Is it okay for me (23 year old) to go on a date with a 17 year old? Or should I just tell her no

Is it okay for me (23 year old) to go on a date with a 17 year old? Or should I just tell her no.

in my state 17 is legal go by state laws

If you don't bang her you're gay OP

sounds fine to me.

Enjoy it while you can user. in a few years people will be looking at you weirdly for fucking people below the age of 18, but now you're still in the golden zone where it's fine.

Show your tits

Are you fucking retarded?


don't violate aoc laws where you live and do it.
if it works out good.
if not you have life experience.

On a date? Fuck it just do it dont be a pussy its not like you're gonna fuck her till she's 18....right...

Yes! Or you will forever regret not tapping that ass, when your an old fag!

check your state law. She may be under 18, but if the age difference is under a certain number (varies by state) it might be ok. or wait a year.

no no no no
unless pic is related

23 and 17 seems fine. The drummer in my band is going on a date with a 17 year old this weekend but he is 33. That is pushing the boundaries. He might not now that I'm scaring him.

I'm sure it's fine as long as you don't fuck until she reaches the legal age.

there is no age of consent for dating. There is an age of consent for fucking. I dont see what the problem is, just go out with her.

how can anyone over 20 be attracted to retarded teenagers is beyond me

Assuming she's legal, there is nothing wrong with it. Girls that age are hardly innocent these days. It's not the 50s or even the 70s.

half your age plus 7

(23/2)+7= 18.5

OP is ok


but fuck her anyways

dem bodies doe

I think it's fine to fuck 17 year olds as a 30 year old, as long as they're DTF and not virgins.
But the idea of being in your 30s and wooing/seducing or "dating" a 17 year old isn't cool.
I'm 40 and my girlfriend is 20. We met on Tinder. It was purely sexual until we found out we liked a lot of the same things. With that said, there's no way in hell i'm going to marry her or get deeply involved in her. She has her whole life ahead of her and I'm getting old.
>TLDR fuck them, don't marry them

So yes

Faggot detected


Don't come here for more advice. I'd do it if she's mature for her age or you're especially immature for yours. As long as her parents don't make a huge deal out of it, it's not so bad. At least you aren't twenty five

moral not more.

Illinois FTW

fuckin idiot

>> I'm getting old
Nigger I'm about to turn 32 and I, in no way whatsoever, feel like I'm 'getting old'. Are you even serious? Are you in poor health, fat or have a desk job or something? How can you feel old before middle age?

im 27, fucking an 18 yo, so yes.

ur in denial

How old are you? Also, what are the age of consent laws in your state?


Jailbait is jailbait.

Really the half your age plus 7 rule is golden as far as serious relationships are concerned. Purely sexual encounters, on the other hand, don't necessarily need to follow this rule. If you feel comfortable fucking a 17 year old and, more importantly, if its legal where you live, then take her to pound town.