Okay guys, spooky/machete-guy thread just 404'd. Who's got the screencaps?

Okay guys, spooky/machete-guy thread just 404'd. Who's got the screencaps?

(Not OP of that thread)

Other urls found in this thread:


Screencapfag here, uploading the album right now.

Thanks, Sup Forumsrother.


Not a problem, dude.




Care for a quick recap? Missed the thread

What happened in the thread?

Some dude from venezuela got a creepy ass phone call which he couldnt trace , then went on to explore his scary ass house with a machete while his cat was flipping shit, he updated us with pictures and whatever occured , it was 2spoop5me



Screencap fag here. Might be hard to read but I'm zoomed out as fuck.

What happened? Who the fuck is machete man? I'm bored and sad and I want a real cool story so I can sleep better and not in my usual sea of regrets and anxiety. Also I lost control of my life.

at least you screencapped Sup Forumsro

god bless user

true i was one of the anons who saw the curtains out of place in one of OP's updates

shit was spoopy

Also , probably the most important part I left out was that he lived (alone I think) in his dead grandmothers house

Now all we need is some fag to make a spooky Sup Forums simulator.


Shadow people


>Welcome to the game mod that replaces websites with Sup Forums

>sleep better
Good luck




Anyone save that thing behind the curtains?



Gotcha, it's a doorknob though

I have the entire thing OP, but I am unsure on how to upload it



Considering Venezuela's current situation, it is probably someone trying to steal his toilet paper



thanks user

Screencapfag here, thank you for getting all of OP's posts. bless man


Wow this is fucking sad you sound like a little child inside the body of a 20 something guy with existential crisis but the saddest thing is that you are a fucking loser that replies to your own comments what the shit man up and make the right choices you faggot I'm really disappointed on myself guys pls someone shoot me.


Does any Sup Forumsor have the last ladder pic in good Rez?

Just realized that OP from original thread and supposed caller used similar/same diction.

From initial post:
Caller- "I really think you're a good person. God bless you."

From final post:
Original Thread OP- "I think you're good people. God bless you."

hes a feg

We came to a similar realisation in another thread.
Possible hoax?
OP possessed?

No shit m8 that's actually spook-tier, though I doubt someone would post in the same style as OP after murdering him for a loaf of bread, Vulvazela-style.


Still have access the thread due to iPhones preloader

wait guys the last sentence, I think Machete man is gone. it sounds like the caller :( rip Machete man

...Holy fuck, you're right. This is some creepypasta level shit.

no hes just a feggit making up stories

Ori and the blind furfag


could you not bully me

i mean one day you will leave moms house, get a job, and maybe realise ghosts dont exist
i hope at least

Ghosts may not exist, but psychopaths who break into people's houses and kill them sure as fuck do.

THAT, that is something to fear.

Shit, I'm glad it's already morning where I live and that I somehow managed to sleep.

Wow, you guys are stupid for believing this.

>psychopaths who call and possess their victims then post on Sup Forums about it

i could have tucked you in

Lucky you

im microdosing LSD and am on 500mg DPh and this gif had me laughing for literally about 15 minutes

let me now if you can see this since my computer crashed while making it and it's too big to post on Sup Forums

imgur downsizes images automatically


Perhaps a based user could edit/xray the supposed doorknob pic so we could get a better look?