Girl I've been dating tells me that she's into bondage

>girl I've been dating tells me that she's into bondage
>gives me consent to tie her up
>use neckties to lock her into the doggie position
>fuck her and cum in her ass in less than 3 minutes
>asks me to untie her when I'm done
>I don't
>keep fucking her over and over again, using her like a flesh light
>cum in her 9 times over a 5 hour period
>intentionally depriving her of orgasm
>she's starts to get really mad
>go get my dog from the back yard
>encourage my dog to fuck her
>dog climbs up on her back and starts fucking her
>record it.
>girl totally losing it
>edit the recording and make several .webms of it
>secure the recordings so that she can't destroy them
>untie her
>show her the recordings
>she demands that I delete them
>I threaten to post them on the internet
>she begs me not to
>look her right in the eyes and smack her really fucking hard
>she looks at me with hate in her eyes
>I look right at her and maintain eye contact
>she looks away
>I smack her again.
>she starts crying
>I grab the bottom of her jaw and force her to look at me in the eyes
>"Those dishes in the kitchen aren't going to clean themselves."
>she eventually gets up off her knees, walks into my kitchen and starts cleaning it.

Literally never happened.

well that seems a tad harsh


Only way we're gunna believe you is if you dump those webms OP, better get to it

Post the webms OP

>use neckties to lock her into the doggie position

op is a faggot

That's so fucking hot

hey look, a fat autistic neckbeard is telling us about his fantasies

you're fucking pathetic OP, you crave power because you have none of it in your life

get your shit together or just kill yourself

Bump for proof

post webm or it didnt happen

faggots that actually believe this

cuul sturu bru

if you could satisfy her or any woman properly, they'd do the dishes without question

Pics (or in this case webms) or it didn't happen.

What makes you think what Op did didn't satisfy her?

learn to image search, you fucking plebs

Congratulations, you're a fucking faggot.

>intentionally depriving her of orgasm
Read OP's fucking fictitious text

Op never said the girl in his post was related. Considering there are no neck ties in that image, it's rather obvious that you're a fucking idiot.

OP never said that was her. For a start, cuffs and not neckties

learn to comprehension, you fucking pleb

orgasms aren't the only way to satisfy someone.

OP I love your twitch stream, big fan man.

Next one I cant wait to see you jerk off 15 dudes at once.

Pretty sure that a dog would tear her apart and she'd be in tears.

and then she got scared and said she's moving with her auntie and uncle in bel-are

Oh, I get it. Op is trolling femanons.

>Pretty sure that a dog would tear her apart

This. I've seen lots of girls fucking dogs while lurking Sup Forums, and every single one of them died.


Me and my wife do dishes together :(

My and best friend go shopping together whenever her boyfriend is hanging out with his friends.

What's fucking crazy is that there are women who would cum just from reading this. I've met at least 2