Cringe bread

cringe bread

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lol,thats fucking pathetic









I weep for this generation


Vacation in Africa?

Excuse me?

"I'm black on the inside!"

Why the fuck is the name blacked out? It was from a FUCKING PUBLIC NEWSPAPER. Post uncensored shizzle and fb.

Cringy music

>Toy boiled in cum




Who gives a shit


That's not cringe, that's just fact...

spot the lardass




> fresh out of county jail.



fat fuck.



>that revolver is a pellet gun

good censoring

I wouldn't say thats cringe worthy unless there's confirmation that the girl in the pic just wants to "Sup Forums friends". Using Sup Forums terms irl may be frowned upon here. But he probably got laid so there's that.

chuckled at this one

>fuckin' [sic]

ultimate kek



If you can make it through his rant you are an ironman nothing in this world will make you cringe!

he reminds me of ryuuk



That's a cool watch. Anyone know what it is?





Like influenza?

that's a new level

no like the ttgl character

love it

Whats cringe is assuming he will get a job after DeVry.

He's right, because they have no other options.


And that's that

if she has a licence why were they on the bus
and why would he give a fuck if she lost and
and why was he wearing a suit on the bus

>Fuck using an actual tuxedo, I'll go with a tuxedo shirt


I mean that's pretty nice

I have a license and I ride public transport pretty frequently cuz its cheaper and faster than driving inner city.

Not knowing that he's talking about his sister who died.

Why would he post that though? it's kind of an annoying grasp for attention by using the death of someone important

the real cringe is he uploaded the picture crying just for attention

That's been posted a million times. Summerfag.

I really want to see the follow up to that

Several reasons: drinking, parking in the city being expensive, not everyone who has a drivers license also has a car, etc.

>when you drop your biscuit in your tea

the jar is now almost full and the semen turned black

>when it's beat the ginger day

Every time I see this I wonder what the end goal of this "project" could possibly fucking be.

How is that or this cringe? You're cringe fgt


??? where's the cringe?

I'm cringing at the autistic retard that did the highlighting on this shit. Did you just highlight random sentences?

>had a charging unit in my car
A phone charger in a car is uncommon to you?

too autistic to not be a troll. nice bait.

More like malaria


LOL what a fucking loser!!

this shit is fake