21 year old GED nigger

>21 year old GED nigger
>NEET, living with mommy
>can't drive. totally dependent.
>as soon as she comes home from work, she sits in bed and watches TV in her bedroom
>does not get out of bed until the next day unless to go to the bathroom
>finds insignificant, nitpicky things to complain about
>this goes on until she finally falls asleep
>I used to fight it but now I just apologize and take it
>she calls me into her room multiple times a day to bring her food, water, take her dishes, clean up her bedroom, clean up her bathroom, adjust the TV for her, fluff her pillows, do her laundry, run errands (again, can't drive. I have to walk), feed her guinea pigs, etc
>still complains about how I never do anything right and how I don't have a job
>makes me stand at the edge of the bed while she berates me and eats whatever I brought her
>if I try to start a conversation with her, she tells me to shut the fuck up and stop bothering her
>she doesn't like to yell across the apartment anymore, so she now uses a bell for me to respond to whenever she "needs" something
>a fucking bell
>I literally never get a chance to sit down for more than 30 minutes at a time

>she rang me into her room twice as I wrote this
>once to make her a sandwich, watch her eat it, listen to her complaints about how shitty the sandwich was, and take her plate (which she tossed at me rather than handing it to me) to the kitchen when she's done
>and again to flip through the channels for her
>she's perfectly able-bodied
>my room is literally just a bed with no sheets, a desk with a laptop on it, and a lamp
>I'm not allowed to have friends
>it's been this way for 18 years

I can't live like this. I'm starting to get panic attacks when I hear bells or chimes. My only moments of peace happen when she's sleeping, and even then, she wakes up at around midnight every night for a snack. It gets worse every year and I can't move out. What the fuck do I do?

Get a job and escape

I tried that. Didn't go very well. She basically sabotaged it until I got fired. Didn't earn nearly enough money to escape.

Fucking move out man.

Go find a hostel and start working there. You can usually stay there and buy time to make some cash.

Give her an ultimatum to change her shit-ass ways, or you're gone. Pack up your shit in a bag and be prepared to walk out to show her you ain't fucking kidding.

She wants you around and needs your company, obviously. So In my opinion just leave. Even for a week and she'll change her ways.

Get the fuck out of there, find a fuked up job and work your way up until you have enough steady income to rent some place for yourself and leave your mother in her shit.

And in response to this, don't tell her where you're going.

Or put her to sleep, for good.

Well you got your GED so there's one step in the right direction. You can do it, faggot!

>gets to be a house nigger

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>convince her to get life insurance
>find a way to kill her with poison or something lie that

>feeds her Guinea pigs
Your mom eats those? What a monster


I have a picture of the bell if you want it. I don't know if that would prove anything but I have it

actually your mum sounds like a bitch forget the life insurance and just kill her

or join the military. get money and leave

yes and time stamp .

STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. you are a grown ass man and your feelings counts just as much as anyone else's. It's Allright to get angry when someone treats you like shit.

Fucking laughed audibly. Fuck

Dude poison her. Like inform urself how to do it in a subtle way. If it's right what u said there are not so many persons that would ask questions. So quit being a puss and do it. U'll have a flat and some money so y not

Had a kid in my Spanish class bring in cooked guinea pig for a project. Didn't tell anyone what it was until the teacher asked him to explain if he really brought "cui". Was actually pretty delicious. I was the only one besides the teacher know recognized what 'cui' was.

Post bell pls

>implying the military could use me for anything
come on, now.

here. not the best picture but whatever.

You have no fucking clue what the punishments are like. It's better not to fight, seriously.


>>implying the military could use me for anything

They will mold you into what they need. It's really hard to fuck up enough that you get kicked out of basic. Give it a go user.

Hell, with your mummy training you could be some officer's bitchboy

poison her user . or if you don't have the balls stand up for yourself . get a job rent some place pay the rent and bills try and survive

Seriously, why the fuck have not asserted irreversible dominance?

Leave. There isn't shit she can do about it. Find a friend from school you used to know that would let you stay with them until you can get a car and a job. Easy if you can get to that point

>soon as she comes home from work
when she goes for work you go try and find a part time job. Once you have enough money just move the fuck out.

>this thread
I'm bummed out but holy shit this is hilarious

Do you have a cellphone OP? If so, post an ad on craigslist offering yardwork or general labor in exchange for driving lessons or money. What state are you in? If you're on the west coast there are Amtrak loopholes that can get you across your state for around $40. Get a driver's licence for the ID, if nothing else. Work gigs until you can afford a car to escape in and temporarily live in until you find a job someplace and earn enough to put start renting a place. Look into food stamps and a PO box. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR QUEST

eh fuck you buddy. I thought your greentext was going to end with incest porn. Thanks for ruining my boner,

Rape her. She won't dare call the cops from the sound of it and you might just open a new door for the relationship


fucking faggot you use add blocker , you fucking jew turn that shit off now

Do you have any relatives i'm sure they would understand your situation.

OP join the military that's what i did to get away from my mother. My situation was not as bad as yours but, it worked

You're right I'm sorry. This website is probably struggling because of things like that. I'll turn it off. I don't know what I was thinking

ok Sup Forumsro
from tomorrow and every day for the next 10 days get out 10 minutes before she come home and look for a job.
Just leave a paper on the fucking bell.
Maybe she will understand but for shure until you are not home she can't break your balls...

just kill her

i hope your mum puts you back into place you faggot

No. She's the only other person in my family.
A lot of people are suggesting I join the military but I don't think you understand she keeps tabs on EVERYTHING I do it's a miracle she's not beating me with the orange sack because of this thread

kill her then yourself.

I don't know what you want from me

turn off the add block plz

seriously though, what can she conceivably do to you other than physical violence? and if thats the case, then press charges.

Looks like someone ain't getting enough munie off adverts on his le unpopular website
> tfw you own lots of tf2 servers and people can't do any shit about your adverts
> tf2 masterrace

I did sorry
She locks me in my room sometimes and turns on the AC until it's really cold and I can't feel my fingers and it usually lasts for about a day

I actually blocked ads on any game motd.

its ok user . we all make mistakes.

how much money do them server get you cause i am guessing it is not a lot

You remind me of Edmund Kemper and that's my idea for you go on a killing spree or become a serial killer if you can't afford a gun then just use a knife you'll be famous and finally have power over something + you will be an insparation for people in similar situations

No matter how hard it is OP, get out.

Even if you're homeless for a while, find a hostel or a mental health centre, a clinic, anything. Steal money from her when shes sleeping, just do whatever it takes.

Even thought its scary as hell. I know the feeling, everythings screaming at you to stop, dont go through with it, that complacency is better than uncertainty, but its not.

You have a chance. But only YOU can make it happen.

If you fail, at least you had the strength to try. And thats something.

Sometimes i've managed to earn up to 34$ in single day other days 10$ and such

I tried to run away before when I was 16 but she found me and the weeks after that weren't fun

Good Lord, you sound like Dante from Clerks. Fucking take responsibility for your own life already and just straight up tell your mom to kiss your ass. You are going to get a job, and if she tries to fuck you over over, tell her that she will have to learn to make her own shitty ass fucking sandwiches if she ever kicks you out of her house.

Seriously though, the military will take ANY ONE, Christ, look at that Bowe Bergdahl retard. Good lord, I really hope this is a bait/RP thread and you aren't really this winey and pathetic, OP.

how can she lock you in your room? is she physically stronger than you? also, this counts as abuse, press charges.

user she knows your a pussy you honestly need to get a job and gtfo . or rebel show to her you don't want to be treated like this .

but user i recommend you leave the house . maybe you have a friend that is willing to let you stay round their house for a week .

say to your mum you are leaving and not coming back .

in a weeks time come back,

trust me she would change her attitude

>i have a bitchy wife and i did this

solid m8 is that your only source of income . or do you have another job

y-y-you let your w-w-wife boss you around?

what are you, gay?

Get out of the house,get a job,get yourself an apartment,get a fucking driving licence ffs,if your mom starts complaining just say "Im making money for US" and just start distancing yourself a bit.People just need a "fuck you" to the face to show them how much they need you user.And be more confident with what you do,don't be a cuck.

She'll encourage me to go in with a knife or a baseball bat or something

yeah but i stopped it

Then do it again.

But want Sup Forums's advice? If you can't stand up for yourself to some degree, then you dont deserve the help. You don't deserve the advice, you allow the fear to control you, and then you stick to your life.

Unless you're willing to change, unless you say yes to something in this thread and do something about it, then everything that happens from this point on will be your fault and nobody elses. Don't be a bitch and stop making excuses. Stop being afraid of pain and punishment.



so press charges, FFS.

Solid Advice. Listen OP

Here is a hypothetical: you walk into her room, punch her straight in the face and tell her if you hear a peep out of her again you will kill her. The fuck she gone do?

Srsly though, speak to a doctor and get a mental health expert to check her over, sounds severely depressed. May not be able to fix her but will get you time to get you shit sorted and move out


kill her or fucking do something with your life

I'm only 18 years old, no job, no driver license, living in mom's basement ya

How fat is your mom OP? Sounds like she would be huge by now.

The way u write I now call bullshit

is your mum proud you getting dat dough or does she not even know

Sue her. Trust me.

Get a bike
Get a night job (gas station eg.)
secretly get some cash
tell your mom outright that this shit needs to stop and stop replying to her demands

Call the police about it at this point. Fuck that whore, it's not normal for that lazy stupid cunt to treat you like that. I'm sure she'll get charged or arrested for child abuse and you will get some place to live, maybe you will get funds by the government.

Shes done you so much harm, faggot

OP seems autistic i don't think he is ready to join the military or get a full time job .
just tell your mum you are "leaving" go to a friends house . stay thier for a couple of days

come back home .

your mum will see how much she appreciates you

Worst case join the military. They have no reason not to take you unless you have medical problems.

Fuck your ads you money grubbing kike.

easiest option is to push charges against her . if she gets sued you get money .

>implying OP will be able to get a lawyer

>cucked by his mom


you better start pumping iron in your room and join the army.
get a bike to have some mobility. plenty of states offer
drivers ed courses online you only need a car for the test
you could find that car by asking for help on craigslist
steal some money out of your moms purse, three bucks a night or something

She does not even know ya

Hm just kill her

awwwww he apologised to some random faggot on the internet

I doubt its child abuse if op is 21

Here's a thought OP

Did you ever consider the following?

You're literally sitting here complaining like a little bitch instead of correcting the situation. Man up and move the fuck out. That or just stop listening to her. Is she going to beat you? Or will she kick you out? Fuck it!! It's better than your shitty life now. If you're too scared to stand up then you probably deserve it.

no, it's assault.

ok listen op i have to leave this thread now this is what i am going to recommend.

>you let her treat you like this like a faggot

>push charges

or do this im to lazy to write it

Where you live OP? What she look like?

file a report or smth
i dont know man

Well he would still need to actually get hurt and not "AC tortured" or threatened with harm

Move out and leave her to die in her own filth.

Go join the airforce you pussy faggot. They love no balls like you you'll be fine. For real though go join the military it's your only hope of escape and it comes with some pretty sick benefits.

i get how you feel. your one true escape is honestly to get any job possible, like even if it sucks.

also, maybe being homeless in a safe part of town could be better.

Assuming you're an American, use you're time to search for state funded programs that will set you up w a job and living situation.
You're a healthy adult, use the system.
It won't be pretty, and a lot of these living situations are temporary, but it will give you some breathing room to get situated.
Once you get to that point, move on.
Seriously, user; cut the strings and dive in to life. I can't say it will be easy, and a lot is a hustle, but it's better than what you have going on.
Also, the search for these programs is actually pretty hard - but worth it.

Go hitchhiking across America. Throw you're shit in a backpack. Say "fuck you mom" and hit up music festivals and hippie meet ups all summer. Buy a cheap ass tent and sleep alongside the road somewhere. If you can, get an ebt card before you split so you have food.
That's what I did when I was around 16, spent two years bumming around, partying and having fun. Then turned 18, got a girl pregnant and started working. Im 22 now and at my current job I pulled 92k last year

Do you have any contact with your dad, OP?
If so, contact him, tell him everything. And move out.

And before you move out. Fuck her shit up. Make her lose her job, ruin her shit. Kill her guineapigs. Literally fuck her shit UP. Make her pay for your suffering.