Found this on my girlfriends phone

found this on my girlfriends phone

and? you want revenge? black mail her.

no you didnt.

this is some shit cuck thread.

fuck your retard fetish.


looks like she already got black maled


shes cute though. do you think she let him cum on that cute face, you beta fuck?

it wasnt the only pic

I take it's that's not her.

And that you look at porn too.

these are shoop shoop e doop shoop e doop e doop e doop

its her

Photo shop.

why would she photoshop herself with black cocks?

She didn't OP (you?) did


Why is your gf photoshopping herself next to black dicks?
Does she have autism?

you want to see the rest?

I, for one would -love- to see more...
pretty please : )


all plz

Who the hell gave you the right to snoop through her phone? No wonder she cheated on you, when there's no trust this was bound to happen. You should overcome your fear of intimacy and maybe then you'll get a girl who will be loyal. Disgusting!


Found this on her phone too.

OP? Is that you?