Ask a time traveler from the year 2029 anything

Ask a time traveler from the year 2029 anything

How was that movie about Cyborg in 2020?

Where did you put your meds?

I didnt see it, not into superhero movies. I've heard it's bad, that's the general opinion on it.

Up your mothers asshole, fish them out for me?

How does the Trump regime turn out?

You are still a fggt?

Trump loses in 2016, there is a lot of confusion and sort of like Al Gore he demands recounts in some of the swing states but Hillary is president.She's impeached 3 years into office however. By 2020 Trump runs again and wins due to growing conservative ideals, he serves two terms.


Ofc you are, fggt

Sup Forums goes down on april 15th 2019, not going to lie... I missed this the most about it.

When and how is time travel invented faggot?

Is anime real? And if so. Did Kiritsugu do anything wrong?

How did the 2ND American civil war finally end up?

At least i wont talk to fggts like you nevermore

Will there be water wars

So how is HL3?

How long till society realises that the black community is a problem on a global scale and decides to kill them all?

Lol impeachment doesn't do shit. Indictment is what gets them out of office.

When were you born OP?

Did a WW3 happen or were there any warnings about a war?

How will Game of Thrones end?

I dont know how, like if someone asked you how a motherboard works... I dont know, you might know that one. It's just a thing we have. They came out in 2022 I think but it wasnt until recently they became affordable.

Yes. Yes.

Nothing like that happened.

Fair enough.

I dont know I dont watch that shit.

Is Sup Forums still relevant?
Do the trap threads take over?

What happens in the future if I get you pregnant here in the past?

Sup Forums still exists in 2029. Trap threads still exist and they've gotten... better? If you're into traps anyways. The whole SJW thing eventually will die down in the early 20's but there are a ton of advancements in "plastic surgery" if you want to call it that.

How did the Mars mission go? Did anything come out of it?
Any absolutely major revelations about space?

Also, can I please come back with you, OP?
I'm really not having a good time in this age. I can provide good music and vibes if you let me come back with you.

So some time after 2022 people will be able to buy there own time machines? What form do they take? Like a watch?

So what about magic? Does it exist?! And if it does. Can you summon a succubus?

How will Nintendo's NX hold up?

So if a woman came to the past, got pregnant, then went to the future?

Are you retarded?

We found fossils of biological life on mars but nothing amazing mostly bacteria and some minor plant life. Europa however is more promising and we're currently working on finding a way to make it there.

The first ones are like the size of a fridge, have to stand inside of it. Now they're like pads you place on the ground. Apple develops their own brand of them, believe it or not. and no.

what kinda porn u got in the future

Are there any major shifts in power, country wise? Do any countries wage war on one another?

Do you think anyone here actually enjoys these dumb threads?
Are you fooling yourself into thinking anyone cares?

So like hardware only really needs to be SO good. Eventually nintendo catches up with sony and MS hardware wise, at that point it's all about the games. They start to get more third party support from game developers and they continue making their own games. Mario and Zelda take a backseat for a little while, and they work on some of their other franches

Wouldn't have expected more than that from Mars. Europa sounds exciting though.
Thanks for answering, but I wont rest easy unless you take me back to the future with you. There's nothing here for me. You gotta take me, man.

So many things I want to see that I wont in this life.

Have we discovered alien life (whether intelligent or not) by 2029?

I don't need to be wizard op to tell you're a sad person

how long does pokemon go stay popular


OP, do you regret anything?

Is Oda dead? Has he finished OP? What about fucking togashi with Hunter Hunter?

How did you kbow about Sup Forums?
What about GB and brexit?
Any war in Europe for the next 5 years?

holy hell it's been awhile...

it teeters off like all popular things. It gets a lot better though, people still play it but it's like the difference between pokemon of the 90's and 2000's. People do it but dont talk about it as much basically.

Several, some countries in your time are gone in mine and some in mine dont exist yet in yours.

I mean they exist but...

We're also beginning to colonize mars. Apparently we're not allowed to lay claim to celestial bodies so theres a whole debate going on right now.

How is VR porn in your times?

Did virtual reality evolved into something better?

In case your world is looking for Shiro, he's in iceland. Stop him while you still can.

Fuckoff Titor.

Has gamecatts lesbian vid leaked? Did she ever come back to myfreecams?

Has France been erased yet?

Will there be a new music genre? If yes, how will it sound like?

lottery numbers or stfu

Op got caught by the time dilation police, we all should forget this thread if we do not want to get involved.

my birthday :^(

Who releases the Radical-6 virus upon the world?

Are you me? I will fuck Remy Lacroix?


Do i get to kill myself

Best stocks to invest in?