Epic Asian natural tits

Epic Asian natural tits.

Truly they're the race with the best tits.

Other urls found in this thread:







Anri Okita




Not sure where you get your facts bro. Epic asian tits might be epic, but most asian girls don't have much of a bust size.

No one said anything about majority.
The ones that are big, are the best there is.


I love asians, but sadly most of them are flat



See any flat chicks posted so far?



Only ever see the same 5 girls posted. Surprised Julia hasn't been put up yet.



We're posting the best here.







how are their tits so fantastic?




Found the faggot



Brilliant, asshole.

And her british accent is just the cherry on the cake.
She'd be a huge star in the west if the nips would let her out.

Genetics and diet.

moar boar wants moar



Aren't her tits fake?
Perfect, but fake?








fake in what way?


If they were fake I don't think it would be that extremely bouncy and soft from the looks of it



source? if you have?




I have no idea what you're talking about. Anri's natural.


Asian nipples are my favorite.

Someone post the thick Asian bouncing on a ball


>thick Asian bouncing on a ball
you need to be more specific

Japanese's fake tits are surprisingly good looking. Maybe their skin can better handle it or they simply have good plastic surgeons.

That being said I have no idea if Anri's tits are fake or not, but they are perfect.


Don't Japanese plastic surgeons inject fat? I read that somewhere. Could be wrong. But that could be why they look so natural (if they're actually fake).

No, that's just a myth. Fake tits are very uncommon in Japan, they're super common in the USA.

I think she was wearing an orange bikini
The ball was blue and I'm pretty sure there was a pool behind her

I would also like to see this

She's not at all fake. Just blessed.


I heard the same thing from a Japanese guy, cannot confirm 100% though
>I'm a weeaboo and I have no idea what I'm talking about
Sure buddy, superior Japs are above fake tits

please for the love of god, sauce and/or moar?

Gotcha. Wouldn't care if they were fake anyway.


I do know what I'm talking about, moron. It's not hard to find out.

Most plastic surgery in Japan is for their eyes or face, not tits.

Let me guess, you have an Anri Okita dakimakura.

If you can't tell very easily her tits are not fake, you need to get laid.



Source my friend, please

no one said they are "above" fake tits, they're just not common like they are in the US or Brazil

>Most plastic surgery in Japan is for their eyes or face
Hmmm no.
Japanese guys are obsessed with tits, so why wouldn't women try to get fake tits. You have no idea of what you're talking about


zero of the content in this thread has been fake tits so far, ive seen lots of fake tits and natural tits.

Sup Forums logic at its best. kys weeb


Virgin who doesn't know what real tits look like.

this guy gets it


i heard they do the surgery thru the armpit so the tits look all natural as always

>fake tits can grow skin lol

why do asian nipples look like milk duds?

Also if you actually go to Japan, you will see almost 0 unslanted eyes, That's a myth from Amrica. Almost only gyarus do that kind of shit.

This guy knows

>Top ten countries with highest rates of breast implants
>10: Greece
>9: UK
>8: Canada
>7: Russia
>6: Colombia
>5: Spain
>4: Germany
>3: Mexico
>2: Brazil
>1: USA

You were saying?
Never mind that your logic was "Males like tits so therefore Japanese women always have fake tits".



You realise that leaves a big scar in their armpit right?

no they don't lol. i have super light brown hair and they never even really approached much. are you sure?