If there was no minimum age of consent law, what is the lowest age a girl can be before you would have sex with her?

If there was no minimum age of consent law, what is the lowest age a girl can be before you would have sex with her?

If her age is on the clock, shes ready for the cock.

if she's old enough to bleed she's old enough to breed

if there's grass on the field, play ball

I'm 19 so 16 perhaps

hard to answer considering age of consent is so ingrained into our social conscience
however best guess, if minimum age was never a thing and all ages were somehow acceptable personal preference would probably still be 16
for various reasons including mental maturity level, phyiscal maturity, and easy of access as most girls are not really granted parental freedom to do their own thing until 16 +

Old enough to love me.


But I'm 40, and teenieboppers piss me off.

probably the youngest age they can have a nice rack, or enjoy sex

>pretending to be 40 on Sup Forums
>implying anybody over 25 is on the retard containment board
>implying 40 year olds say teenyboppers

kys my man

want me to kick your ass rl?

I want you to kys irl

Well, I've been saying teenieboppers since the 90s, when I was one.

But it's no skin off my nose what you believe.

and I'm John Lennon. I faked my own death and moved to Greenland

it's time to stop posting and go make a noose

>skin off my nose
Dad?? I thought mom told you to stay away from Sup Forums

I'd fuck a 14 yo, I'm 40. theres plenty of teen girls with daddy issues. Youngest I'd date is 21

And I told her if she set foot outside the kitchen, it would be extra beatings. What's your point?

Man, I could barely stand 14yo girl drama when I was 14. No way I could do it now, not even just for sex.

Besides, I've only met one girl under 20 that could suck dick worth a shit. Give 'em a bit of time to learn the craft.

That just means someone would have to teach em the craft. I'll be down to get 12 year old head.

I would say about 11 to 12

There are physical limits. You can't put a cock in a tiny girl.

Depends if you care about the condition of the girl afterwards.

ok true, but I assume OP's 'no age of consent' thing didn't mean permanent damage is OK.

Maybe... 1/3 of the current age of consent?

Yeah around there 10-11-12
But there's some really ripe 8 year olds, some girls blossom nore quick than others.

Si tiene pelito, no es delito

For American pussy, 15...for Muslims around 4 or 5.

Anyone had any practical experience on this question?

Be fucking the mother while she's giving birth and at least try to nail 2 holes at once.. might kill the baby though...

One last Bump

Idk I'm 25 so like 14 I guess