Wanna see a real grower? Make me hard and you can experience it

Wanna see a real grower? Make me hard and you can experience it.
>pic related it's me

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not really

That is one gross looking dick. Everything about it, from the wart on it, to the discoloration (but I get it, you can't help that you're an ethnic), to the gross bush (get barbers clippers and keep it like an 1/8").

Bifag here, and I'm not really interested. I get having a unkempt looking dick if you aren't getting any at the time, but if you're gonna show it off, it's time to clean it up.

Growers on avg are smaller than showers.

That's not a wart...it's a pearl

You clearly don't know what you're talking about...

Nah, he's right u small dick

Regardless, you know you can cut that shit off. You can pay a doc to do it, but I simply sterilize toenail clippers to remove warts, moles, or skin tags. It's a lot smarter than paying a doc that will essentially charge thousands to do the same thing.

But if you do this, sterilize the shit out of yourself and the clippers, and sterilize the shit out of yourself again once you're done.

I had a, wart, or well, something like that in my groin. I removed them myself.

It looks gross. STD'ish even. Cut that shit.

looks like you dipped it in sand

fuck off with your shitty jew dick.

Haha, growers suck on this

Erect length mean of showers in study: 6.5
Erect length mean of growers in study: 5.83

Nah my gf likes it

Not A Jew, I'm paki

It looks like someone bit off your foreskin.

fucking mudslimes.

No girl fucking likes a genital wart, dude. She's only saying it to make you feel better about something you're self-conscious about. Jesus, you really need to interpret girl-speak better, half the shit they say just to be polite and pleasant and it isn't exactly true.

Fix that shit. Cut it off.

I'm not Muslim...im Christian

So...you guys gonna help or nah

It's not a wart, you dumb fuck...if it was I'd get it taken care of. I know you're some kind of fag, but my gf likes it. She likes the way I work my dick in her even more

k lol

Dat feel when you're 5.5 inch flaccid and 8 inch erect.

Grower AND shower master race, reporting in.

nice bro, pictures and time stamp



Sorry bro, I'm not that much of a fag to post pics of my dick...yet.

> Bragging about dick but not posting proof

You're a special kind of faggot, aren't you?

You know you have a wart at the base right? Im not fucking kidding

Um yeah, if that's true, you're a shower dude.

Everyone knows anyone's dick is smaller soft than hard. But if you're s shower, it looks like a big dick even soft, and 5.5 IS a big dick when soft.

Growers are more like the guys that are only 2 or 3 inches when soft (like me), but I'm 7.5 hard. The kind of dudes that you'd figure weren't packing at all if it's soft.

Wow, this may be the most unintentionally gay post I've ever written.

It's a mole, retard

do it your cock has potential

here u go

That is in no way a fucking mole! Have you gotten it looked at and confirmed?


Calm down faggot, plenty dicks online. Look at them.

Yes I have...I've also had it way before I ever had sex

mole: 2D
wart: 3D
Your mole has width, length and profundity




Why does your bellend have tire marks on it?



Filthy mudslime cuck

Hnng moar like this will work

That's not a wart you fucking retard. It's a skin tag.