Avengers without THOR

>avengers without THOR
>avengers without the BEST character


>Best Avenger

Is that a real promo shot?

Are there really people who like Thor? I've never read his comics so I don't if he's better there but movie Thor is a boring autist with the worst solo movies.

Agreed. He's best Chris.

Only character in the mcu I like more than Thor is pre disney ironman

Not many. Some women may like him for obvious reasons, but not as much as they like Cap or Downey Jr. I think.

No, it's some shitty poster made with photoshop for Empire.
They are all stock poses from other posters.

It would be a pretty boring movie considering he could solo both teams without breaking a sweat.

Vision could put up a fight.

Thor is my favorite character in the comicshow and the movies even though his solo movies aren't the best.

Thor 1 is highly underrated though.


fucking spell check


>best character

I would like a fan of the MCU to explain to me what they hate about Thor 1.

I was meh about him, until i watched civil war and realised who much i missed him

The green one that gets no movies is the actual best. A shame.

Where's the hulk?

Even flying black sidekick and wanda are more interesting than thor

green lantern?

green goblin you dip

its green arrow you dummies

I like Thor but he's dealing with real cosmic shit not a government squabble.

>no Thor
>fucking Falcon & WE WUZ KINGZ