Waifu thread. Shinoa 2.0 edition

Waifu thread. Shinoa 2.0 edition

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>one claim per user
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>Insult Canada
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:



>24 hours in 2 days

Did you try throwing a normal pokeball?

Just an aside. Cant clone items in Leaf Green.

Only had Ultras and Master with me. Not wasting the Master on a birb.


When I had 50 rayquazas I knew I'd never clone again.

>Not carrying about normal pokeballs
No wonder you couldn't catch it. i don't care WHAT math says, the more ultras you throw at it, the more chance you have to catch it with a plain old pokeball.

Use GameShark


Hello, everyone.


When did this even happen? I mean it's pretty good, I really like the instrumental.

But, when?

I have pride as a gamer in that I only use glitches the dev left in the game because they were sloppy. If I use a gameshark to get items I may as well have wasted my money because theres no challenge.
What am I listening to? Just a repetitive riff with shitty drums?
Sup Horo

It's a good game. I have no regrets.

You don't really think you are going to catch deoxys or even mew in that game do you?

I like using all weapons. I don't see how you can use 1 weapon for hundreds of hours and not get bored. Plus some weapons are better than others for some monsters.
>Currently going for a palico run.


Kek rory get rekt

Drew this for my waifu 2 months ago, was supposed for her birthday but only today I knew the date, and I'm late [spoiler];_;[/spoiler]
Also, claiming Kirie.

It's Korbo, remember?

Not too much. I just finished pulling weeds, mowing the yard, and doing dishes. Now I need to work on business stuff until 12pm-ish (2.5 hours) then I'm taking a binder and some papers to my wife at work that she forgot here. Then back to server setup.

In other words: neglecting what I'm SUPPOSED to be doing because I'm lazy

Ika claimed
>actually my waifu edition



BITCHWHORE was more than your shitty team could ever be.
>Earthquake reks Makoto
>Dragon Claw rekd everything else
>Rock Tomb on your Zard for shits and gigs

You have your opinions, I have mine

Sure that's the hook. I like the synth sounds in the bridge part.

Plus the whole the things has a dream-pop kind of feel and I like that.

Also the drums are not shity.


Ah. My mistake.
Sounds a lot like my weekends. I get all my stuff done but real late.



Why only half?

It actually does look like korbo.

Not a morning person.


Unfortunately I've been in the practice of not getting my shit done recently.

One website project my wife said she'd take on back in November and then she kept putting it off, so she gave it to me last month and I've been putting it off.

Another website project went live and is in maintenance mode but they made a fuck-ton of requests 2 weeks ago and at the time I was on a business trip so I just kept saying "I'll get to it soon" and haven't done anything yet

Instead I've been playing with server configurations and figuring out how to automate processes. All useful long-term, but I'm avoiding what I'm supposed to be doing...

Every English teacher ever would disagree with you. That first letter is a K - just look at the stroke order

Thats really not what I enjoy listening to. Its way too computer fiddly and just sounds way overproduced. No feeling in it. Just feels like canned garbage to be honest.
>Sup Forums can fuck off
Cynthia is based.


Ok it's 6:30 and I have to wake up at like 12 or 2 so I should probably sleep now. Goodnight all.

Me neither except I'm going to sleep in the morning not at night.

Ah. I dont and wont make any sense, but I do hear things about servers due to most of my friends circle being IT guys. 2 server admins, a white hat, one of the admins builds and maintains his own local, a few engineers and a few service desk. And here I am complaining that I make a metric fuckton of bacon and egg rolls for students on a daily basis.

Good night.

what the fuck is wrong with with you people? Seriously get professional help or euthanasia.

What's wrong with us? What's wrong with YOU?



Sounds like a younger version of Asians. Like YouthanAsia

Cursive L should start mid-way through the letter vertically if preceded by a letter with a high ending stroke (such as O)

Instead she drops to the bottom of the line and starts from the bottom.

See attached: Kolo vs Korlo

Note that I turned the B into and L so that we could argue over one letter at a time. I would have done a better job with the rewrite but PhotoShop is crashing for me right now so I had to do it in Paint

Are you still in school right now?


On the contrary I would say that it sounds kind of lo-fi. But I guess the shogaze influence may turn some people off.

>Sup Forums can fuck off
Sup Forums used to be one the best boards to hang out. It fell apart somewhere along the line though. Right now, I think there's only one or two threads that are actually music related, and mostly just tripfag circlejerks and shitposting.

Eh, sorry about that, I know a lot of people don't like that kind of music, shouldn't have linked it either way.

Like this?


>holy balls someone knows finger eleven
Formulaic but enjoyable.
No, 26. Im the youngest in the group though. One of us is still a retail monkey and Ive been looking to get out of cooking.
I didnt shut it down immediately. I tried to gove it a listen, but it just jarred with what I enjoy is all. Car Seat Headrest sounds like they have potential, but the drums sound like an electric kit and the droning is drowned out by distortion. Again, not what Im into. Music being subjective once again rears its head.
Homura is one of the biggest music fans in the thread, heres his pick of Ayreon so far.

Off to home.


Sup Forums care too much about their precious niche genre. I literally can't handle their faggotry.

I went there maybe twice to see if there's any good music being posted, but it's overwhelmed by cancerous hipster shit. Nobody listens to their music, and if they do, they force themselves to, in order to be edgy.

The classical threads are okay, until someone posts 12-tone serialism and implies that it's good music and not just a social statement.

Genji is pretty hardcore

What did you get your degree in? You should be able to pursue an entry-level job in your field pretty easily. The economy is picking back up (pronounced: old people started employing young people again) so you can find plenty of work on places like Indeed and Monster.

Did I scare away the troll with my impeccable knowledge of cursive? Here I thought he would argue the B, as well.

I guess since he's gone I win my default and her new name is Korbo

You spelled "alter" wrong
Its Altar

The b tho
It doesn't look like a b at all

Im a qualified cook. I spent my years working my ass off. No degrees. I do have a high school certificate in IT and can easily go for a base level certificate.


I hate myself.

I was staring at the same thing, but thought they might have legitimately meant "alter", as in "alternate" (alter-ego, alter-self, etc)

Maybe that character has multiple personalities and that's the best "alter"

If you like cooking, I'd say pursue your passion. You can make a fuck-ton of money if you become lead chef at a place like Malone's. If you want to run away from cooking, jump into IT. It's a lucrative field with a lot of opportunity.

I can help you out if you need to know anything. I've been doing IT since high school.

In my MSPaint modified version, not at all! But now that you've seen an L, let's look back at the original and compare:

Sorry, to say but that's the music I listen to mostly. Though I won't say no to some cheesy folk or power metal from time to time.


It's not the board attitude, it's the actual posts themselves.

For every good post that encourages discussion or argument there are two or three that are just awful.

Sharethreads, if those still exist, are good and there is also the Sup Forumschella if you like the social side of it.

As for pretentiousness, well that will be present everywhere that people do, in my opinion.

amazing answer. this is prove enough that you people are just really really really stupid and fucked in the head.

To aide the untrained eye (I mean - who here actually writes cursive? Clearly your argumentative nature and incorrect statements were the result of ignorance and lack of practice) let us compare a cursive, lower-case B next to a cursive lower-case L

Notice there is only one difference: the line rises up before continuing to the next letter

With this I rest my case. She wrote her own name as "Korbo"

What if her handwriting just sucks?

oh well, i probably won't change it because i'm too lazy

It's still a 'b'

Most of my friends can help me out as well. Im all good on the help front, but its just difficult getting into the job market as a 26 year old cook who has no background in anything else, especially my age. People want 18-19 year olds so they can underpay them and not have someone who is savvy about how they conduct business call them out of shit.
>cheesy power metal
Feast your eyes on what is at once the most cringe yet most awesome thing in creation.
>this band got Christopher Lee to do their narration for a whole set of albums

Second season is airing but too bad it seems rushed.

I'm not watching the boring tournament anyway, holding out for the awesome training arc.

Irrelevant. Her name is now Korbo. It was in the show and so it's canon.

Just keep at it. Corporations want young idiots who they can brainwash and mold into the perfect employee: but small businesses tend to prefer people who can just do their fucking job the first time without having to ask again. Maturity has its perks.

Guess I'll go do a bit of work. brb.

>Holo(ホロ Horo) is a female deity and the protagonist of the light novel, manga and anime series "Spice & Wolf".Holois a wolf harvest deity that was bound to the town of Pasloe, ensuring a bountiful harvest for the residents.
You lose. Her name is Holo according to the Spice & Wolf wiki
See above

the entire enemy team is junkrat
I'm just deflecting a boatload of grenades with Genji
>they probably didn't see it coming

Well I'm going to ruin my emotional stability and severely hinder cognitive functionality, before putting myself in a trance so I can actually sleep.

Routine is good.


Maybe your just fucking illiterate?

>getting drunk and passing out
Good choice.

I'd say it's still an "H" in front
Welcome, Hobo

That seems incredibly funny to me. I wouldn't say I dislike it, in fact I enjoyed it quite a bit.


Look at the difference

According to the fan-made wiki which shouldn't be considered canon because the original author had no say in its creation, her name is simultaneously:


According to the woman herself, when introducing herself to people, her name is ヨイツの賢狼 (Yoitsu no Kenro -- "wise wolf of Yoitsu")

Rather than trying to act like you're smarter than people by posting random facts from wikis you google'd 5 minutes ago, try learning Japanese and reading the origin light novels.

A name is just a tool used to get someone's attention. If a Japanese person called out to a guy named Michael and said "maikeru" no one would say he "said the name wrong": they'd understand it was a limitation of translation from a roman name to an east asian one.

The name was translated by all readers / viewers / forum posters as "Horo" for two years before the anime was translated and the author chose "Holo" only because he didn't want her name to be mistaken for "whore" in English.

Says a person who doesn't know cursive

I'll accept Hobo, as well. It actually suits her lifestyle.

>It was stale anyways

Looks like Korbo to me

>a name is a tool
You're just like a name then

No r in "korbo's" actual signature

See: The vertical drop is the R

I did see it, and I responded: At this point I think you're just arguing because you'd be too embarrassed to admit you were wrong. You made quite a show of yourself with the all-caps, calling me an autist, etc: all on the pretext that I didn't know cursive. At this point admitting defeat would be admitting you made yourself look silly.

It's alright. I understand. People do embarrassing things all the time.

Every fucking time with these guys not knowing it's horo

Holo is the bastardised version, get over it

"Korbo"s signature looks like chicken scratch, actually.

Why are you quoting me? I used to exclusively call her Horo based on the direct romanization of her kana spelling: ホロ. I was even originally greeted that way: It's only recently I've taken to calling her Korbo based on a scene from the show. Although admittedly it's a scene from season 2, which did not have the backing of the original light novel author. They hired a new writer and made up a story that they thought the fans would like since Kraft Lawrence as an utter jew in the original.

I even stated that Holo was incorrect: >The name was translated by all readers / viewers / forum posters as "Horo" for two years before the anime was translated and the author chose "Holo" only because he didn't want her name to be mistaken for "whore" in English.

I don't know who "these guys" are that you're referring to, but you seem to have quoted the wrong person with your rant. If you have some anger you need to get out, I would recommend exercising. Situps and pushups can get rid of that tension a lot more effectively than yelling at a monitor and hyperventilating.

True, but chicken scratch or not, that is what I shall call her from now on.

Kraft Lawrence was* an utter jew

Now with that typo corrected, I really do have to get start doing some meaningful work...

I have the anime and all translated light novels and manga... In my opinion, and don't hold this against me, but anyone who takes a signature as serious as to write it that way is completely ignorant to the fact that everyone calls her "Holo". I completely understand Horo, but Korbo... Seriously... Rant over...

Kys it holo or horo

Never Forget

Junkrat is really starting to piss me off

Its holo, or horo, but NOT korbo
That is just disrespectful and making fun of holo

Would you say the rats that him are garbage?

Canada sucks...

As I said, the video is cringeworthy, but the music is fantastic.
Stop playing. Start relaxing.
I think the people thag play him being trash is mandatrory.

Stay away from my hotel!

fuck off Krobo

>rats that him

I wanna get gud with robo-ninja


Good Morning Everyone!

It's a beautiful day!

What's good today?

Just started "is the order a rabbit" on stream


Rainbow Dash claimed

Choose a different site
It isn't supported on android


I already left work, you didn't hear me go past?

Rats that play him. I'm tired, bite me.

Really that sucks? I havent been able to find one with chat and avatars and a virtual brower that was better than this one.

i swear theres an app for it.

After further checking no its just for apple phones which is weird.

You seem unsure whether it sucks

Can you have 2 waifus if they are ok with it?

Ok Hobo

Junkrat has the lowest skill ceiling in the game
>look at objective
>spam gun

>I already left work, you didn't hear me go past?
To be honest I didn't hear
But just to be secure I'm making tsundere repellant