Let's think this through, goten. that way feels scary... so it's probably more fun!

>let's think this through, goten. that way feels scary... so it's probably more fun!

Who /majinbuu/ here?

>dat world tourney
>dat Gohan bad assery
>dat Majin Vegeta bad assery x10
>dat SSJ2 Goku vs. Majin Vegeta
>dat Gotenks/Super Buu arc
>dat Mystic Gohan
>dat Vegito
>dat SSJ Spirit Bomb
Buu saga confirmed GOAT


Only saga I'll actively go back to rewatch, that and cell games


Cell Saga is best saga because it starts genuinely creepy. But best final fight is and always will be Freeza.


But the namek saga is the epitome of what made the show good. After that they just rehashed the same concept over and over.


They might have done something new with it, but every saga systematically did it better. I hate the argument that first is best, because with this it isn't. There is more action, drama and character development in the Buu saga by far if you look at it objectively.

>discussing gooktoons on the western portion of our Cantonese knitting forum

Everyone old enough to be here watched DBZ on television growing up.


shut up
epic facebook picture :) us 90s bros, amirite?

The only problem with the Buu saga is the 30 something transformations he goes through, as though dragging it out with more pointless transformations makes it better.

Fat Buu and Satan was great, though.


>have the entire arc build up to Gohan going mystic and saving everyone



yeah it was epic as fuck for the whole 5 seconds that he spends in it before it's gone for fucking ever

it's a shit transformation that eats up all your ki

Freeza fight had the most build up EVER and felt the most insurmountable powerful villain compared to main cast at the start of saga.

The whole battle shonen genre has been rehashing the namek saga for decades. Toriyama created the defining shounen arc in that saga.

>the most build up EVER and felt the most insurmountable powerful villain

This is undeniable, but still doesn't make it the best saga.

Still, Krillin and Gohan hiding behind the rocks and trembling in fear while this little lizard guy flew by in a mobility scooter was never really repeated to the same effect.

I like Majin Buu because after he's hatched nobody takes him seriously, and then the next episode starts and it's called something like, "The Losses Begin".

dragonball>dragonball z

i just watched the muscle tower story arc and it was mostly filler and boring


That's why I like the Buu saga and especially Battle of the Gods (or whatever it's called). They both get back to some of the humor and charm that made the original Dragon Ball so good.

Gohans girl Videl getting her ass handed to her made my penis sad

Gohan feeding Videl a sensu bean after that has to be the most sexual moment in the entire series.

>"i trust you, gohan"
>opens mouth to accept what he has to give her

what was Gero's endgame with Cell? How did he hope to control him after he turned perfect?

Like how originally, going super saiyan was considered a ultra rare anomaly and hadn't occurred for a thousand years before Goku. By the end of the show it wasn't even considered special/powerful anymore. Ruined it.

He played tapes of himself talking to Cell while he was growing in the tank, making Cell think of him as his father.

Most likely would have ended up the same way it always did, with Cell killing Gero.

Buu arch is the worst in DBZ

Toriyama is shit. This is why Western comics and cartoons are better. They can get different writers.

>Z Sword only weapon to kill Buu
>But we got this old dude to unlock Gohan's amazing hidden power built up since fucking Raditz
>Lol kidding he gets absorbed anyway and Goku beats him with a meme spirit bomb

The dumbest part is that Gohan had his hidden power released multiple times already, and always seems to just have a little bit more deep down, whereas everyone else needs to train and get stronger by getting beaten up.

> It's Gotrunks episode
Literally the greatest moments in DBZ, especially when they ware fucking around with Brolly

Literally lampshaded by Vegeta when he finds out Trunks and Goten can go super saiyan at age 5. He complains that the legendary super saiyan transformation that he and Goku worked so hard at is now just a play thing for children.

It was kind of like inventing fire, once you know how to do it is child splay

My favorite was when they did the little rascal thing and fought in the tournament stacked on top of each other under a mask.

>when they get discovered and trunks yells "your tournament was stupid anyway" as they fly off

I feel this way about the cell saga. The entire arc exists simply to exist; everything feels contrived and characters constantly make stupid decisions. Even Cell feels like a repeat of Frieza, but with less of a personal angle and not as much motivation.

There's a lot that makes the Namek saga work that the latter sagas don't capture. The different storylines intertwining. The build-up of the villain.

I like the Buu saga specifically because it subverts a lot of what you expect from past arcs. Its basically an arc where everything that worked before, doesn't, and what never really worked(spirit bomb) end sup saving the day. The villain has no pretense of having a motivation, basically being the ultimate villain by existing only to fight.

Vegeta still gets the shortest end of the stick

>be me
>be Vegeta
>be elite warrior
>creme de la creme of my race
>one of my footsoldiers fucks up on Earth
>time to go there myself
>my bodyguard gets destroyed by emotion meme magic
>I get destroyed by friendship meme magic
>what the fuck

To be fair, Gohan getting a power-up because some old guy danced in front of him for a day in exchange for a promise of getting to grope Bulma's tits was pretty stupid.

At least the spirit bomb got to do the job for once instead of failing miserably like it did against Vegeta and Frieza.

Real talk.

I liked that fights in Dragonball don't come down to who shoots the stronger blue beam out of their hands. Or who spends the longest time yelling to get to their next arbitrary plateau of power that makes everything they did before that exact moment useless. There was an element of cleverness in the DB fights. Of turning the opponent's strength into their fatal weakness. Something you find none of in DBZ where it's all about character's hulking out so they can shoot better energy beams

Vegeta was, and always has been, fucking stupid about training. Does he even know martial arts? He just spams ki blasts and punches. Even though Goku long surpassed guys like roshi or Kami or King Kai in strength, he still applies what he learned from them, and that's why he's able to make such substantial leaps. Vegeta, on the other hand, just self-flagellates himself to get stronger. Maybe now that he actually has a teacher in Whis he'll stay on equal footing.

i can't even begin to parse the gibberish you've typed here

At least he married a cute billionaire that isn't scared of talking shit to the most poweful being in the universe.

Has Goten or Trunks got Gohan tier potential?

They end up becoming Chads.

What's the best way to get a hold of anime like this? Where do I start?


Incredible thank you.

The first third of the Buu Saga is good.
After is shit.

Buu Saga is worst Saga.
Cell > Namek/Saiyan >>> Buu

>a literal genetic failure with a power level of 2 at birth surpassing anyone
>with martial arts
>in an anime where the most flashy energy beam counts


>can't even write properly
>calls someone's post gibberish

And yet, he does, so...

I dunno, I didn't like how colour by numbers it was

>Characters are outmatched
>Character 1 gets power upgrade
>Beats down Buu
>[PLOT] happens and Buu gains the upper hand
>Character 2 gets power upgrade
>Beats down Buu
>[PLOT] happens and Buu gains the upper hand

This happens like 5 times.

As a child i was a goku fanatic. Then DBZ got canned from toonami and i completely forgot about it. I returned about 10 years later and i only now like vegeta as a character. Strange what the world can do to you.

>Childhood is idolizing Goku. Adulthood is realizing Vegeta makes more sense.


Her boobs are waaay bigger now comparing DBZ and DBS.

>Who /majinbuu/ here?

>early 2000s
>right after school turn on toonami to tune in to see DBZ


Truly the golden age of tv.

Old Kai carries the buu saga

Forgot my pic.

It's mostly because of time-limits.

>SSJ3 only lasts for a few minutes
>Gotenks only has a few minutes in the Room of Time and Plot

>dragonball>dragonball z

goku vs piccolo was brutal fucking shit

Dragonball - R
DBZ - PG-13

Piccolo got his stretchy powers back in the new series at least.
