Fassbender's career

He financed this film with his own money

Did he make a mistake? Are we witnessing the death of Assbender?

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I'm going to pay to see this movie just to spite you OP. I urge everyone else to do the same

not really, the movie is gonna make money based on the game's fame, he's virtually unknown in the states anyway.

Why would anyone willingly associate themselves with video game movies? They are all trash

he should fire whoever decided to release it a week after rogue one

AssCreed's pretty Bad Ass

>he's virtually unknown in the states anyway
well that's objectively incorrect.

>a single actor
>somehow financing a $200 million blockbuster
Nigga what the fuck? Stop making shit up on the internet.


This, the movie looks great, but releasing it a week after star wars is suicide.

that was actually pretty funny

>the movie looks great

Really? What about it looks appealing to you?
Because it appears awfully generic to me.

Personally, my only worrying concerns about the movie itself is the script, written by the morons who helmed Tower Heist and that new Exodus movie.

The leads, director, and cinematographer have all worked together before, which might present a unified vision, but goddamn if those two studio mercenaries don't make me nervous.

he made as OP pointed out a mistake by financing a film when the future is all about kino.

tower heist was good... fuck you all.

>He financed this film with his own money

I really like the cinematography, the director bring a lot of stuff back from Macbeth and that's a really visual movie.

The action looks cool enough, the script could be a problem.


What a meme word.


fun fact unless it's alright, alright, alright or a former athlete we generally don't give any screen time to "famous" people. It's all about the game.

Deadline reports that New Regency, which is producing Steve McQueen's third Fassbender vehicle Twelve Years a Slave and Darren Aronofsky's biblical drama Noah, has committed to finance and distribute the Assassin's Creed movie.

>alright, alright, alright

the trailer looks ok, reminds me of the prince of persia movie which was also ok. but holy shit, this stupid rap music is so out of place its ridiculous and blending it with generic trailer music isnt helping at all.

>He financed this film with his own money
>Did he make a mistake? Are we witnessing the death of Assbender?
if he financed it with his own money, then it's something he's passionate about and wants to do.
I wish him nothing but the best in his endeavor.

Meme is a meme word.