Time for a Twitch visit

Time for a Twitch visit


I've also made a private chat room if anyone's interested ==> chatstep.com/#Sup Forums_


Is she mentaly ill? I feel kinda sorry for her

she is streaming with her shoe on head hahaha

i kinda feel bad cuz she has a disability

She is literally retarded

i dont get how someone retard liek this manage to make a streaming on twitch
either she is a good troll or it's one of a parents who troll or use her to make JEW GOLD



U fag

dont worry u can find the uncurse kitten in some other thread

fucking kek, the channel has been closed

wonder why

must be the summerfags

New target?

> The community has closed this channel due to terms of service violations
and chatstep is fucked too

niltalk.com/r/VGAea join here and we'll figure out pass is 44444

/ccstreamer9 fucking kid

Created a new room with the same name

yeah i shut down the chatstep thing, we are here now niltalk.com/r/VGAea we're +5 people

Kek, ready for this

Join here, goys





get in fags

also get in this chat niltalk.com/r/VGAea (pass is 44444)


Room not found



System 32?

I dont think chutief0x is a good target

new chat ===> stinto.net/u5mku GET IN FAGGOTS

she isnt, that's why we need to gather up in a chat, to find a better one on the way

Agree /lets try /mach1alex19 he is perfect


is a rip need a new one