Sup Forumsrothers what do you think about god? What sound more possible that our world just appired...

Sup Forumsrothers what do you think about god? What sound more possible that our world just appired ? Or that there is some invisible guy that made this word and love some more then other?

If there was a god, what is the probability that any of the existing religions would be the one to describe the true nature of this being?

I am god

Yet if there is something you can easily proof it and if there isnt its imposible to proof that its not there


Everyone posting in this thread likes penis.

im gaay


Trump will become the next president.


speaking for all of Sup Forums:
I am a useful and productive member of society

So it is written, so shall it be.

He will be friends with putin

I.....I'm not sure how to score this...

Sup Forums will be closing tomorrow


Overkill much?


and will nuke mexico


Hitler did nothing wrong.

Love is an illusion


We all knew this. But this confirms it.



Niggers are subhuman


Getting your dick sucked by another guy is not gay.

bush did 9-11

I got fucked in the ass

I will never die

OP is a cock-thirsty faggot


you are not god

Thread full of truth


The holocaust did not happen.

My Little Pony is perfectly fine for adults

This post doesn't end with 7

Donald Trump is a special agent with the KGB whose ultimate goal is to boost ISIS recruitment in the USA. ISIS is a soviet proxy.

I lold

I am the real God.
I don't have a religion though. Your creator just browses Sup Forums all day.

Jews are fine.


Sup Forums is dead

The holocaust was fake and Hitler was jewish.

Niggers are productive members of society

I will be banned for this post.

Every poster below me will die within 24 hours


Black lives matter

Feminism is necessary and correct

You will suffer for ever.


Pedophiles are disgusting monsters

wish you were here

No they don't

Twilight is the greatest book of all time

Tumblr will legalize Pedos and pedophobia will be a thing
Also Milhouse =/= Meme

They hate me and will never accept me?

Clearly you don't understand the rules. You must be a nigger.

9gag is better than Sup Forums


We should gas the jews

You were almost a 7 but forgot that Milhouse is, in fact, a meme.

But... my belief... Hitler.... Why

Sexual attraction to children is morally problematic

Nothing is of value

Aww dammm nigga! Whoop whoop, real hours, smiley smiley, gun emoticons, 100 100 smiley face

The post below this one is a lie

Obviously to good to be true.

god is dead

The post above this is a lie


Fuck you, i'll only tell lies!

Muslims are not all terrorists.

i gonna be fuckd in Jail ?

rest in peace america

Op is not a fag

Oh shit

I will become a girl after this post

God can't be dead since he never existed.

Ghosts are real

Thanks, now you ruined it

>Sup Forums is now back to being neckbeards
>tips fedory
>vapes away

double confirmation, god is real

my asshole is a raging volcano

I will become a billionare

All posts ending in 5 after this one are now true as well

Hitler did something wrong.


Triple confirm

ima just dump some things here

>Tips fedora in return.
>Strokes neckbeard with one hand
>Strokes cock with the other

Sup Forums sucks

i have AIDS

OP's mom sucks cocks like a pro.

Less than half of Sup Forums is autistic.

the world is just a pizza, we are all toppings on the pizza, black people are olives, white people are onions, Mexicans are mushrooms

RNGsus is the one true god.