

made for sucking white cock

that and spitting watermelon seeds

good for beej

Perfect for kissing









those lips are thin
OP pic's lips are fat
it's exactly the opposite

>ooga booga where da wefare check at


Well, currently I'm a bit hungry. I only had a light breakfast, banana and cup of water.

I kinda want Charleys, I fucking love their Philly cheese steak subs..
Maybe I should just make a fresh sandwich.

Also more of OP? I fucking love DSL.

They don;t even have the same type of lips, those apes have straight flat lines.
But I get it, "haha look at my racism I'm a cool guy online".

Typical nigger lips, I'd say

Because, you moron, only your monkey is pouting. Twat.

Found the first spook in the thread

Why don't you hang yourself you God damn koon

looks like an sexy alien


I'm trying to decipher what exactly you're saying to me.
>Only your monkey is pouting
The fucks that even mean?
Oh, British? I don't get the slang if that's what it is.

I dislike this meme to be honest.

>that kid's face
>god I hate being a nigger