Non porn webms

non porn webms









Who is she?








cute as fuck

Why don't large companies use this kind of model for unlimited hydro power? What the fuck? This kind of technology could save the planet centuries of pollution and damage but instead we opt for coals and unreliable solar power? What the fuck?

Where can I buy something like this on a larger scale to power my home? What are the laws surrounding this?








Holy shit

Because it would cost them big wigs trillions in profits. Same reason they don't release the cure for cancer.





In that movie supes needed to be travelling over mach 3 to get in front of those bullets. Even someone his size and weight would create a shockwave that would level everyone on the roof


I'm aroused but also what?



Despite this guy being fat, he's actually handling it rather well, for I assume a beginner.

This box needs a swearing function intensifying in time.

He uses bow shock minimizing hair conditioner.





>Cinema 4d joint Auto-weight tool





Ay, true. But this is just a optical illusion. I cant quite put my finger on how this one works but you can tell its fake as he walks by and the weirdly covers the contraption.. And please go learn some physics.

Did they die?

>tfw you get more than you paid for






So thats why retro rockets aren't more commercially available.

I want a sun oven one day.

Two were in there, one did.





And people think solar power is not powerful enough.


that's one lucky lizard right there.

>tfw that lizard got more tongue than you did




This makes me sad as fuck watching this. This poor russian man, all he wanted a was a cold tasty sweet drink of coke and it was in a moment destroyed. Who knows this coke might of been the only highlight of his day.


no when she dropped it

is this South Africa vs Angola war ?





Blad goku?


So guy's this and the last thread have been fun.

Now is sleepytime.

A cat actually has a higher chance of surviving an eleven story fall vs a nine story because it gives the cat enough time to correct itself before impact and take the fall correctly



Yes, I'm really too tired for this now. nightynight.




holy fuk

Is that how australians fish?

rock bottom

it's being held up by those fans? if it is that's pretty cool.

That's the raddest thing I have seen all day.

Yes, the fans press it against the wall to give the wheels traction.

my stomach sank

but how do they know they can correct it fam? how do they know?

Aaah, the art of hunting.



good kitty at least not dead
