I'm 20 years old. father and grandfather both bald

i'm 20 years old. father and grandfather both bald

i cant lose my hair it would ruin my life

Growing it out might conceal it for a while

Mom has been sleeping around.

do you guys really think i will go bald or is it just a mature hairline?

i heard hairline changes at this age

grandfather on mother or father's side?

balding gene that is primarily responsible is passed from mother. Obviously some factors from father can attribute to it as well, but not as likely.

another pic

Is op albin from pressbyrån?

my grandfather from father's side. mom's side idk.

please tell me, will i keep my hair or jsut a maturization of hairline? be sincere

Go to the hair doctor.

ordinary caucasian. i'm not that white, maybe it was the sunlight.

my hair is dry btw

that's way too embarrassing. i'd rather keep a natural hair in a perfect hairline

i'd rather die than losing my hair

i'm not going to the doc :/

I can see your brain thru your thinning hair

you see there is plenty of miniaturization in the temples especially

but afte this hair is gone the rest will stay?

another pic

please someone tell me 4 sure

you won't really know unless you get genetic testing to determine chance. you can only guess from looking at both sides of family.

my dad has a receding hairline, while my brother went full on such thin hair that he just shaves it.

me, my hair has been the same since I was little.

weight can effect it too, the fatter you are the more estrogen is in your body, testosterone promote hair growth.

what a shitty forum this is

that's troublesome, cause i'm kind of overweight at the moment.

but i thought testosterone grew body hair

do you think after those tiny hair vanish the hairline will remain the same for all my life?

this is way to saddening

did someone here had similar hair?

that's what I said. testosterone promotes hair growth. fat people have more estrogen, thus can have thinner hair.

you can reverse hair loss sometimes. clogged hair follicles, etc. start using Rogaine or goto the doctor and get that other shit, can't remember the name of it but you need a prescription.

balding usually starts in that way. But trust me, you are lucky. I started balding at ~30 at the back of the head.
I spent a lot of money in minoxidil but that didn't really fixed anything. It has just slowed down the process.
My suggestion is to just start having short hair or shave to get used to it.

I was 19 when started losing hair.
All males in my family are bold, so nothing would have heleped. So I took trimmer and trimmed my head to minimum. It wasn't easy but I deald with it.
Right now I'm 32, being bald is my thing. I know few persons who got hair trimmed after meeting me. Even my ex's son. Bald = more masculine, badass


All meat diet. Study done back in the 20's on two arctic explorers that spent decades up in the arctic living with the natives who ate all meat diet. Study results, no ill effects. Perfectly healthy 1 year in and a side note that their hair was thicker. Protein and fat are no issue, carbs are killers.

>be me 19
>have the same hairline
>hairs falling out of my head when I run my fingers through my hair

well, atleast I can grow a beard so its not that bad

Some good options for you:
- Don't care
- Get a wig.
- Shave bald.
- Look at the silver lining and know you have
high testosterone.

Some bad options for you:
- Keep babycrying

i wanted to believe it was just the hairline getting mature

but now i get the feeling i'm doomed

thanks for the honesty folks, but still, i'm pretty much fucked up and suicidal

how old are you now?

how does your hairline looks right now?

i barely have beard btw

Testosteron improves body hair, not the hair on your head, look it up.

Anyway don't worry about this shit, people aren't put off as much about balding than insecurity.

If you're going to cry about going bald then you deserve it. The only thing baldness has done to me is remove shampoo from my shower routine. Keep yourself well and no one gives a fuck if you're bald. Been bald for 16 years. Time to nut up and accept it might happen. It isn't the end of your life faggot.

>tfw mother had hair so thin you could easily see her scalp from talking distance.
>tfw father had normal hair.
>tfw hair line started receding at 18.
>tfw now can't even grow it out because it falls off faster than it can grow and looks like shit anyway.
A few days away from nuking the whole thing.

Dont worry i have 22 you are cool

im 19, balding started happening about 1 month ago

>first of my friends to go bald


i don't think i can afford this diet, and not even sure it would work

but i am willing to go as far as a castration procedure in oder to keep my hair

though i think that would be way too impossible and embarrassing i'd rather commit suicide

>bald for 16 years
>4chinning 40 year old

No one cares cause no one likes you, you elderly autist.

Jaja tu fica careca

OP of course you're going bald, but you knew that already. Stop being in denial, there's no such thing as a "mature" hairline - your shit is just thinning out and receding. My hair is doing the same. Only a matter of time till we're bald fam

Someone is insecure.

Ketogenic diets lead to higher testosterone levels in men.

You do have the hairline of a 35 hear old. But that doesn't mean you'll go completely bald. No way to predict these things really.

my forehead is not that high guys

it's just that i took the picture from above

aw fuck

Hair falls out of everyones head wheb they run their fingers through it. The average person loses 100 strands a day.

nope, bored. carry on with your bald-headed ways.

you fkn pussies, honestly. If you have the least bits of a manly face/jaw/overall appearance, you are better off with a (really) short hair cut. Little bit of a receding hairline in some cases happens to be beneficial for a more mature and manly appearance.
Only shame is that it happens early for you at 20. By the time you reach 25 no fucks will be given as quite some men start receding/balding heavily towards their 30s.

tl;dr: receding hairline is only a problem if you are piss ugly to begin with.

you see the hairline is not quite receeded

maybe just the temples hair that will disappear

eventually the rest might be kept

you guys cant understand my pain

i am 22 and also starting to bald, my grandfather was bald at 24 but my dad wasn't.

it's really gonna suck for me though because i have a weird shaped head, i've got dents on the top/back of my head and i bet it would look weird if shaven.

oh well

19, hairline has been rapidly receding in the corners and thinning in the center for half a year.

I've made a few older friends in college who have pretty bad hairlines, but they're confident guys with attractive and sweet girlfriends.
Ever since I left highschool and met people like them, I've become less anxious about eventually having to shave my head.
I think I look much better with a full head of hair, always been known for my curls, but if it happens, it happens.

Don't worry about it, man. Women are more turned off by insecurity than a bald head.
Just own it.

everything under ~12mm of length works as a balding haircut. Can keep a short buzz if you feel like it.

everyone knows a guys with a cool long hair look way more badass than a bald head

is that too hard to accept? no, losing my hair is

and death awaits me if it doesn't stop right now

no hair no life, sorry guys :/

Finasteride my friend

Embrace it faggot. At least you're not a nigger.


i'd rather be black and keep all my hair


if a caucasian is to lose his hair he is just as trashy as all the rest

that's why i think native americans are the best, it's said they keep their hair forever

being black and hairy and way better than white and bald

but i wont go bald i hope, it's just the ligtning myabe making the hairline look weird :(

>everyone knows a guys with a cool long hair look way more badass than a bald head
This is what a teenager would say.
Plenty of men look better with no hair - it defines the facial features that you may not notice with longer hair.

what you guys think?


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|______________|||__|__|__|] beep beep!


I started to lose my hair when I was 19 (20 now).
Went to the doctor. He gave me Minoxidil cream I use twice a day on the affected area and finasterid pills I take one a day.

Been about 4 months now. I dont really think my hair is growing back but I can easily see that it has stopped the hair loss. its 10/10

The sooner you get it the better, trust me

feels good to know im safe from this