










Goddamn man she's hot as Fuck!!














Mmm dat thick thigh...would fuck her raw.


bumping for interest


posting a granny

any nudes of any of these?


Mom can i sleep on your boobies?


you spelled "suck" wrong









please tell me theres nudes










> be 47
> have decent profile on PoF
All single mom's will suck my dick for as little as a two course meal and a bit of politeness.

True story time -

> be chatting to obvious single parent. "My kids are my life" in profile. Standard shit.
> sends some sexy pics. No nudes but very close. Lots of lingerie pics taken from distance
Who the fuck took the pics?
> meet up. Get on well
> several drinks later. ..back to her place
> 17 year old son sat watching television
> she asks why he isn't with his friends
> son says friend has gone to a gig with other friends
> mom tells him to go out for the evening
> he says he's got nowhere to go
> she takes him on the kitchen. He comes out several minutes later and leaves.
> we go upstairs and I fuck her.
>Lots of anal. She rims me.
> I try to fist her. She's surprisingly tight
> I cum in her ass. She sucks me dry.

Sat around and she's stroking my dick. I ask who took sexy pics.


> I roll her over and fuck her ass again.

> text her following day asking for intimate pics
> she giggles and asks what I want
> I say I want pic of dildo in ass
> get pic that evening of dildo in ass
> she is on all fours smiling
Who the fuck took the pic??

Son is taking pics of mom for random guys off PoF!

Never went back but still fap over son being cuckolded

I have so many of these stories it's amazing.

Don't get married guys. Fuck dirty sluts on PoF and fuck up their kids. It's funny in an evil way.




Post said pics?


More of these stories user. That was amazing!

More plz sir





Well where are the fucking nudes at? Let's have em.











No way!

You fuckers get all sorts of data from a simple pic. I'm old. I don't know how you do it, but I know not to start threads or post pics.

Trust me. If your mom is single and in her forties she is wild in the sack.

I came out of a long term relationship and it shocked me! Women around my age are up for literally anything. I've even pissed on a woman in a travel lodge then she came to my house the following week with enough dildos to kill isis.

They are horny as fuck but don't want anyone to know.


posting my mom if i get dubs, which i never get!







Requesting enza denino










oh yes! moar pls

It's not amazing. It's very sad and very fucked up. You've got to be pretty hard emotionally to get a hard on knowing what's going on.

Anyway, going to shift to computer now and tell you some stories.

Every single one is true.

Some are very sad. Some are funny in an odd way.

My life is pretty shit. I'm alone and fuck women because it's better than being alone. My wife died. I thought I'd meet a nice woman and I'd take on her kids (I never had kids) and we'd live happily ever after.

I soon realised I was just a dildo with a heartbeat. So I get whatever is on offer and move on.

You ever wonder why your mom has a different guy every weekend? It's not the guy, it's your mom.

moar like this

what would you do to this milf?

