Be girl

>be girl
>have nice paying job
>decide I want to stand out and express my self in an exciting and different way
>dye my hair a stupid color
>go to work next day
>boss tells me my hair is not unsuitable for this type of work environment and I should have "natural" hair colors
>have til end of week to dye my hair back
>go home and write on my shitty tumblr blog about how people don't understand creativity and ways to express ourselfs

Why the fuck do people think this making their hair this color looks good? It is the most retarded thing I have seen in a long time. Thoughts Sup Forums?

I can understand what u feel bro' but i have no solutions...

whats your job?

oh no I don't have hair like that. I just wanted to know why people think this is a good idea.


Her hair actually looks quite cool, and she looks like a cool person. However, if she's the "I'm 19 and just discovered tumblr" archetype, then I hate her

im asking you what your job is because appearance DOES matter in some jobs. i think i can help give you a better answer if u tell me what you do

nice dubs bro but ur a fag becus a) thats a dude and b) that hair looks like shit.

>stand up for your belief/self expression
>get fired

I know appearance does matter in more professional jobs. If you have hair like that I hope you like working at hot topic the rest of your life.

he/she probably works a blue collar job in the service industry and died his/her hair some retarded color of the rainbow. customers dont want to see that shit and neither does OP's boss. he is the one paying him/her, afterall.

ok so what do you do? are u avoiding the question because ur embarassed? its ok i already assumed you are doing like what user said. and its true appearance and hygiene do matter a lot. u should post an actual pic so i can get the whole picture, but you boss obviously thinks u look like shit to be the forefront of customer service. how bad is it?

I used to bleach/dye my hair all the time
but a lot of 'professional' places don't like that.

But its just like tattoos, some people have a shit load of them and have high paying & professional jobs.

its just a matter of time when it becomes irrelevant, but I think 20 years may be the case.

still bigwigs in big firms may still hate it, until their head president/CEO decides to dye their hair for publicity and encourages it. at least thats what I thin whats gonna happen.

I died my hair grey at my job, not that I am always someone who's 'strictly a professional' but my work is pretty lenient about shit I gues.

I don't think you understood the thread. MYSELF doesn't have hair like that, my green text was an example of how people like that would act. I'm 18 years old working at a shitty fast food job. I want to know what goes through their heads thinking that's a good idea.

Yeah but those are considered natural colors. I'm talking vibrant blue, green, pink, etc

what goes thru their head is that when a customer goes to order a cheeseburger, he doesnt want to see a dumb kid with holes in his face and long fingernails with green hair taking his order. i got my first job at 15 and learned the importance of a good haircut and a clean appearance. stop being a faggot, your job is a business, people dont care how edgy you are

>clueless idiot trying to troll a troll who's already guarding the exact same bridge he wants to troll

Yeah I work at a fast food place but I have stupid body mods, tattoos, or retard hair color. I'm more into fashion and looking good hence I browse /fa/ a lot

I ment to add a don't in there. I'm on mobile

sbux wouldn't let me dye it non natural once we got rid of hats, sucked for everyone.

I had bluehair that went to green then went to blonde after it dried up.

Sucks having different looking hair, everyone freaks out unless you're like a certain type of girl.

I used to, and still do tbh, dye my hair pinks, reds, and blues. I can't speak for everyone who does it, but I honestly don't think it looks good, it looks like shit, and makes people judge me as a tumblrfag.
I basically do it because I'm bored. Life is pretty fucking normal and I can't be bothered to give a shit, so why not play around with hair colours and styles when I'm young enough to pass it off as a phase. I mean, having the same hair colour for your whole life is so dull, why not spice it up a little?
Just to be clear though, I would never dye it anything as hideous as green or yellow, nor would I put patterns in it, that's just fucking disgusting.

Who gives a shit, let people do what they want faggpt.