Faces of Sup Forums

faces of Sup Forums

it's 5 minutes to 420 and i've never smoked weed in my life and i hate being alive

wow i've already told you months ago to stop posting your face here all the time
depression is just chemicals, drop that sugary shit you're drinking, workout, buy some vitamins, omega 3, drink more water and workout
if you want to continue being miserable, disregard all i've said

Got that heart shaped face action, heard that's the best face shape
Why you crying?



dude you david bowie!

so this is what summer looks like


Why does it look like you have makeup on?


why the fuck are your shoes so big

because my feet are big

do you have a large clit?


i don't have a clit at all user

married your sister, just like your parents

Hai bee

For you


Hey i know you are Trevor Whitted, why the fuck are you postin here

Motherfucker looks like Dexter Holland

only gays are named trevor


don't smoke weed it will make your life a lot worse

attention insecure, approval seeking people who post their faces in these threads. stop seeking approval from others, accept yourself for who you are and move on with life.

Fuck you pussy come get some

but i like attention


That fucking ache, wash your face faggot.

Acne doesn't mean poor hygiene. From the looks of it he could already be washing and maybe too much or with too harsh of a skincare product since it looks kinda dry.

this. i washed my face too much when i was 17 and i stopped and boom, no acne.

Stfu kid, it's as simple as eating healthy and washing your oily face.

If you can't do those two simple things you're a raging faggot.

Oh look, someone who knows nothing about skincare or acne beyond what mommy told him :)


Douchiest picture of me there is, lap it up Sup Forumstards.

Go smother butter on your face if you think oily skin gets rid of ache.


i can assure you that that's not me

old timestamp for reference

he looks like a cool dude though

you caught me


i'm confuse
is that girl or boy?

You have no proof that you arent

you look like someone I could play mtg with for a few hours

he hasn't aged all that well, has he?

Could be any pic u took off web, need timestamp faggot

ask politely

i'm not going to take 5 minutes out of my very important schedule to take a picture if you're gonna be a dick about it

;_; virgin

You are a druid.
I want you in my party.


Just write the timestamp on your forehead with sharpie, no need to spend 5 min looking for printer paper


dat's some dicksuckin' lips right there


I am entirely okay with that.

say please


Please suck this cock


Hi girlz

i will consider it

trim your nails.
not your beard.

Well, we turned this conversation around. Im gonna go out on a limb here and say your not who i think you are

r8 me guys
no timestamp cause I got no pen here

Kat meme!


Timestamp or my dick posts above will mushroom stamp your face

your mother was Danish and your father Russian, right?


Timestamp your dick, do they sell those really small sharpies where you're from?

Apologies for the cancerous hairslide


if so i would

Steam acount thx

no mate English born and bread


Not a trap, no

I have one but I never use it cause, I'm not really much of a gamer and I don't have anyone to play with anyway (Woe is me)


Ah! Yes... one day.

I dont like u

Someone tell me who this boy is
I want him

You look like Yung Lean had sex with a crack addict

I might, and no small sharpie

Ah, fair so. That's basically inbred Danish anyway.

do you have a penis?

That's a shame, it'll be hard to wash that single all-encompassing swipe off.

Not since the last time I checked.

it's me

you can have me

act quickly as this is a limited time offer

just got this lit new coluor

oh you want this kid? what for?

is it a wig
wooooo lord your hair is beautiful
can I get a facebook? instagram? twitter? give me your fucking reddit username for all I care


Idea for a thread; see if people can figure out someone's ancestry by looking at a photograph of them. Any takers?

sold by owner motherfucker stop trying to pimp me

Hi brother.



bitch shut up

What mountain is that? What branch?

you're cute and you have thick skin

i like you.

I'm searchin something bad to say about your hair but i can't find words.

Bitch who asked you? I was speaking to the humans on this thread, you are clearly some kind of weird scrotal turtle.

Both of those should be quite obvious