German axe dude killed like 20 people lets wait and see the left put a positive spin on this?

German axe dude killed like 20 people lets wait and see the left put a positive spin on this?

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No... 4 people properly injured and the rest are cucked and being treated for "shock"

He's a migrant who has seen horrors of war OP! This just tells us we need to be more welcoming! We failed this migrant! He could be a doctor or a surgeon! Blah Blah Blah!

na mate twenty people have been seriously injured and are unlikely to survive kill yourself

I don't think so OP - the tide is slowly changing against his ilk.

>UK leaves Europe because of immigrants
>Trump promised ban on Muslims and is soaring in polls
>Angela Merkell's love of immigrants is going to cost her a lot in next election
>France are openly booing and baying their socialist leader at Nice memorial


this whole situation makes me happy these cunts should stay in their shit country


source op you fucking faggot

Where have you heard that? I heard recently 3 critical one slightly injured and the rest critical. one sand nigger can't do that much damage

they are going to die probably

* i mean the rest treated for shock

TBH probably people people just talking shit

The world will only know peace when Eritreans are in Eritrea, Syrians are in Syria, Afghans are in Afghanistan, Americans are in America, British are in Britain...

All this mixing and changing and visas and rights to stay are ruining the world.

>Angela Merkell's love of immigrants is going to cost her a lot in next election
It might even have been the push Europe needed.

>Eritreans are in Eritrea
That country is so dangerous, that those who fled the country are visiting it on their holiday.

If you go to a non-conspiracy news site, the only person killed was the guy with the axe. I have had my dose of chemtrails today though, so who knows...

Another muzzie flips out

Muh multiculturalism

No longer soaring bro. Just sayin.

so those germans literally just had to wait for a cop with a gun to show up

Well, I'm going to keep that meme on my desktop from now on

Whydid he use an axe instead of a gun?

Because Axe is the best

he had an axe to grind


Eritrea is one of the reasons why you and I have a scar on our upper arms in the shape of a TB jab.

Hey EU, can I axe you a question?
Why did the French cross the road?

to suck on islams dick

hahaha did you guys like my joke?
i have another joke,

last joke then i gtg

european men are strong ,
hahahahaha holy shit that's funny

remember cowards, you deserve every death

He was probably just a German juggalo

I kek'd

lol yeah but, days since last gun massacre in the us

He's switching it up, evolving the style of terror attacks, he's new-wave, daring and with just enough sass to make you realise why we don't want to die at the hand of a Muslim all over again

It's a good thing he didn't use a gun or else more would have died. You can't stop killers, but you can limit the carnage by restricting deadly weapons.

No one needs a gun

At least we know his elder scroll weapon mastery

ban trucks

>Axefag confirmed for hipster

Trucks have more uses than just killing, nice try retard

>No one needs a gun

Not even the cop who shot him?

>German axe dude killed like 20 people lets wait and see the left put a positive spin on this?

Well, we don't have to wait about the right lying about it.

one truck beat any mass gun shooting, spree killer or serial murderer in US history though

an axe? on a fucking train?

that's like the plane being hijacked with a fucking boxcutter.

its an axe the dude has to swing it. just tackle the fucker. not a lot of damage he can do with literally one human holding him down.

Fuck you faggot, I use my gun to scoop Ice Cream out of the tub

That's what tasers are for. What if the cop shot a passenger or something?

no we don't.

one or two-handed

Good point. You've altered my viewpoint on guns.

Always pick the axe for extra bleed damage

Nah, America still holds the record

Right...left, both sides are equally as dumb. Op included.


I think you're imagining the axe as a lumberjack's axe.

It was probably a small axe he could swing one handed - bigger than a cleaver

Pretty much Australia and the UK

But user, if they tackled a Muslim, they'd probably feel bad

Man it's just something new every damn day now

Only niggers need two hands

It will increase. It will eventually be 1 a hour.


Lemme axe u a question hehe


>killed like 20 people

even then its not a fucking knife. hes not going to jam it in your back if you're right up on him. pretend somebody is hugging you and try to hit them with an axe. you can't get enough leverage in to do any fucking real damage. all it would take is one dude to tackle him and then others would help pin the guy down. you'd be a fucking hero for doing basically nothing.

what if he tasered a passenger with a heart condition?

Jesus Christ Germans are pussies just one guy with an axe 3-4 people could have stopped that.

No scar here. Natural immunity bitches.

sure kid. you do this everyday right?

Still better than being shot


They were all funny
They were top zoz

If you taze some people, they'll just die. If those people were shot with a bullet, they might live.

Na 9/11 holds that record if we're playing anything goes...

its a fucking hatchet. use your head. imagine you're on a train with a 17 year old punkass killing people with a hatchet. you really couldn't muster the courage to tackle the fucker?

Full Retard or Smug Troll?


well if you stop talking about it, the terrorism doesnt work nearly as well

So stop perpetuating terror faggot

now I know I'm dealing with a moron.

>The motive for the attack is not yet clear.

if you have heart problems that are dangerous for a taser
just the shock from getting shot is deadly not to mention the loss of blood

sure kid. you learn that in med school?

But you could restart their heart theoretically. If they're shot and live, they'll have horrific injuries

so you don't then. so you're some fat fuck behind a keyboard that knows it all?

try shutting up unless you are a fucking medical professional.


Guns make killing easier you retarded inbred redneck.


>we must not let this divide us
>we must not let this divide us
>we must not let this divide us
>we must not let this divide us
>we must not let this divide us
>we must not let this divide us
>we must not let this divide us

Actually, you can't buy fertilizer the way he did. The feds will pay you a visit if you buy more than a trivial amount and don't have a reason to do so (e.g. farmer).

A truck killed more people than a guy in a crowed night club with an AR 15. Who's the retard again?

went right over your head.

Eh, you could buy it under different names and in smaller quantities over time. Would take longer, but doable

Being punched is better than being tased. Cops should just punch people.

How brave

>Being punched is better than being tased
Nah, being tased means 5 sec of pain and then it's gone. Punching can break noses, teeth, bones and leave lasting impacts

Again, nice try
Fucking win.

We were discussing weather or not guns matter. They do. my point still stands.

A truck could kill the same men everywhere even in America, and no one could stop it, psychotic crazy people exist everywhere. Thus there is no point bringing it up.


Don't jiggle sand nigger, we'll soon bomb your excuse for a country

went right over your head

If you are trying to look clever burger, at least get your facts straight. UK left because of immigrants but from central and eastern Europe. They actually have no beef with muslims, most people like pakis more than Czechs and Polacks

It doesn't go away, the victims don't come back, future terror attacks still happen. This is the equivalent of burying your head in the sand and ignoring the problem.

To be fair anyone could practice with euro truck simulator

i kekd when some friend wrote me that there is a guy going on an axe rampage in my town.


people going on a suicide attack only care about results not about how easy it was truckguy has the highest KDR for a muslim extremist attack since 9/11 iirc. Hell terrorists could drive up a van infront of a train and put a derail on the track and kill hundreds while getting away scot-free