You all got played like a fucking fiddle

You all got played like a fucking fiddle.

This shitty movie is #2 now, when it should have bombed hard. You could have all just let it bomb naturally, but just HAD to go overboard with all the blatant hate before the movie was even seen by the public.

The people behind the movie was hoping for that to happen, knowing all the feminists and SJWs would come out in droves to support it in response, along with all the mothers dragging their kids to it. For fucks sake, Sony to this day still has the lopsided like/dislike bar underneath the official youtube trailer. They did that for a REASON.

Nice going, you fuckers.....

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Eh dude, they still lost money on the movie.

It's too early to tell that

We can't make anyone do shit.
We just pointed out how shit the movie was.
Poor taste abounds.

Yeah I know, but the movie is always going to be remembered as shit like the star war prequels.

>We can't make anyone do shit.
cut for Bieber, bikini bridge, feebleeding.. you know, just saying.

It's no. 2, because it's the only somewhat NON-kid movie out right. Look at the movies the past 4 weeks in theaters. All fucking kid movies thesedays. Also, almost all movies out these days suck balls. Hollywood rarely makes good movies anymore. Last decent movie was Captain Phillips.

I l-liked the prequels

You're not alone bro. I feel you

Hate and racism is now an internet meme. Anything with a minority or female actor will instantly get hate. Especially on Sup Forums. I never saw the originals, and i don't ever intend to, but even i knew this movie would suck. But ppl will support anything that garners that much hate to make themselves feel like sjw heros.

Honestly I loved the ideas and designs from the clone war era, but some of the acting and writing was just flat.

YT reviews embargo for major channels from countries it's nor released yet

not a single cam on torrents

creating negative reverse psychology campaign would be the trolliest of trlololos, not sure if they would take a chance to go this far

we're a silent, but true hearted minority.

I like to think Interstellar was a really good movie, and it just came out a few years ago.

>some of the acting and writing was just flat
true, it's grown on me since though. I'm an expert in applied suspension of disbelief.

Interstellar was good, real good.

It has made like $17 mil and needs to make $500 by the directors own admission. Just production was ~$150 mil.


I just ate two pounds of meat and a pound of fresh, spinach pasta.

just wanted to let you know, it went really well and all.

it's not too early, movies follow a pattern, it needed to take in $55M the first weekend US to break even, it'll do $46M

do you mean 80's movies?

2016 GB are technically a reboot with cameos of actors from originals

3rd part's script was remodeled into 2009 video game, it was pretty cool an a must-play (or walkthrough story youtube watch) for every fan of franchise

Rogue One is flying under the hate radar. Your argument is flawed.

The movie is flopping. There's a TON of reports coming in that theaters are empty...EVEN ON OPENING DAY.

Yeah, personally I loved the movies as a kid but looking back I get weird feelings about it. Mainly about how some of the pacing was.(Still I shouldn't say much I enjoyed fallout 4's story)

good. Shit comedy does not pay

No argument is perfect, buddy. Had to Google "rouge one" to even know what film that was.

I meant the prequels the Star Wars franchise, I haven't seen the new Ghost Busters. I liked the original, though. Saw it in the movies when it aired. Yes, I'm old.

dem quads

are you highlighting this movie saying us highlighting it is a fault ?

oh fuck the irony hits a new level

either way the mrs wants to see it , shes got no taste whatsoever in films and at the first chance i get im gunna seed this fucker to the day i die to help them loose money on this shit

I know what you mean, though I haven't played Fallout.. or any other computer game, since International Karate II on my Commodore64.

are you highlighting him highlighting this movie saying us highlighting it is a fault?


the film still bombed tho 40 mil is shit

Really? Do you play table top games?


now your highlighting me highlighting him highlighting that we highlighted


only Trivial Pursuit lol

jesus christ duuuuuuuuuuude

I wish it wouldn't exist. Three Star Wars movies were good enough

#2 where?
Budget $144m and it didnt pocket not even half of that yet. Its a completely flop.

Movie bombed. not even 50 million for the weekend. 145 million budget,it bombed big time in foreign markets with only 16 mil.

if online news articles on a google search aren't saying it didn't bomb
film may not be pulling in any impressive numbers so far.......but that doesn't = bomb
they might not make back all the money they spent but that doesn't necessarily = bomb, depending on the amount it eventually earns

it appeals to all the normal everyday fucktards.
those same people watch Daddy's Home and Mall Cop. Its just shit tier entertainment for the masses

Bombed is when its makes too little money for the studio to make their money back or consider a sequel. Since its obvious they wanted to make some sort of feminist series and failed i'd call it a bomb.

>discussion about whether or not a movie bombed
>post image of movie's ratings

And the film was just released, user. Give it at least another week before you start talking about how much money it lost

>Mall Cop

>we got played
Yep, i've been saying that and so have a lot of people. It's pretty common sense and obvious that the entire thing was manufactured outrage/publicity. I believe it's even talked about in the sony emails leak.
>SJWs and tumblr out in droves
hahaha NOPE. A big opening weekend was what it was gunning for and it's not getting it. Their campaign backfired. It's only downhill from here. This shitty shit needed a big weekend.
It should be painfully obvious, but tumblr is not a reliable film money demographic. While the roots of the "lets make ghostbusters but its women" thing may have been a weird backwards sense of feminism/grrlpower, nearly all of the promotional shit has been entirely meant to provoke strong reactions, especially with internet trolls. They misjudged how little normies care about both agendas and internet forums/drama. The trailers were shit and no one goes to the movies to be preached to, for good or bad.

TLDR: Pascal is a complete buffoon.

>Mall Cop
>shit tier entertainment
Go soak your head.

It did bomb. It was supposed to be number 1 with a bullet. Only women went to watch that garbage. It didn't even make half the production budget. How do you possibly define that as success?

>foreign markets
If it's any indication in Spain I don't know a single person that wants to or has seen this shit. Fuck, I'd rather watch a spanish film and 90% of them are shit.

>Bombed is when its makes too little money for the studio to make their money back or consider a sequel.

A sony exec has apparently already confirmed there will be a sequel

Classic example of using data to mislead

>it's 2nd in the box office right now
>There is literally nothing else out a the moment

Hayden Christensen had no business being involved. Shitty acting all phoned in.

This nigger gets it. Said this a thousand goddamn times in the run-up to release. Would surprise me if the threads were started by the movie's publicists.

As he always does

if nothing else, this film doing poorly should be a good example of how the internet -- for all its feelings of "openness" -- creates circlejerks and echochambers.
I have female friends who would be shocked to learn that this movie is apparently the new battlefront for modern feminism (and would likely be annoyed). Just because everyone you follow on twitter or tumblr agrees with an opinion doesn't mean the rest of the world does.
Similar misguided world views can be seen on various racist/national forums, etc, as well. It's a weird internet thing and not just the weirdo far left suffer from it.

Well then they are fucking stupid arent they ? Was that after or before it released ? Also fairly sure they can terminate the contract any time.

The only completely original movie that came out that year

There are some decent non-hollywood movies in theaters now though.

I really enjoyed The Lobster and Swiss Army Man.

They said Dredd was getting a sequel.
They said John Carter was getting a sequel.
They ALWAYS fucking say this when a tentpole movie releases, it's part of the publicity/hype machine. Don't be such a faggot, user.
(I'm not saying there won't be one, but don't take what they're saying as anything but promotion)

>This shitty movie is #2 now, when it should have bombed hard. You could have all just let it bomb naturally, but just HAD to go overboard with all the blatant hate before the movie was even seen by the public.
I honestly forgot they were showing it. At any rate, not gonna watch it.

>but the movie is always going to be remembered as shit like the star war prequels
I went into the prequel hoping it was good.

Ghostbusters looks like shit, and probably is shit, and will be remembered as shit. The remake, not the original one.

>The Jews make more money

You're mad because the status quo played in the favour of hollywood?

Cmon man thats like being mad for a bear shitting in the woods.

I didnt HATE fallout 4's story but i definitely see why some people dont like it. Way too much stuff turned out to be real boring. You'd think the Institute would be interesting right? Yea for two seconds.

The prequels were better then the shit they made with E7

Just came out today....

Who’s Sony gonna call … again? “Ghostbusters!”

Plans for a sequel to Paul Feig‘s female-led reboot starring Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, Kristen Wiig and Kate McKinnon are all but official, TheWrap has learned.

“The ‘Ghostbusters’ world is alive and well,” said Rory Bruer, president of worldwide distribution at the studio. “I expect ‘Ghostbusters’ to become an important brand and franchise,” he told TheWrap on Sunday.

“While nothing has been officially announced yet, there’s no doubt in my mind it will happen,” he added.

Whether that would mean Feig and all four leading ladies return to the series is not yet clear — though there’s no indication it wouldn’t.

“Ghostbusters” came in second place during its first weekend in theaters, grossing an estimated $46 million from 3,963 screens.

It represents the biggest film in which director Feig and McCarthy have collaborated and is the highest grossing live-action comedy in more than a year — easily topping the $33.5 million opening by Universal’s “Ted 2” in June of last year.

The reboot grossed $17.2 million to lead the box office on Friday. But that wasn’t quite enough to propel it to a weekend win as Illumination-Universal’s “The Secret Life of Pets” came in ahead with $50.6 million in domestic grosses.

The internet is EVERYONE'S PLATFORM. That is why we protect it against corporate takeover. Everyone who had seen the original was in agreement. WTF! Then the trailer came and everyone shat themselves. So the platform was utilized. It's democracy at its finest. Now you know why America is a republic and not a democracy. Fuck modern feminism.

>This shitty movie is #2 now
sauce, you fucking faggot. I dont believe it before I see it.

If this turd is #2 it must be going up against some pretty shitty movies.

Made on a production budget of $144 million, the Sony reboot revolves around the lead Ghostbusters tackling a whole new haunting in New York City.

The film should eventually unseat the 1984 “Ghostbusters” as the highest grossing horror comedy of all time. The 32-year-old movie, starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson and Sigourney Weaver, made $242.2 million in lifetime grosses domestically and more than $295 million worldwide.

“Ghostbusters” received generally favorable reviews, with a current Rotten Tomatoes score of 73 percent, but a weighted Metacritic score of only 60. The film also has a B+ Cinemascore, reflecting audience anticipation levels among those surveyed.

In the weeks leading up to the release, “Ghostbusters” was considered something of a wild card among analysts who weren’t sure how to account for negative social media chatter that plagued the title for months.

Internet haters in the guise of “Ghostbusters” purists had been focusing their negative energy on the film’s all-female leading cast ever since it entered production. Some of the vitriol included especially offensive sexist and racist hate speech.

With sequel plans brewing at Sony, it looks like the ladies of “Ghostbusters” may very well be shutting down the naysayers.

Jar jar was hilariously racist and the pod racing was great. What's not to like?

Saw it earlier today with my wife. Thought it would be terrible and besides trying to squeeze in too many jokes in every line, I cannot deny having a good time. It was a fun movie and I enjoyed it. Nothing spectacular but I laughed enough times where I can't knock it completely.

If you don't like something then don't watch it faggot. Stop acting like a snarky little shit just because this movie hurts your feewings.

Did you paste this directly from gawker?

It's "pixels" with womyn

I saw it and I liked it. If you put on your big boy pants and realize women have a place in society, it's actually pretty funny. And with much better effects than the old one. LOL CGI has advanced quite a bit since the 80s.

The bait is real in this post.

Agreed, high quality bait.

>sauce, you fucking faggot. I dont believe it before I see it.
try this new site called, fam

Yeah and I was so hyped for it. Honestly at first it's amazing, after a while though you find out how lacking it really is.

yep , the temptation to show how wrong some cunt is bubbles in the backround but lets face it its simple bait and im not biting

what do you want a fuckin cookie?

capn hindsight here with another great detail analysis!i mean come the fuck off your high horse you high horse,as if the whole of Sup Forums dedicaded time to this turd in sandwich's clothing,the femtard and casual summer retards went into a movie theatre and wasted their money on peice of feminist bullshit.


It's always been like this.

durr, im saying some shit on the internet. its up to you to find out whether or not im taling out of my ass.

Why don't we just play a prank or spread a myth about the new Ghostbusters then?

This movie was mistake slapping some women into some cringey ass film using the name of "GhostBusters" they should've known that they would have an uphill battle agaisnt the fans of the original film, and that's how they wanted it, beacuse they have all this SJW defenxing and feminist saying it's sexist to dislike it.
They don't know Kill Bill

not to mention the whole piss for feminism KEK

Sums up the reboot.


>Be OP
>faggot memer who can't hold a conversation without real life or otherwise without inserting meme language

Citation needed

>LOL CGI has advanced quite a bit since the 80s

There was no CGI in the first one you fucking retard.

It flopped they are just trying to save face the flow insurance ad was better i bet


That's right, all the ghosts were made by time lapse aimation.

*stop motion

I'm on my phone. Thesaurus error.

lmao, where are you fuckheads gettin your stats?

GB made $65 million in 3 days. The budget was $144 million. It looks like it will be a minor hit.

Me? IDGAF. I might watch it when the bootleg shows up on the webs.

"Imagine if your dad had passed away and a clown came into your house, put on your dads clothes and said, "HEY, I'm your dad now. Isn't this FUN?""

Best example I heard of this movie.

Who controls Box Office Stats..
Do you believe Box Office Stats made out of thin air?..
Many shit movies hit stats that are off the chart. THEN there is no sequel.. Ever wonder why that is?..

I think that's the most retarded comparison I've ever seen.

lol cry more

>Better than E7
Nigga, lay off the dope.