Any anons good at computers? I'm at a loss...

Any anons good at computers? I'm at a loss. Every once in a while my comp freezes when playing videos or games that require high video load. I've replaced the card, gotten more RAM, updated everything I can think of.
INB4 delete system 32. I tried already, while it made my computer run faster, it didn't stop the freezes.
>Serious question will post pics for replies.

could be an overheating issue id run graphics tests while monitoring your CPU temperatures, and also the graphics card temps. easy fix would be to make sure everything's dust free in your case and maybe upgrade your fans, or if you want to be ridiculously gung ho maybe water-cooled. hope this helps a fellow Sup Forumsro

See, I've thought of that, and those are good ideas, however if it was an overheating issue I'd expect it to shut down more often. Ex: when it freezes, I hard power off, then restart and continue on. You'd think overheating would cause it to freeze again fairly quickly, but the freezes only happen once or twice a week at most.

Are all your drivers updated and are you running multiple things in the background as you game? I do tech support for a game company and these two things are the main issues most of the time.

Ram doesn't matter if your gpu is shit.

This is comming from just a vauge understanding of your problem, but you may want to see if your system works on another motherboard. There may be a chance, especially if you're replacing other parts, that the board is dated.

Yes and never

I considered that, however motherboards cost $ and I figure if it's hardware it's either cpu or motherboard. Either way, I can't afford it.

Overheat theory user is likely right. I had a thermal paste breakdown on my rig after 5 years that showed the same symptoms. It was overheating. Decided to upgrade mobo + cpu. Problem solved and I can run more taxing games.

Oh. If I'm right, just clean the heatsink, possibly reapply thermal paste, reader the cpu, and you should buy a few months of smooth running.

Your power supply is probably on the rocks or doesn't have enough power for your GPU when you use high intensity graphics. Happened to me, replaced my PSU and everything is fine.


Your PSU is too weak, upgrade it or reduce your graphical requirements until you can.

I've personally had both of these problems manifest in almost the exact way as OP is describing his problem. Only my CPU heat problem was due to a heatsink clip that had come undone, causing it to lose contact.

My guess would actually be the PSU, as it seems more likely to fail in this specific way. That said, checking for overheating is easy, and you should do that first. If thats not an issue, then look into your PSU.

My thoughts exactly. Difficult to test one, easy to check/test the other. If no problem with heat, PSU upgrade seems likely (especially considering recent upgrades).

Try asking Sup Forums, they should know better than b

I haven't thought of that. Tbh my power supply is a good 15 years old. Good call.


Man, I haven't seen that picture in years. Woot

Power supply is a good thing to check.
What's your specs like?

No errors I know the feeling. I just got this one from another thread.
