Whats his goddamn problem?

Whats his goddamn problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


Let me tell you something dangerous..

>watch that Sniper movie from the funny webm
>He does nothing the whole fucking movie, barely any screentime.

>Camo AR-15
>Longslide 45
>Groin Protector
>Part-time Cop

this guy is fuckin badass!

I don't know but my birthday is coming soon and I hope nothing goes wrong

Mine too. But i wish he could snatch it.

He hasn't snatched enough birthdays to fill his quota this month.

he's only interested in motherfucker birthdays

Ive had this hatred of people that wear sunglasses because of him. He wears them indoors for fuck sake, who does that.

>Current year
>Still sore about that 50 bucks


a lady saw him want the punani

So basically, he puts the album out under his name and takes the credit, but the music is sung mostly by someone else and the instrumentals is an auto play setting on a keyboard.



>“I came up in Detroit and there was a lot of blues. I didn’t learn blues from a fucking record; I learned it from the front porch. There were all these people from Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas and I learned from them.”

>“Little Milton hadn’t heard me play before. I was doing this Lightnin’ Hopkins thing. Milton looked at me and nodded, like he was trying to say, “This mutha ain’t white.”

The groan when the passes the step is what truly makes this scene

Is that the Infinity he was tellin me about

You don't understand, Sup Forums. Look at this handsome fuck, he coulda had class, he could been a contender. He coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what he is now.

here are those dubs i was tellin' you about

What did he mean by this?

You do know how to whistle don't you?


What movie is the beard from?

Looks like its a parody to me.

Even though I'm sure he would kill me easily, I'm not the slightest bit scared of Segal. He is easily the least intimidating actor to get roles of badass (excluding maybe Nic Cage). Just looking at him cracks me up. Like he's going to parody Metal Gear Solid at any moment or something.

This is one of the smallest *Buf* 45 ever made, one his personal backups, one of his backup, a backup.

isnt that amazing?


Its from a tv series called "True Justice" (directed by Keoni Waxman)