HI GUYS, need little help her!

HI GUYS, need little help her!
I'll try to make it short :

I'm 19 and depressed but tbh I'm a good son (no drugs, in college, responsible...)
My parents are divorced since 7 years ago.
Since this year I leave with my mom (in a small town) and see my dad (who lives in the countryside) some time to time. My little brother (11) is in joint custody.
My mother is pretty mean to me. I don't have to complain that much but whenever she's in a bad mood or anything she takes it on me. I never know when it's gonna hit (her favorite quote : If you don't like it, go live with your dad)

My dad wants us to take care of his house most of the time. Not so mean but doesn't understand children at all.

Both of them share their problems with me (asking help some times) like I don't have any.

I took it on me this year but there's a new situation.

My mom wants to change house in the big town, my brother won't be able to be in joint custody.

They went to court. My mother lied like a bitch. My father wants me to talk to the judge if he looses custody.

Seems the right thing to do but what will I become?

What to do? Where will I live?

(didn't say everything, too complicated, but please help me)

live with your dad, because it sounds like you resent your mother

My did leaves in the countryside, I like him but I HATE is house, I'm not really free there, far away from everything (firends, college (3h), will have to spend too much time to help him and I want to build a company with a friend...

my dad lives (ffs)

hmm, that is pretty crappy
how about convincing him to move closer to where your mom currently is, so the joint custody thing would be null, and you would be closer to everything else

Play this.

He hate the city...

I could leave with my grand mother (the mother of my mother) if she agreeds to. She's in bad health I could help her then.

Sorry for my bad english tonight, I'm pretty tired...

dude you should do the right thing and help your father because first this will be shit for your father and second of all even though it sucks to leave your friends behind you never know what the outcome may be and also your mother doesnt really give a shit about you or your family

there is no winning lol

just live with your mom and put up with her annoyances, then

resolving mental pain is way easier than something physical :)

gl, stranger

Yes but I want to build a company with one of these friends, it isn't just about friendship...

That's what I'm thinking right now but I think it's cowardness

Thank you guys for trying to help me!

is there any way you can take some job and get a small apartment to be away from both?
maybe even put some more work on your schedule and build the business parallel to your other job

it´s a tough situation man, i totally agree

It's another option I thought of, if I can't live with my grand mother I think I'll do that. I'll just have to carry my balls.

But what's going to happen with my parents, I don't know what to expect.

your mum lied, you tell the judge the truth
there´s no need for lying it can be all talked out they are grown up

only those who are crooked have to lie to hide the truth

i just can tell you how i see it. i never had a father because my mum divorced when i was little and forbid me my whole life to see him so i never got to bond with him.
he died 2 years ago, i´m 26 now but i´m sure i would have a better bond than with my mum so i´d choose the father option and maybe just talk with him about it - that you don´t like not being "free" at his house

Nikita Klæstrup for best girl.

Danish fag

You got a point. I'll probably tell the truth.

Not sure if I'll go live with my dad, but I'll try to find a good place.

My father lost me in the custody battle due to my mom lying her ass off. She was a total bitch so yeah go help your dad fight for custody. Courts are biased against men.

Yeah they didn't let my father tell everything he wanted...

Sup Forumsro i am sure it's complicated but regardless of anything MOVE OUT and get a small apartment. Work nights. I know it will seem like you are giving up on both parents but you will actually be setting an example for your little Sup Forumsro.

Full speed ahead. Don't let them see you blink. Good luck, Sup Forumsud.

1. Join the Navy. Do something cool like crypto or a challenge program.
2. Help your dad.
3. Say fuck to everyone and leave.
4. Get through basic and do cool shit.
5. Get bitches in your uniform and profit.

I have done this and it works. This is my patented five point, five star plan.

What do you think about going to my grand ma appartement?

It's pretty close to my college and I could help her (she's in bad health)

How do I take all my stuff? Do I tell my mom I'm leaving?

Thank again guys

The thing is tahat I'm not hopeless yet, I still got plan and I'd like to try that before doing something like that!

Sup Forumsro you can't move in with G-Ma because it will give leverage to that side of the family. I get the impression that you might be influenced by religion/culture but packing up your things and getting your own place SHOULD make any parent proud. If they WOULD be disappointed in you, then there's another motivator for moving out: they are holding you back. Be the inspiration your little Sup Forumsro will need to look up to. Won't be easy but you'll have a big dick at the end of it.

What kind of leverage?
Can u tell me exactly what impression you have please?

Even if I'have always been pretty unhappy, I've lived in very good conditions (nice home, nice room, expensive food). So If I live with my G-Ma I hope to keep that. But to be clear I leave near Paris (my college is in Paris), and it's fucking expensive to get an appartement (even a small one)

You're fucking 19 dude, not 7. Move out and live in your own you retard

This. I moved out at 17 cause my mom and i didnt see eye to eye with her. Now her and i get along way better now more than ever

Then deal with your problems on your iPhone. You don't deserve our help anymore.

You got it wrong man

When I say Nice home, it means clean and not in shiity nigger neighborhood
When I say nice room it means clean and alone
And for expensive food it's organic food because my parents want it that way

I don't change my phone every 2 years, mine got stolen I took an old phone of a friend of mine, I don't by clothes when I don't need it (I use them 'till I can't wear them), I got stuff from family ect..

I'm able to do that, but I want to build a company and keep studying, I don't think getting a full or semi time job is going to help me out (I already work some time to time). But if I have to, I will...