Drinks straight alcohol

>drinks straight alcohol
>doesn't make a face

>Makes a face when drinking Straight Alcohol


yea, that's the plus side of abusing alcohol
eventually it starts tasting normal

>be a pussy
>pretend everyone is a pussy to rationalize pussy status

Its called not being a bitch

I watched all seasons of Mad Men with a perverse delight. Don Draper had every single thing coming to him.

>not even once

A quality spirit won't taste like water by any means but you won't be making a face by drinking it.

I can drink a higher end Vodka or Rum straight and not gag. Frankly though can't say the same about Whiskey and Cognac though. Don't know why niggas love Hennessy.

Not OP here, I can avoid making a face, but I can't hide the change in my voice as I clear my throat and take that first inhale. Whiskey doesn't get me, I grew up in Tennessee and North Carolina, so I'm used to it and enjoy it. But anything like Tequila or Vodka gets at least a light cough out of me if I drink more than a small shot straight.

I remember my grandpa could sit there with a full glass of bourbon and just drink it like tea. What a guy. Side note, my grandpa was awesome. He had terrible leg injuries from a botched parachute drop from WWII, still walked around and did all kinds of shit. Smoked like a chimney and drank nothing but the hard stuff (seriously never saw him drink water or anything else) and he still lived to the ripe old age of 87. His lungs and liver were fucking BLACK, but the doctors insisted it was just old age/heart issues. No sissy cancer for that bad ass. Wish I had gotten to know him better.

because its a meme, they'd rather drink purple soda

I can drink Grand Marnier straight without making a face. But it's the only drink I like.


How are you defining 'straight alcohol'? As far as I am aware that is just Everclear and shit like hand sanitizer, even Vodka or Gin is far from pure

It tastes like fucking candy so of course you can. The only ones who "make faces" or any of that bullshit when drinking liquor are faggots. Just like like the bitches who use chasers. That shit is for women just like "hard" beverages.

Gimme a straight bourbon that's at least 100 proof or get the fuck out of my face.

I'm a teetotaler. Liquor tastes terribly unpleasant.

>be op
>be a huge faggot
>has to over act when drinking alcohol
Pic related

There's a whole process to tequila shots to avoid the discomfort. Salt, limes, etc.

With vodka, you're just drinking shitty vodka.

Start with rum. You can find some that are so mild and sweet you feel like you're drinking spicy maple syrup.

>sounds fake and gay
>part of the temperance movement
>all makes sense now


The reason the term sounds "fake and gay" is because the term is ten times older than you.

faggots tend to define anything that isn't some fruity faggot drink as "straight alcohol."

Nah it's because it was part of Temperance Movement which was full of retarded hypocrites who could barely read anything beyond biblical propaganda. Kinda like Sup Forums

I agree but your being a huge fadora about it.

and this is why children should be seen and not heard.

Nice blog you fucking faggot

You're using an old term made up by irrational morons for their movement. You're supporting OG SJWs. Kill yourself

>In the early 1800s, ''tee-total'' and ''tee-totally'' were used to intensify ''total'' and ''totally'' much the way we now might say, ''I'm tired with a capital T.'' ''I am now … wholly, solely, and teetotally absorbed in Wayne's business,'' wrote the folklorist Parson Weems in an 1807 letter. Teetotal and teetotaler first appeared with their current meanings in 1834, eight years after the formation of the American Temperance Society.

The only time reacting to alcohol is ever acceptable is for the very first shot of the night.

>drinks alcohol
>doesn't add milk and sugar

I don't drink liquor because I lose my shit

>start drinking at 9 AM
>not having to sleep it off in the afternoon

Look at this damage control. You're writing paragraphs about how the temperance movement was dumb to compensate for the fact you were so stupid you had never heard of the word "teetotaler" until this very hour.

He makes a slight grimace if you pay close attention. Coming from an alcoholic though, I make stupid faces and noises when drinking by myself sometimes. In front of other people I am as cool as a cucumber.

I only ever drink socially and I can drink straight without pulling a face. Except for tequila, that's fucked, but I don't drink the stuff so whatever.

I do start gagging if I'm not mixing it with something around about 0.2-0.3 BAC though.

Don takes a nap in the afternoon, or just fucks off, like every other episode.

Actually it was mostly women who wanted their husbands to stop spending money on booze and beat them.

>it's an alcoholics outside of /ck/ episode

>tfw under 21
>tfw babyface
>tfw no booze to ease the pain

Thanks, chief. I can tell you how my work went today if you liked it that much

Let's ride that pony.


OYO Oloroso Wheat Whisky here. Made in Columbus, Ohio, presumably to numb the pain of living in Ohio.

How many vacuum cleaners did you sell

user everyone knows you're supposed to start drinking at 16

Not too many: I got held up at your mom's house.

That makes sense. She already has a vacuum cleaner

I know, but hers is always set to suck.

Hearty kek
kek died

user if you don't set a vacuum to suck then nothing gets clean. How are you even a vacuum salesman

well she likes it dirty, before it gets clean, if ya know what I mean ;))))))))))))

Otherwise there would be nothing to clean. user are you feeling all right

Straight alcohol I would think would mean 100%. Would be pretty impressed to see someone not make a face trying to drink 100% alcohol.

Ever feel like every thread always has two people fighting in it while everyone else posts about the topic and watches them flail around

Every fucking thread

the only drink that makes me do a face its tequila.
i cannot straight shot tequila without a face.

vodka, whiskey, rum easy

beer is water

What the fuck are you talking about?

So what?

literally how new?

Prohibitionists believed that booze was the cause of poverty instead of a symptom.

Fun fact: inhale just before you take a shot. that way, once you've taken it, you can exhale all of the alcohol vapor out of your mouth and not into your lungs, preventing you from coughing.

Thanks, modern drunkard magazine

trolled hard

When someone says straight alcohol they mean straight liquor/spirits

>he fell for the 'ol pretend-to-be-trolled-but-really-you're-the-one-trolled-the-whole-time troll
every time

Alright my naive little friend; my innocent little scamp; I'll be rather candid with you, if I may. All of my recent posts have merely been sly phrases–risque euphemisms–for what I really meant. I was referring to my passionate acts of coitus with your dear sweet mother; lecherous tales about my emphatic thrusting hither and tither into the woman who gave you life: my inamorata. There, the secret is out.

I can't stand craft beer faggots

dang no one read my post I used too many unnecessary semicolons


>character has a drink
>doesn't have to spend the rest of the night binge drinking any and all alcohol he has
so unrealistic

>character goes to bar saying hes only going to have a 2-3 as he needs to control himself and is trying to stay in shape
>doesnt proceed to spend the next 6 hours drinking everything he can until he drives home drunk and throws up over the side of his bed while passed out

>He doesn't make this face after drinking hard liquor

I'm sorry you can't appreciate the taste of a good beer. I'm sorry you're a faggot.

Cool it with the homophobia

Hey chill out man I'll suck your dick until you nut.

Lads, I went to a bar and ordered an old fashioned and everyone in the bar laughed at me

>post a gay comic to make his point more valid

beer tastes awesome

i bet you like fucking cake and pie you faggot

Eat shit germanic scum. Beer is low ABV pee water for barbarian snowniggers

Maybe he can, but he doesn't rupture his anus every time he sees someone drink a Coors light