You have 10 seconds to prove you're not a newfag

You have 10 seconds to prove you're not a newfag.

fuck 12

dubs checkum

Newfags didn't exist back in the day


>Line Trap
>Lenny the great sacrifice
>Habo Hotel
>The great tumblr raid (the one with triggering and suicide)
>the guy who strangled his girlfriend posted then ran.
Don't have any images since new computer


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I don't post "Prove you're not a newfag" threads....

what is meant by a newfag xDDXXXDDDDXXDDDD

Here for all of those. That shit with the guy who strangled that girl was real fucked though

Holy shit OP you're that sexy UFC fighter
Where's the pic with the belt??

I purchased a gold account.

It was a age and how many times you've had sex thread
I asked who the fighter was but amidst like 300 posters and two hours of shit I never got a response

Fuck you, i don't have to prove shit.

Oldfags dont need to prove shit.

Jews are good people

jessie slaughter

row row fight the powah

joanna jedrzejczyk

she's kind of sexy in that wicked witch of the west look. plus she's fast AF.

Your mom has me refer to her tits as Santa and Krampus.



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Have you seen my wonderful finger boxes?

ben here all summer

Almost, fag.

Brushy brushy Fukn u op

Why, those are doubles, are they not?

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I don't make "Prove you're not a newfag" threads.

Fuck off. You don't even know my mom, asshole.


're the fag

don't cry emo duck

Is I doing it right?

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Jokes on you, I am a newfag!


True dat, homo.

get the fuck out of here with that shit, it isnt even flavored.

brb mootxico

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ive been here since 1893

Zozzle > kek

Op is a fag

Triangle Triangle

You can suck these nuts


I remember a time befor boxxy


Is there a term for a years-long visitor that never sticks around all that long and only pops in when he gets THAT bored?

The best finger boxes are crafted from polyester.



December 16th 1991

360 and walk in the same direction

No shit retard

I learned about the tsunami in Japan while lurking Sup Forums

I was in a Toaster Steve thread.

Niggers young my anus

Someone post the cumshot that changed the world thread.

Yeah, he's just a regular regard.

I remember when Sup Forums was good.

Myth detected.

Sup Forums was never good

I remember when PT Snack was fired.

im not a new fag XD
whats a new fag
fag is a rude word, dont say it XD my mom might get mad if she sees that word

triforcess can`t newfag
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Dubs means you're a real cool guy.


frosted butts

Thanks sempai

Bet she's sexier with other peoples blood on her fists, no?
I would totally share those M&M's with her.

Dam, I was just about to post a picture, but I can't find them
>Can't Catch The Kalack

Yeah. Normie.

Moot never posted again... Is he still working on this shit?

Exactly, fellow oldfags.

>how do I green text

Nein nein nein nein


i dont know the original poster is cracy xDD

I fucking called him in prison
He told me, "OP Delivered, I'm glad I made you guys proud"

I'm a newfag

Do dope fuck hoes player pimp





>Got an idea

>Turn 'kill' threads into win

Here goes beating a dead horse

too soon

Philosophy - when thread turns shit, Sup Forums random

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I remember everything.

The poster below me gets dubs

Winter is coming

>i wish this way me


I hope no one will ever forget ca...

when you won at solitaire and teh cards did that wave shuffle thing

Toaster steve. I posted in his thread.

Pool's closed