories are still vague and unreliable, that was my immediate thought. I don't know why I thought of that scenario. Maybe because that's what my subconscious knows to have happened or maybe because it's a kind of logical conclusion. Again, this is all questionable. I'm still reluctant to accept that anything happened. It's impossible to shake the feeling that it did, though. I'll probably never know either way. I've never felt this before, though, and it's fucking me up.

im this guy btw

OP here. I think you're right. It's impossible not to indulge this overwhelming feeling, though. I started this thread in the hope that the other user who had described an identical feeling would show up. I never got the chance to ask him any questions. Fuck, it's the curiosity that's killing me. If I was abused and have repressed it, then it probably should remain repressed. It's done with and doesn't matter anymore. Still, it's impossible to not be curious. Especially given the circumstances in which it was 'triggered' (if you'll excuse my use of that shitty word).

Obviously, it would be very, very beneficial for you to seek psychological counseling as soon as you can, if you are able or if there are services that could provide such to you.

It is entirely possible that something happened as you are presuming, or another traumatic event happened related to the show. For example, a violent fight between parents. A traumatic event need not be sexual in order for the brain to repress the memory.

Nonetheless, do to your clear discomfort I would hate for you to have your daily life negatively impacted by trying to just shake this off or soldier through it alone.

OP here. I responded to some of that in this post (). I can go with that logic; it's absolutely sound and definitely the best thing to do. Like I said, though, it's impossible to resist these feelings. The curiosity is ravenous. I'm indulging it tonight, and hopefully I can let it go and move on. I'll try my best not to become obsessed with it.

You're a good guy, user. Thanks. I live in Scotland so professional help is readily available and free of charge. I'll definitely think about it.

The parental domestic stuff can be ruled out because it was just my mother who raised me, and she never had a boyfriend or a partner from when I was born until I was 17.

But, I suppose 'traumatic event' could cover a lot of bases. Whatever it was (if it was anything) couldn't have happened in my home. Angry Kid was a web series. We never had a computer in our house. And, I'm told, it was aired on certain cable channels late at night. We only had 5 channels on our TV.

So, if some abuse or trauma happened, and if that abuse or trauma involved Angry Kid then it happened in someone else's house. There are a lot of 'if's involved here, so I suppose dwelling on it is probably a dangerous idea.

>fucking newfag


I see. Over here in the States Angry Kid was shown briefly on MTV, using in between shows or as part of one. Anyhow, what you're doing -- recovering a memory, or perceived memory -- is totally normal. In fact, most people do just as you are doing and really try to probe and seek out all the info they can regarding any part of the memory they recall. Much like searching in the box for puzzle pieces. Only if it starts to affect you very negatively should you not force it. Right now, it appears that you are just frustrated, curious, and on the fence and not in too much distress. If you are able, you could always ask your mother about family, friends, or persons who watched you or cared for you while she worked, etc., around that time.

>getting this baited

this creepypasta

Newfags often see 'newfag' thrown around on Sup Forums and then they use it themselves in order to seem like part of the l33t haxor legion.

tl;dr: Only newfags use newfag

Yeah, it is mostly frustration, curiosity and confusion right now. I'll probably be fine after some sleep. The advice is much appreciated.

....It's weird, but I'm not getting a sexual vibe from it, and frankly, I wouldn't want to meet the person that does.

> (You)
>>getting this baited
Cockbreath, that user was responding to , not

Fuckin' a, mate. I truly hope all works out the best for you. Also, over there in Scotland are there a ton of redheaded girls with fiery red pubes!?

I'm freaking out. I haven't been this scared in a while guys.

There are indeed. I've hocked up more ginger pubes from the back of my throat than I can remember. A lot of girls don't like being redheads, though, so they dye their hair dark. It's always a nice surprise to take *what you thought was) a brunette home inly to remove her panties and find a gorgeous strip of fiery red hair. What a treat.

What are you feeling?

I looked at the image and I got a really quick surge of terror. You know that feeling you get, when you're really surprised, and it's so intense you can feel it in your mouth? It's like that. And then I just got like a sickening feeling of dread.

I don't know why or what's going on, I've never seen this thing

That is fucking awesome! Over here it is the exact opposite with light top-dark bottom meaning you can take home a blonde and get dark pubes, if they have them. I'd love to get a dark brown haired girl only to find brutally red pubes.

Dread is the perfect word for what I felt. I don't really know what else to say. If something did happen to me, it seems most plausible that Angry Kid was used as either a distraction or an attraction for someone to do something to me which I objected to. The overall feeling is still mostly confusion, unease and fear. I just have a vague memory of feeling like I knew something was wrong, but was too young to understand why it was wrong, how it was wrong, or what it was precisely.

There's nothing worse than a shaved pussy. If you ever come to Scotland then the West of Scotland is where you'll find the easy pussy. The Highlands is where you'll find wife material.

Im positive ive never seen this i only watched cartoon network but this still is kinda creepy