Would you?

Would you?
I met her on a dating site and she is local and wants to be fwb starting tonight after work.
>so should I?
>what would you do anons?
Itt: we discuss how far we would go to get fucked and what lines we are willing cross.
I have a few more pics of the land whale that I'll post.


I would not




Why should I pay $40 for a dating site subscription for the small chance I'll get laid (but more than likely just get ignored for chads), when I can pay maybe two or three times as much to fuck an escort?

unless she's paying for everything you want In life, I'd tell her hit the road


Film it and post it

It'll be the best film adaptation of moby dick

What site, OP? I wanna know where I can actually find girls that are cool with FWB or one-time fucks.

It's free
I have not paid anything at all and the potential plan was for her to come to my place.

which site?

Bro, pussy is pussy and besides dem titties. Fuck all these losers on Sup Forums and get ur dick wet. Plus fat chicks love to get freaky. Just remember to wrap ur shit up.

Plenty of fish (pof)
It's a free app on android

She just sent me another

Take her to pound town bro. Pussy is pussy.

Just hit it a couple times then move on. Ahh memories POF...

Op here and regardless If I try to fight it or not I think a blowjob sounds bretty good right now.

She probably knows how to suck a mean dick

Dude, totally do it. If no one sees it's not a crime. You'll regret it if you don't

I would

Yeah that is what I'm hoping for
Fat chicks are like mopeds. They are fun as hell to ride until your friends find out about it.

Hahaha for real. They're down for just about anything

Virgin detected.

i hit a really big one and taller than me. when she sucked my dick i almost fainted. it was the best suck and swallow that i've ever goitten, i never called her back after that. pic related

Post the after math after you hit it

Pancake house

here is another one of her pussy and ass. i never got to that point because she was too gross looking and big

Yeah I might not have called her back either bro. But you still got that cock sucked!

she also told me her G spot was in her ass. i never regreted getting sucked so dont be afraid op

Yeah that shit is nasty. I would've done the same just let her suck me off

the fuck?
if light could escape I black hole and we could actually see what it looked like, I would imagine that it would look something like this.

Me too honestly

Who gives a shit if anyone sees you with you fuck buddy...how many of your boys are actually getting any pussy? None...plus odds are she'll cook and do shit for you.

I seem to have an extremely accurate sixth sense of when a bitch is an absolute nut job just by looking at her, and I can say with certainty this one is fucked in the head. I care about all Sup Forumstards, so I've gone to the great trouble of formulating a risk benefit analysis. I believe it's worth going, but you need to tell a friend where you are going. You also need to mail photos of her and the address to yourself prior to leaving in case she knocks you off, checks your phone and kills your bro. I would also recommend taking a boot gun and a couple knives strategically placed on your person. Fuck and duck, in and out. This isn't a game, and this isn't your average heffer hoe. Be vigilant, and take care fight.

Imagine the smell of her vagina OP