Why don't you own an AR-15 for self-defense and to protect your family, home and country?

Why don't you own an AR-15 for self-defense and to protect your family, home and country?

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they are illegal to own

Because I'm not a massive coward

Because I have an AR-10. Because I can handle an adult cartridge.

because im not a cop killing loser, ill pray for you

Why are you afraid of firearms?

Becuase i don't need an assault rifle to fire down a hallway, or across a room.

I'm poor

Because i dont want my rifle to be like a barbie doll so i have a rk 95

>Because I'm a massive coward

that isn't an assault rifle.

Let's see... it's too large to carry with me everywhere, I don't live in a shitty place so I don't have to protect my family with guns, and I don't give a shit about my country.


The right tool for the right job.

>not an assault rifle

Oh. Oh okay.

Really need to with all these niggers


I do, along with a dozen other guns. I just took it shooting today actually.

>implying I don't

No. I just don't live in fear 24/7. I'm not scared of the possibility of someone breaking into my house to kill me.

It's not full auto, so it's not an assault rifle.

>AR-15 is an assault rifle

Cause I got my AR-10 by Black Rain

Not him, but an assault rifle, by definition, is a fully automatic rifle capable of firing multiple rounds with a single pull of the trigger. The AR-15 does not fit this description. You are thinking of the military M-4 and M-16 which cannot be legally owned by civilians without passing background checks, paying special taxes to the government and paying a shitload of money for the gun itself, like >$10,000

Okay, fair enough, but even so. my Ithica '87 does the job well enough.

>using leftist media buzzwords

Without Googling, do you even know what the AR stands for?

but aren't you able to buy lower recievers that have full auto function? Not a huge gun nut, so pardon my ignorance.


Letting someone tell you, presumably a grown-ass adult, what you can and cannot have.

Have you ever shot a gun indoors? Have fun with your disorientation when you shoot that thing in a hallway.

Needed something in a larger caliber. Lucky for me, .50BMG is legal where I live!

But I do? And I plan to use it against those who threaten me and my family. Namely pigs and white supremacists.

The only logical reason I'd ever buy a gun would be if I wanted to kill myself, and I don't, so I'm not gonna waste my money on something I'll never use.

No, if you're an experienced gunsmith with all the tools and knowhow you could probably make one, but you can't legally buy one.

Yeah, it's not optimal, but if this is for home defense, it's being fired in the house anyway.

huh. well, nvm.

What said, you are not allowed to legally create a firearm that can fire more than one round with a single trigger pull and if you do find a legal lower with that function it will fall under the same regulations as any other legal machinegun.

Because I don't need an AR-15 to do that.

Gonna use your AR15 on cops huh? Say hi to the fbi for me dumbass.

>because you're a massive coward

What's even the point in spending thousands of dollars to deal with a problem you probably will never have? It's like getting flood insurance in the middle of the Sahara.

Fuck off, it's my 2nd amendment right you retard. Learn your countries laws or find another one to squat in.

If not being afraid of thugs makes me a coward, I guess I am. I don't need a gun, people don't fuck with me.

there ya go

Yeah, except a good Smith & Wesson is like, 700 dollars.

>confirmed nigger

Still, that's 700$ that could be spent on useful things.

>because you're both massive faggots


Because i live in australia and not aloud semi-autos.

nah, i keep the large bundle of sticks in the yard

>confirmed nigger
>what is the 2nd amendment

ayy lmao

and another retard who doesn't understand his countries laws

i live in a white neighborhood.

Please cite the line in the Constitution that specifically allows you to shoot cops. I'll wait. I'm also pro gun, but you're wrong

Fag=bundle of sticks
Faggot=anyone still arguing about anything on Sup Forums

you seem to be the only one arguing at the moment

Defending yourself isn't useful?

A gun is like a condom; better to have and not need it than need it and not have it.

It's on the back. It's invisible.

I live in a country where cops or niggers dont get shot. Never felt the urge to "protect myself" with guns and never will. So how does the land of free feel now, now you know that their are many places in earth that are so free you wont NEED A GUN.

Actually no.

I'm just shit tier trolling.

>ar-15 to protect your family

That's fucking stupid user.

2nd amendment is for protecting the people against a corrupt government or organization threatening their lives or liberty. Cops do both. Easy conclusion.

don't use this kind of logic it fries their tiny little minds.

why focus on making the country a good place to live where you don't need a gun to protect yourself? no, they'd rather just shoot each other and pray for a race war

Uhhhhhhh I've been in fights and the last thing I'd want is a gun, not going to jail over a bar fight. I've never been mugged, I've never been in a shootout, I've never had my home broken into.

Your Right of Defense Against Unlawful Arrest. “Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer's life if necessary.” Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306. This premise was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case: John Bad Elk v. U.S., 177 U.S. 529.

I'm not a massive faggot and know how to defend myself with a .40

if you kill a cop because you're scared of him threatening your liberty, you had better be literally committing a winning coup against the government because otherwise you're just gonna be a dirty cop killer and get the chair like you deserve

>protect your family

Glock 19

>protect your home

Remington 870

>protect your country

okay now I might need an AR

hahahahahahahaha that shit will NEVER be upheld

>I live in a counotary where

Nigger, why are you here arguing about shit happening in another country? Should you be welcoming some immigrants with open arms?

I'm guessing you're white? After 2 black men got killed unprovoked I constantly carry my gun with me and I WILL use it against a cop who draws on me. Only way to protect myself. And my right as a citizen of the United States.

Who the fuck shoots a 40 cal s&w these days?

>I've never had my home broken into

>these things haven't happened yet, that means they will never happen

Why are Americans so obsessed with this shit? This is real life, not Red Dawn, motherfuckers. If someone DESPERATELY wanted to kill you or your family, they'd find a way to do it that'd make your gun irrelevant. The US will never be invaded, worst case scenario it gets nuked, and THEN a gun could come in handy for sure, but until the nuclear holocaust, they are simply toys, that is all. Toys for grown men to obsess over like women obsessing over shoes.

People who train with it as their service weapon scumbag.

You don't need followup shots with 00, so why does it matter?

Grow up and stop getting into fights you could easily avoid, you child.

>killed unprovoked

lol this is bait heres your (You)

I do.

I prefer the 9mm and my 22lr though to be honest. Cheaper to shoot and more fun.

Because AR-15s are to gun owners what vaping is to smokers: just a chance for kids to put a bunch of crap together and then think they are pretty fucking cool. No thanks.

Faggots pretend that being in a bar fight is a badge of honor, when really it just shows how immature they are.

But they aren't

>After 2 black men got killed unprovoked

Lol Alton Sterling was a nigger on the sex offender list for knocking up a 12 year old, had multiple domestic violence convictions for strangling and beating women, had convictions for ARMED HOME INVASION, had weapon convictions, and on the night he was killed he had 911 called on him after he pointed a gun at a hobo.

The cops found a nigger they couldn't subdue by tazing who started reaching for the gun they saw in his pocket and knew he had while he tried to fight them off so he would have a good shot at them.

if a cop draws on you, if you draw your weapon you will be dead before you fire it, guaranteed.
if you don't draw it, you might live.

what are you REALLY going to do?

and if you do draw, and shoot, and kill the officer, what happens next? do you expect to get out of a firefight with the cops alive?

i have Ruger AR-500

Beretta 96?

I don't live in a shitty neighbourhood, I live in a neighbourhood that isn't in the US.

It already has been.

No one expects it, that's why you get one, you know, just in case.

It's called being prepared. People that aren't retards like to be prepared. Idiots like you with the "it'll never happen to me" attitude often get a rude awakening from reality.

"BPM" fucking infuriates me.

Is this some stale copy pasta I'm unaware of?

>t. someone who has never shot a 40 cal

Do people break into homeless shelters?

It isn't a badge of honour dumbass, it was something I did while drunk which is why I'm glad I didn't have a gun.

You fucking fudd...

Because AR-15 is the shittiest platform for that.
>shotguns for home defense
>concealed carry pistol in .45 acp for self defense
>long rifle in .308 for hunting
>.22 for varmint and target shooting

AR-15s are for faggots who don't understand that guns are tools, and you don't use a fucking sawsall when you should be using a chainsaw.

Picking my first one up tomorrow

When deserts get rain they get flash floods


>ITT faggots who think a long rifle will save them in a close quarters battle...

This proofs my point that your shit is so fucked up and you're to stupid to recognise it. Also good argument, you deserve the fact that your country is invested with retards and guns. Sleep safe, 'murifag.


Ah, so you just don't trust yourself to be responsible. That makes sense.

Oh fuck right off. Lemme just get some earthquake, tornado, and volcano insurance even though none of those things can even occur anywhere near me. The only reason I'd get a gun is to kill myself, if someone wanted to assassinate me, they'd find a way around my gun.

Both Glocks. The 19 in 9mm and 22 in 40.

Honestly, I love the ruger 22/45 with the bull barrel more than anything else.