
So, there's a 17 year old kid on this ridiculous game site called ROBLOX this kid has been persistently bullying my kid on there, I've sought help from the support team on ROBLOX but, they never responded. This other kid has been following my child across other platforms picking on him, I've taken away the internet for a few months and yet the other kid just waits for my son to return. So, I really would hate to ask this, specially on here but, I am mother and all I wish is for my sons safety and well being. Here is the link to this little scum bag's profile.

Tits or gtfo

inb4 nypa

Learn the rules lady tits or gtfo, timestamp also

If someone could just, tamper with his profile and just scare him a little bit that would be enough. I'm so sorry to be asking this, I am rather ashamed of myself.

Not sure if bait or genuinely concerned mother.

Go the full nine, and post Ur tits, only then will u get the help u need

Or get the fuck out.
Choose for yourself.

Aha seriously?

lel, concerned mother asking 4chin for help. right.... pleb

show us your tits and i'll make the kid hate his life

Im surpised theres not a newfag that said "NYPA fag" yet.

If you really are a desperate mother and as concerned as you claim to be you will do the noble thing of showing your tits for your sons help

Just used my old account to tell him some moron is posting about him on epic Sup Forums!!!!!

>my kid is being bullied on line

There is no such thing as online bullying, if you and your son are such massive faggots that you can't figure that out you should drown him in the tub and then slit your wrists. Online bullying.....there is a power button that will make that shit go away you fuckin retard.

> this

yea tell them

This is so obviously another kid from the game trying to get a raid on another kid he doesn't like, it's pretty great.

ROBLOX on the front page!

You fucking idiot thinking I would fall for it
It's one of those Christian gamers

10/10 OP

kek'd hard

I laughed the whole time I read OP post.

NYPA faggot
Nice bait tho

Will fuck him up for tits.

I've got like three or four accounts on that website from my youth

why do I even still play this trash game...


> ITT: OP is a faggot that still plays ROBLOX

I can scare that kid but i need tits and timestamp

Tits and timestamp. I'll scare the fuck out of that kid. I'll get into his head and shit, find out his personal details and get him the fuck off Roblox for good

tits and timestamp or gtfo

Check out my reasonable ban guys!

show titty and pussy and i will do what u ask.

Op not delivering, definitely fake

I got banned on that for making some cheesy holocaust joke on one of their forums. Kids practically cried before mods came in. Banned for three days. Haven't been on thay site in months

You guys are terribly pathetic



Lmao I'm banned I can't do shit, sorry.

Rape him.


I'll report him for Bullying, harassment/ hate speech as the site puts it, what should i wright in the comment for the report?
(also tits if possible)

user was that you in my messages

You have to be 18 to browse this website.

No that was me if you're sillylego


>Sup Forums

I died in roblox, so i broke my computer


Nothing will get done unless you pay us. Pay us with pictures of your tits.