Are nigers people or monkey?

Are nigers people or monkey?

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ples people be repectful
this is the sientific inqirey

all hominids fall within the monkey clade retard



no only nigers have the monkey syndrom
its proven beyond a doubt

chimps, monkeys have tails

thats the interesting theory thank you for contibution

kill yourselves degenerative faggots

you too.

ples be respetful towards the contibuters
we want create a atmosphere of sientific openness to idea

Monkey-people. Their kids are cute, we should keep them until they breed at the age of 15, then terminate their existance in a violent but rather fun way.


i agre but what about work?
should they be work?


forced labor camps are always good. no need to waste perfectly good labor power. Also medical experimentation, save the animals

Well, those public toilets won't clean themselves, will they?


very god idea i have to consider

is it chimp of them not take care of young?


wat about this nige

google has doubt about theory of black sex labor

more like proto-human


what about our religion concerns brother?