Rate my new haircut

Rate my new haircut.
Gals laugh at me. I feel weird and am gonna shave it off. It cost me $30 though.

Wrong type of head for that hairdo, think before you cut nigga

It is excessively stupid, especially on your round ass baby face

it needs to be a bun, u fag

with the ponytail you look like anakin or some shit


just become a samurai and it'll work.

Next time you get a haircut, google your head shape and the shape of your face to see what haircuts fit it. I don't know though your fucking head looks disgustingly deformed. Better yet, next time you go, tell them you want anything above the neck gone. Just ask them to decapitate you. Good luck!

You look like Daffy Duck when he gets his bill blasted off.

It was a waste of money anyway. Shave the fucking thing is disgusting.

If you're going for the Samurai look, it's all good.

Pardon my rudeness, but you look like a potatoe and that haircut adds nothing more than stupidity to your looks.

you have to have nice hair to pull off that style, you stupid thing. (also it is suppose to be in a bun)

Sexy as fuck. Specifically, a fox fucking a dead duck.


>samurai look
>it's good

What is wrong with your eyes?


Peanut head nigga


I understand why you got the that haircut bro but that phase ended last year, untie it and put a bit of wax in and have it down the side.

Will look PHAT bro

Trust me, I'm Insta famous

Livestream the snip, make your money back on donations and a few extra buck if you shave the eyebrows too.


Top kek

cut it off, eat it, shit it out, tape it to your lip
instant mustache

Close enough

OP looks stupid af

Yeah if he had cheeks full of marshmallows

>gals laugh at me

Its not your hair but the fact you call them gals in 2016 like its the 50s

Btw why did youbpay money for that?

Any guy with a pony tail is wrong. Girls are supposed to have long hair. Guys have short hair. That just how it is.
Bonus tip: don't get ear rings either, also for girls

you look like clark peters

this guy
listen to him OP

found a gif of OP

>Bonus tip: don't get ear rings either, also for girls

so much this

Looks like you had straight healthy hair before you cut it too. That sucks

Doesn't sound instant to me


somehow I knew everyone on Sup Forums looked like that

Holy fucking kek

Op where in your head was getting that haircut a good solid plan with a low chance of backfiring horribly?

doesn't work with your head shape

timestamp or pee off

OP, show us your tits and put a sharpie in your ass. You look like a girl, so act like one.

i hope this is a joke bc you look retarded

>insta famous

that sounds lame as fuck


Сука, пиндосы, горите в аду.


Even old lady grannies were laughing at you. Do you hand out little flowers at the airport?

Тут нет никаких пендосов, долбоёб, все, кто есть в этом треде - это мимикрирующая русня с двача.
Пендосы бы прошли мимо треда.

Dude... Wtf is wrong with your head? It looks like someone shaped your head all fucked up when you were a baby.


So how do I get the same cut

>fuck my shit up senpai

ITT: people who cant reverse image search

Мудила, ты и тут тред создал?

And checked man, nice

No i wont

forget the haircut for a moment.
Use what little bit of money you have to buy a helmet to reshape your head. Or at least brush the top of your head daily with a cheese grater for a while.

Он в том треде даже ссылку оставил, пиздец, блядь.

it wouldnt look as bad if you hadn't the jaw of a 10 years old

Shave it off and don't follow these fucktrends. Those Hipster haircuts are so fucking ugly

Go skin head. Just dont be a lousy drunk one.

Да нет же это не оп а какой то левый анон тут тред запилил.

i like it. have a nice day op.

also some titties would be really, really nice.

Тогда тем более идиотизм.
"Ахаха, интересно, что скажут пендосы)00))0)) Зафорсим)) Поржём, лЛулзы, лулзочки)0"
Пиздос нах.
Что было на дваче остаётся на дваче.

holy fuck i was dying

Is this from AHS? which season?


You look like a butch lesbian

От чего такой багор? Алсо, во сколько они просыпаются обычно?

its a boy

Хуй знает когда, ты у них и спроси.

Да просто побугртить захотелось (правда), бугуртный голод у меня. Хз, просыпаются вроде, как и мы, часов в 8-9. Ночью сидит кто-то. Я хз, сколько у них времени ща.

hello ivan

Учи русский, пидор

Hey, guys, when you usually wake up?
[spoiler]Hallo from Russia[/spoiler]

Xallo, blyat

I had a similar one, but my ponytail was longer. It looks cool.
Can I rape you?