How the fuck could this win...

How the fuck could this win? It's probably the worst grape soda I've ever had and almost no one even knows it exists compared to everyone I know drinking baja blast. Mountain dew rigged the stupid contest so they could shill baja blast out once a year for extra spending cash in the summer


Bull fucking shit. Pitch Black is fantastic. You must be a fag

Pitch Black is probably the worst soda ever put to shelves.

To be fair, do you expect OP to be anything else?

Anyway, I'm beyond happy right now.

No, that would be Whiteout. It looks like carbonated sperm.


|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
|______________|||__|__|__|] beep beep!


Speaking of white out, I can't find that anywhere in my town. I'm sure I can find it in cans in a grocery store but not at gas stations. :^(

Because I like the look of it in bottles. Don't ask me why, I just like white shit because I'm racist af.

Now that you mention it, bubbly phlegm has only been found in bottles here, never cans.

Yet Livewire is found in both.

fuck off you corporate cocksucker

Contest was rigged from the start


niggers'll drink it...

agreed. That shit is absolutely disgusting. Baja blast on the other hand, I get it every time I got to kfc/taco bell.


then i guess a majority of a america is niggers, nigger.

>become a nigger

Now you know what you said is impossible but you said it anyway.

the contest was just a thing to bring back the grape dew. of course it would win if mtD can add another flavor to the roster. baja is always available at taco bell and that's a long-running partnership so of course they wouldn't just throw that one away.
anyone who seriously thought they would make baja a thing that can be bought whenever was just led by the nose by our old friend mr. corporate advertisements.

You know you can just get Baja blast at fucking taco bell right

only some taco bells have it. I'd say its a 50/50 if you go to one you've never been to. Also I consiciously avoid going to taco bells without the baja blast.

>pitch black worst
>not mentioning the abortions whiteout and livewire

>thinking mt. Dew would sell baja blast in stores instead of a special release every now and than
>thinking taco bell would allow them to take away their number 1 revenue generator

Don't forget Sangrita Blast. I mean, I'm okay with the flavor, but something about it literally gives me diarrhea, every single time I ever fill my cup with it.

Baja never gives me this problem when I use the fountains. Still, good for bad stomachs that can't go.

I can go buy a 12 pack of the Naha blast right now if I wanted. I don't see all the fuss literally just drink Baka blast

White Out. Fine.

But how fucking dare you. Talk shit. About Livewire. You king of cucks. I aughta skin your dick and make a finger glove so I can give you the bird with your own dick.

Baja gives me heartburn if i drink more than 12oz

In a week you won't be able to

>thinking livewire deserves to still be around
When it came out it was fine, but every gas station i go to has old dusty bottles of the shit hanging around. It cant be profitable.

Who buys the bottles? Honestly.

Its more economic to buy it in a twelve pack.

1.25 for 20 fl oz

3 bucks for 12 cans.

No one buys bottles of anything.

I don't have a problem with pitch black, but I completely agree that it was rigged.

Pitch black is good to get at the occasional gas station trip. Baja blast I think is more of a casual drink.

2L bottles are actually more economic you fag.

If they're on sale. Besides, you can't get most flavors in the 2Ls anyway. Just Voltage Reg and Code Red

Does this mean Baja blast is going actually going away?

>who buys bottles
Casual drinkers
But still the boxes of cans are worse. Dust and grime on them. Maybe it is a region thing, not many people in my area drink it.

Not from tbell

My favorite my.dew was Voltage, that shit was so good. Whatever happened to it, i never see it anymore.

But from stores? Damn

I've seen dusty Pepsi cans but mountain dew always seems pretty clean to me. I pour it in a glass anyway. Put that shit on ice

That is how it has always been

The blue one, Dude it is out there still

Im just saying dusty from no one purchasing them.

Stay butthurt, faggot. Of course it was rigged. Baja Blast is always available at Taco Bell, Pitch Black has been gone for years (unless you count the almost nonexistent Speedway gas station). They wanted to keep both, more profit for them.

But Pitch Black is far superior anyways, you stupid nigger.

>But Pitch Black is far superior anyways, you stupid nigger.

Only niggers drink grape soda

Only faggots drink 'tropical' soda.

Need we go on?

Who calls baja blast "tropical soda?"

On the fucking label, you moron.

Right? Kek

>tropical in one place, literally in the fine print

Come on now.

Says tropical lime. Who the fuck says "tropical fruit soda"? You do, you fucking faggot.

Also, i can buy both BB and PB dews at my local grocery store. Why is everyone butthurt? Can't you always just buy both regardless?

They're taking baja blast off the shelves

Excuse me while i go stock up.

I said tropical, not 'tropical fruit'. reading comprehension, friendo, use it correctly.