Ask 28yo russian male anything

ask 28yo russian male anything.

>no vodka


Do you have carpet on wall?

wtf kinda moonshine is Oaked'

no. but id like to have it there,

6 month in fired oak barrel 12 usd/ 0.75litre

Also what kinda drugs do you do, any krokadil?

nope. havnt ever tried one.

Is Putin really that bad
or is it just american propaganda?

Danm, you guys must have an excess. Who wants to wait half a year for a batch. How hard is the law on homeade liquer?

it worse, you know only abt international things he do

As an American, I would say no. They probably think our presidents are assholes to. Just depends on what side of the fence your on

Now I`m curious, would you kindly tell me more about it?

if you have continuos process, it is easy, drinking one while other is making. there is no bad about moonshine here untill you sell it.

When are you going to make Ukraine Russian again?

Okkkk, Foot in my mouth.

With moonshine around here, they make it. Then either sell it straight or make flavors with it... Like hit it with some apples and cinnamon to make Apple Pie. or other flavors like that. Nobody really ages it that I know of.

Also, Its completly illegal in the US. So Is mostly made for profit.

a lot of living in poverty. You can be jailed for repost in social networks, your taxes going to wars, instead of social areas there is a lot of such things

When will god punish Russia?

hope only if ukranians ask abt it (never)

ask your church abt it!, it is closer to god than me

I am so happy Russia is banned from Olympics.... Russia most corrupt , cheating country ever

What´s up with all the gay bashing?

not ever, but close! dont really sure this is right desicion, but this is because of putins politics

yeahs it is really dangerous to be gay here

and not russia but russian goverment

а мне 26

Когда то и я был щеглом! =)

hey wake up

How do you feel about Putin?

really bad.

No thx


what does the general populace think of chechens and the chechen war?

1. Show us your PC
2. Is it true Russians hate gays?

russians do not like caucasian muslim people at all

Do a majority of Russians feel that way? Is there a specific demographic?

In the West we're told he's popular (despite the fact he's more or less dictator for life)

1. see attached
2. most of populace (especially southern part) do not like gays


Whats your impression of Serbia?

we are told he is popular here too.

but 9/10 people i know want him to disapear.

this guys friendly to us, (to russian people) i feel same to them

Are Russian women as hot as we westerners perceive them to be?

i lived in russia for some time. My wife is Russian. What city are you from?

Masha babcko is a slut yet?

Or is a proffesional whore now?

Do you smoke weed or take any drugs besides alcohol? How about your friends?

man, i saw a lot of porn with western beauty women, but here a lot of hot girls in russia too!



do not know who is she at all

How long till kgb take down thread comrad ?

What do you think of Siberian people?

i hant ever tried drugs. only beer and moonshine, but some of my friends like weed

now it FSB

What is the general stereotype of british people in russia?

Are they disliked?

She was adopted by a pedophile and did porn at a young age. She now is a victims rights advocate

i am native siberian, i like it

More specifically, Scottish people?

Ey, ty cho tut zabyl, svoih bord ne hvataet, svoloch'? My tebya nauchim motherland lubit', pidor!

What is the russian opinion about israel and jews?
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british? 5 o`clock tea, and all from SNATCH movie,
I like GB, besides muslims

>ask 28yo russian male anything.

1) Хуйцы сосёшь?
2) Сосачер, небось?

man, i dream to visit scotland, mountains, whisky, cold weather - perfect. and visit wallace`s tomb

Dark shit bro


what about Scottish people?

How long does your dial up internet take to make a thread ?

man jews are jews, there are a lot of nice ones, but i hate something like "we are most suffered people". stop crying and start be lke every one

You should come soon, it's actually the summer but it gets cold quickly at night

1. нет
2. нет

100 mbps 10 usd/month.

russia have cheapest internet. google it


it +42c/day +28/night where i am lives.
i do not have such amount of money to have such trips.

How are cars there? One of the things that I know from your country is that you have a lot of Ladas.
Here we had them too, in Chile.

oh, this guy is really hated by everyone

lada is pices of crap, factory is over 9000 bankrupted, but govenment give them cheapeast credits.
btw they are N1 in car sells, but the still get bankrupted.....

Chile, this where i want to go too!

I understand.

But I dont know why, in ooen world stalin is worst than hitler.

Even in tv. History Channel has better audience with hitler and nazi documentaries than stalin

In Russia ?

How do get a Russian bride ?

Preferably aged like 13 - 17

this all about propaganda, stalin was asshole too, but he won ww2, an dsave russia


just visit orphan house in russia

Ever think of rallying your generation to bring back communism?

At least under communism Russia was a respected world power on the cutting edge of science and not a shit-tier third-world hell-hole on par with Brazil or India full of slums and krokodil.

do you think fear is good reason to respect?
comis was a world experiment, and it failed, new structure ought to be found. and somenes is leading russian to it.

i saw this video yesterday. it's actually boring.

Sent from my Android phone

You say it is an experiment that failed, but right now China is much bigger, richer, and more powerful than Russia under Communism.

So it looks like it works to me better than billionaire right wing oligarchs running a third-world shithole.

Is puttin a good guy ?

labour people are diying, informational age are coming.

bad and ugly

I have not watched it dear cop, I swear

ruski yes?

ruski yes

Chile is easy to get into, if you aren't from Peru or Colombia, since people from those 2 countries are like a plague that does all of the dirty jobs, like selling nuts on the bus or cleaning houses.
Normal Spanish WON'T help you, since we have our set of daily words that aren't on any dictionary.
There's so many places to visit, but most people here go outside the country for NO reason other than showing off.
Santiago is a shithole, Valparaiso is a city made on a hill that burns every 2 years, Pucon is a city made for consumerism mixed with rural shit, Concepción ( where i live ) is a mix of those 3 and has small bits of Argentinians.
Check the tourist places, eat something from here, visit the 4 cities that I said for some cultural or patrimonial things ( Stgo has the San Cristobal Hill and other shit, Concepción has other small cities around that are pretty nice, Valparaiso has Viña del Mar closely, Pucon is close to a volcano ), buy a "Indio Pícaro" and just go back to your country.

How so ?

And what about her in pic

Ok, i saw bbc or discovery show abt chile, and i was so ispired to visit it because of food and country nature!

natalia poklonskaya.
Cant say nothing abt her. but crimea people do not happy with russia now (was there month ago).
there are a rumours that she was starring in BDWC porn

The pedophile from the US? Caught because they made a porn at a Disney hotel?

Perú is nice, nice people nice place, good country food and seafood

They have a lot of places with different weather.

North coast is warm and there are beaches and resorts, there are a desert at south, andes simiplar to alpes at middle and amazon jungle at eastern

They have macchu picchu too, the tahuantinsuyo imperial central city