What does Sup Forums think of Adore (2013)?

what does Sup Forums think of Adore (2013)?

it's about a pair of childhood friends and neighbors who fall for each other's sons.


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pretty hot

Looks stupid and indulgent. Why is Naomi Watts in so much garbage?

Sounds awesome. Any more movie like that?

that one movie with that french cum demon

Why is reposting the exact same thread from 10 hours ago a thing?

which one?

hey reddit

Watching it right now

20 minutes in and kinda bored

well we know those two boys must really love aged roast beef


>dude I'm going to fuck your mum
>naw m8 im gonna fuck YOUR mum

basically the entire movie.

did they?

they would NEVER make the same movie with the genders exchanged.
Hollywood hypocrites

Seriously, are there any other films of milfs falling in love with younger guys like this?

The only interesting thing about it is the premise.

sounds awesome

Not falling per sae but "A Teacher" (2013)

Saw this at sundance, half the audience walked out. People laughed throughout the whole film even though it's supposed to be poignant and serious and shit. It's pure garbage

what about that one where nicole kidman falls in love with a little boy who she thinks is the reincarnation of her dead husband??

It's 'per se'

It's actually "pre say" because you want to get in there previous to the other person saying something.

there's definitely movies of older guys falling in love with young girls.. what are you talking about?

There's nothing that bothers me more than people incorrectly using Latin phrases.

i.e. this post.

recent ones? without portraying them as monsters? examples?

Well quid pro go fuck yourself, no one cares.

I think you mean e.g.

i.e. is id est, meaning "that is."
e.g. is exempli gratia, meaning "for example."


There's a Korean movie called Buddy's mom but it doesn't have a subtitle...

>Saw this at sundance

first Womb, now this shit? what is it with pedo mums? disgusting

fuck you m8

Hello, Reddit!

>if you are not a pedo, you are reddit
yeah cool

>grown sons


If this was little girls people would be outraged.


post the webms famalam

I'm sure there are pedos, too

this. this shit is pretty degenerate and pushes double standards


Pls no

It's pretty hot I just want to see little girls without normie fag rage

Pedo moms are a highly underrated genre.

I wish renpet wrote more stories

It's essential mommycore

>not casting chastain

koreans do a lot of movies like this. I wish I spoke korean...


It's a movie version of this

But that was awesome. The movie sucked.

But they weren't little boys they were young men. You twit