Alright, I am making a text adventure game

Alright, I am making a text adventure game.

Dubs decides how it begins.

No J. R. R. Tolkening.

P.S. This thread will be saved.


You wake up on an unfamiliar bed, your left hand is covered in dry blood.

You wake up one morning and are dead. Game over.

dubs decides what its called

What language? What engine?


Nice. Where'd you get the knowledge? Sorry for so many questions, I'm just curious.
Also, if dubs, name it Infiltrating Anonymous

Tutorials and shit.

Where will you release game when finished?

Nice. Also, why aren't there more people in this thread?
And if dubs name it "i'm bad at naming games"

You wake up in a bathtub full of ice. You are covered in your own blood.

I have no idea.

This game will be PG-13. The word "blood" will be replaced with "soy milk".

It starts with Sonic about to rape you.

this is the correct answer

pls don't let thread 404
also name game the most offensive thing you can think of


Name game: 0-1dubs: "Hitler did nothing wrong". 2-3: "Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life". 4-5: "OP is a faggot". 6-9: "Rape game: The game"

Quads indicate it is "Rape game: The game"

"Rape game: The Game" it fucking is, OP

OP you there?

is Op rip?

Let us forever rejoice in this most glorious of moments.