Sup Forums, I need to raise some hell at the neighboring towns police department

Sup Forums, I need to raise some hell at the neighboring towns police department
>23, living at home with parents despite being college educated, working full time, and earning upwards of 50k.yr so I can save money
>chilling with one of my buddies on a saturday night drinking
>we both get pretty drunk
>he drives a fast Sub and I like longboarding hills
>were both drunk, decide to drive to nearby neighborhood with big hill
>do a few runs on the hill reaching 40+ mph drunk as fuck
>one run see no headlights behind me and start freaking out
>slow down and start walking back up
>see police lights at top of hill
>start walking home
>cops pull me over on foot
>thankfully they let my friend go
>admit i was skating down the hill and they drive me home
>in my garage
>say they wanna talk to my dad

Other urls found in this thread:

>say ill go in and get him so he can talk to cops
>cops refuse
>walks into my house with no permission
>gets my dad and i explain what happened
>dad doesnt care but im pissed they walked into my house with 0 permission
>honestly relieved my friend got no DUI since was drunk too but still pissed

any way I can fuck these cops for walking into my house with no permission/warrant? I wanna end their careers.

bump, educate me on the law Sup Forums

Get a life and move out of daddy's house, faggot.

brah, I make more than enough to live on my own

I'm just financially literate and see the benefit of living rent free for a year or two. Any money I save right now is being invested in my future


events were exactly as I described

looking for specific actions I can research to make said cop lose his job/give him some form of trouble


Not career ending worthy if I'm right, but if you got their badge numbers you can have them reeeeally fucked over by their superiors

Get their badge numbers/names/precinct and report it as entering premises without a warrant.

didnt get badge numbers. to be fair I was fuckin drunk. I did confirm the town the 2 officers work in and remember what they look like. is there anything I can do to give them a hard time?

Go down to the precinct. Desribe the officers to a superior.
That's about all you can do, user

I'm doing that tomorrow. my dad was pissed at me but agreed the cops were being dicks. he knows I skate there all the time and cause no trouble so I imagine that he will back me up

Our Police is very understanding and awesome though.
Its either 20 $ to get away or a forced confession to a homicide.
There is no in between.

You're going to get as far as the niggers in BLM get. You can't fight the system. Give up and be happy you and your friend are fine.

you don't have to lie about working full time job earning 50k.
just say you live with parents and continue your story

There's plenty you can do to give them a hard time, it's just that you'll get in trouble for it and get arrested for chimping out, which is why you should just chill out instead. Forget about it.

Come to think about it, you could sic Black Lives Matter on them. Just follow them around until they have to arrest a black man, get it on tape - even if they were treated completely fairly, BLM is likely to throw a fit regardless.

If you're 23, why do they want to see your parents?

thats the thing. I was freaking the fuck out but my friend drove by my place an hour later saying just be glad i didnt get a DUI

but these pigs held me in my own property and got no permission from anyone. im so pissed. whats the value of private property? im glad my friend isnt in jail for driving drunk but still that cop just opened the door to my fucking house and walked in. fuck that fat mother fucker.

Be thankful you didn't get arrested for public intoxication, and quit being a whiny little blmer type bitch.

You went into the house without their permission, so they can always use the hot pursuit of a suspect defense anyways.

Doesnt sound like the cops were executing a search warrent, so no there is nothing you can do. Cops have a right to go anywhere they want if it is in pursuit of a crime in progress. They cant try to fins anything in your house, and it looks like they didnt.

They probably thought he was a kid because he has a hobby of a 12 year-old.

I work in finance. I hold my serifes 7 and 66 licenses. I advise people on 401k and retirement planning thats my job and I do it 40 hrs per week

I live at home due to student loan debt.

what do you do all day, sit behind your computer?

ITT: /b indulges a mentally challenged neckbeard's fantasies

I told them my home address, they drove me to said address, and walked in despite me asking that they didnt

keep in mind this is my legal permanent address

Yes. I write software. And on the weekend I study machine learning algorithms.

ok so you have no hobbies that actually use your body. aka youre either fat/weak as fuck

I use my brain and body

>>say ill go in and get him so he can talk to cops>cops refuse

When they "refused" as you stated in your post, and you went in anyways, that gave them the right to follow.

I didnt go in ya dip

they held me in my garage and the cop went in without me

>I use my brain and my body
>skateboards drunk downhill

How did they just walk into your house? Was the door unlocked and they just waltz in? Did you unlock it? Did one of your parents open it for them?

>has a hobby that requires physical exertion
>not a complete pussy
>wiling to take risks at a young age

I live in a relatively safe area, I was the last person to leave that night and didnt lock the door

have fun never taking any risks

any woman you ever get close to is gunna cuck you like the bitch you are

Op, I really don't care about how much of a man child skateboarder you are, everyone has their hobbies.

Stop acting like it's an extreme, or masculine, pastime. Driving to work is "riskier" than skateboarding.

lmao, I hold all the same responsibilities and challenges you do working a 9-5. I also reap all the same benefits.

I also add some fun and challenge to my life by hobbiees like skating and snowboarding. I'm just a more fun and exciting person than you are. That's why I fuck more bitches than you. Just try to prove me wrong.

>I'm just a more fun and exciting person than you are
>I fuck more bitches than you
Okay OP, if you say so. You're definitely not coming off as a 14 year old who's trying to act cool.

About the police problem, there's really nothing you can do. They let you and your friend off easy. You should thank them and try to keep the drunk driving to a minimum next time.

Cops kill and beat people all the time for no good reason and all they do is drive a desk for a few weeks. No one other than overly entitled man-children such as yourself will give a fuck that they walked into your house.

In order to take any kind of action against them you would have to show that there was some harm done. Other than your delicate sensibilities, it doesn't sound like anything was damaged. And no one gives a flying fuck about your feelings, faggot.

My advice is to grow the fuck up, stop acting like a baby and get your own place to live. If you weren't living and acting like a child, maybe you wouldn't get treated like one.

They did you and your friend a solid-- don't be a faggot. Let it goooooo.

funny thing is I probably make more money than you do

ultimately it doesnt matter if I was in the wrong. it reached a point where they overstepped their boundaries. and again I'm not a pussy like you so they are gunna face consequences.

not gonna read your shit tier bait thread. cops wont ask to speak to someones parents if they are

You do realize that if you try to fuck with them, they can still throw the book at you for drunk driving right? For a DUI they can get you anywhere from 1 to 3 years after the fact.

It's obvious that you're either way younger than you say you are or legitimately suffer from autism. Just be lucky you didn't spend a night in prison and move on with your life.

No, if you're making around 50k then it's around 30k less, but keep whining and bitching like a little faggot.

Also, you actually don't have any grounds for complaint since you aren't the property owner, so your dad isn't going with you, you're going with him. Maybe afterwards you and he can both go with your mom to get some chicken tendies, you little bitch.

There won't be any consequences for the cops, if anything all they'll do is target you. Hopefully next time they'll fucking curb stomp you and your faggot boyfriend instead of letting you go with warnings.

This. The cops went easy on your friend and didn't do anything illegal. You're butthurt regardless. Let it go and move on.

P.s. I'm also a finance manager and paying off the student debt was pretty cool. Had my own place within 6 months of leaving uni, though. Flatshares first then with girlfriend or alone. Time to cut the umbilical cord.

>I probably make more money than you do
since when do people brag about 50k? that's like what a teacher started at in my old school district.

Since you consider this a minor issue then do your best to identify them (file a complaint in order to get their names) then follow them with a video camera.

If your encounter wasn't a once off and they consistently disrespect the constitution they swore to defend then you will record something that will get them fired.

Sneaking into their house at 2am when they are unconscious, throwing a heavy tarp over them and breaking their legs and hips with a crowbar so they are medically discharged from their jobs is an option if you observe they are truly human garbage. Saves the bother of watching them lie in court and a judge pretending to believe them.

Next time lock your door, an unlocked door means the cop can walk right in after knocking.

Also grow up and quit trying to get yourself killed/ran over