I'm looking at my brand new Skylake computer screen after having just upgraded to Windows 10 last night...

I'm looking at my brand new Skylake computer screen after having just upgraded to Windows 10 last night. I haven't done anything to it besides install my Asus drivers. It's currently a completely virgin Windows 10 installation.

How do I make Windows 10 as private as possible after upgrading?

Other urls found in this thread:


Delete system32.dll


Here's your reply.

You don't.

throw your computer into a furnace


you run linux newfag

You install Kali Linux or another Linux distribution targeting privacy.

bumping for knowledge


Security is priority get rid of that weight on your OS

You literally just disable anything you don't want I'm the control panel. Have you not installed an OS before? Day 1 should be spent tuning it while it's still clean.

You have to install Avira Antivirus. It's the same antivirus program my university requires students to have if we want to connect to their wifi.

Download Avira Antivirus and then click 'Install'

kali is not aimed at privacy you noob

>try tails

or if you want kali tool with privacy oriented soft , try parrot 3.0

I realize you can't make it totally private. I'm dual booting Windows 10 (gaming), Linux (everything else). I bought Skylake because my old gaming PC was 8 years old and dying and it was time for an upgrade. Might as well install windows 10 since I'm only using Windows for gaming and Windows 10 is direct X 12.

I just want to make Windows 10 more private than it is in it's default state.


Tweek and run

>I'm the control panel.
I would listen to this guy if he says he is the control panel

Put these big black milkers in your mouth.

Yes you can. You obviously did not read my instructions here , but rather clicked my post # to reply to it without reading it whatsoever instead.

run steam on linux

sauce tho on image?

Most of my Steam games don't run on Linux.
>inb4 WINE

I downloaded from Sup Forums. It's a shoop.

Wow. You just turned my typo into a joke. Honestly was confused at first

Wine sucks. Every time I ran a game through it, the game ended up fucked one way or another.