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That it is.

Checking in.

I wanna be inside a shark grills belly



keep your fantasies to yourself faggot


fuck you bitch i own nintendo








im silence poster dude or ANOTHER FURRY OF FUCKING NOWHERE dude



I want to kiss every inch of her sexy little body

Of what? I actually can provide of that one.

Mr. Kimishima, will the mini SNES have the ability to download more games?

*provide proof
Jesus fuck what is wrong with me tonight?

I think the two dudes kissing.


don't reply to him bruv




Woops, sorry, didn't know it was a trolololol.




ok jackass keep it to yourself

two guys kissing while fucking a girl
sounds straight

Cucks have become an increasingly large issue with the rise of american fem-marxists. Also sad, aging lonely women who can only winge about not finding an alpha male because ahe has created a massive influx of betas.


He's the herm faggot I was talking about.

Addiction is happiness/satisfaction over a short period of time that loses its potency over longer term.

The same as Ultracapitalism.

I don't care about longer-term. I only care about short-term.

It's not like I have long to live in order to worry about long-term effect.

cannot indulge company sikuretto




hes not so much a troll as a very lonely and damaged child.

he posts the same posts and the same pictures everyday for months to get reactions and gets triggered easily.






How many is that tonight? 3?

Then just shoot up some heroin if you only care about short term.


these are new pics




Damn you're posting furiously today, what's happening ?



Maybe once i can dl it off tpb


we are having a good time!



Then you aren't going to be happy. You aren't really making any sense here. But I guess I can't help you anyway because only you can help yourself.







Hotshot always sets his cooldown to the default 15 seconds.




So. It has come to this. It always does

It's one guy vs 7 billion.

>and people wonder why I believe life isn't worth living

Not *always*.
Just when I feel it's needed.



I can help you start up a k/fur folder.






So much post-fap guilt and shame


>Not living long enough to be the one to turn the lights out


why shame man? this is NOTHING compared to other fetishes.





That's good, no worries.

Life is what you make it. If you want to be happy but don't do anything to make yourself happy then you aren't going to be happy. Simple as that. I remember reading a post not long ago that said something like this. "Happiness is not the default state of humans." Meaning, you have to want to be happy and work towards it to happen. No one can make you happy except yourself.

Fair enough.




like mine



Stop telling me things I already know.
