I watched this the other day. It was actually amazing movie...

I watched this the other day. It was actually amazing movie. Why dont HBO or the History channel ever make period TV shows about Islamic History? Personally, im tired of all the period pieces being British and starring Natalie Dormer and the same British casts in all of them.

because americans are stupid and will flip a shit. just wait for the rest of this thread

Honestly there is so much more history to be covered. These are just some examples that would make excellent tv series if done right

>Mohammeds rise to power from being a destitute orphan to becoming a leader
>Second Islamic Civil War, which included the Battle of Karbala, in which 73 fighters, including the Prophets grandson fought to the death against a 30k Syrian Army
>Even a show about the Romans and Muslims fighting over Syria (Battle of Yarmouk) would be fascinating

>expecting to Sup Forums or the media to appreciate this masterpiece when they'd rather watch Lawrence of Arabia for the nth time

Just give up.

I'd rather see a movie about the Wars of Apostasy or based Umar Ibn Khattab, his rule is more interesting. Hell even a movie about Khalid Ibn Walid who's considered one of the greatest military generals in human existence would be great.

Because Islam is the worst religion.

Islamic civilization is incoherent and insensible, making any retelling the least close to the actual events would not make money or sense to either Muslims or Christians here, maybe some local and cultural humor but there was simply nothing to lament over in the desert. I'm saying general all the choices and rationale during the time would be difficult to not embellish, just like most of the Koran.

It's a shame we don't get more films from Western Asia, the place is pool of talent when agree to stop durka durka'ing each other.

basically this

it's a shame though

Islamic history is otherwise fascinating

There's a TV series about Umar already

No-one wants to be make a film that will result in them being on a death list. Not to mention all the hoops to jump through to avoid offending muslims; this was an issue even back when The Message was being made. In the end it's not worth it.

A movie about muhammad made by the West, even if it was flattering, would be misconstrued and accepted as some sort of insult to the Islamic world.

Periods after Muhammad's death would be really interesting to see but I think the best angle as always for historical films is take the material seriously and from both sides as best as you can.

Umar is a faggot and a coward. He doesnt even have a single confirmed kill in his lifetime. Compared to Ali, who easily killed many of the renowned champions and swordsmen of his time, Omar is nothing

>Why dont HBO or the History channel ever make period TV shows about Islamic History?

Because no matter what they do, it will be "wrong" according to Muslims. And they don't want to get mail-bombs and be responsible for riots.

>Muhammad is depicted
>Americans will be the ones to flip their shit

Ben pls

It's possible that a dedicated HBO episode to the battle of Karbala would cause a shit storm on them innernets.

Noone is worried about that, Hollywood, Showtime,HBO and even network tv have all made shows where literally every Muslim character is a terrorist. I doubt a historical drama would ruffle any feathers

how so?



1. Americans are generally retarded about these matters and would probably not watch a film about Islamic history, might even boycott the movie instead.

2. Sunnis and Shias have very different interpretations and accounts of early Islamic history (the period following Muhammad's death up to the establishment of the Abbasid Caliphate) and a movie might end up causing an unforeseeable reaction among one side.

3. Orthodox Sunnis are iconoclasts and will get massively butthurt if the film portrays Muhammad or any of his companions/disciples. You might have protests, Saudis might try to pull some funny shit, etc.

>Muslims portrayed in media
>AMERICANS are the ones to flip their shit, not Muslims

What world are you living in right now?

if the movie doesn't portray Muslims as "random terrorist #214" like Hollywood has always done but instead portrays their history in an objective light then yeah, they might see it as part of 'stealth Sharia' or pushing the globalist Islamist agenda or whatever

The Message did a good job of just avoiding Mohammed outright and instead depicting Hamza or a different follower as the focal point of the movie. Literally any of Mohammed's lesser-known companions could be the main character and still the story could be told without missing much

remove yourself ghulat fucking shit

shia pls go and stay go

I'd rather see a movie about Sikhs BTFOing Muslim armies 2bh

My fucking sides. Umar made the caliphate what it wass, ali was a failure as a caliph who couldnt even put down a civil war.

You're either a shia or persian, maybe even both.

The media panders to Muslims constantly. The fuck are you talking about.?

>hairy poo-in-loos

no thanks, poojeet

I don't think that portraying the atrocities commited by Muhamemd and his followers need any embellishment; if anything it might make people open to Islam reconsider their stance.

Oh shit user, I never thought I'd see someone else talk about this movie on here. I loved watching this movie as a kid whenever it was on television, though the version I watched had them speaking in Arabic.

Nah man, the director worked closely with Saudi royalty and Imams to make sure it was historically accurate according to the Quran.

>this stormcuck delusion

Name 5 major movies post-9/11 which had Muslim protagonists or Muslims portrayed in a positive light.

All those death list things notwithstanding

To make this kind of movies you need people to be interested in Islamic history in the first place. in general people just don't identify with those historical figures.

So what if, say, general Akaba, won a war in Bagadad? How does it concern me? Why should I care about it?

Both movies are masterpieces. Some people may probably prefer to watch a movie set in Arabia and not be based around religion, so they go with Lawrence of Arabia.

>still believing the Shia narrative

holy shit what a faggot

Things like Hamlet don't concern a large majority of the world, but they still find it interesting.

The Town
To The Wonder
Gone Girl

By your logic, eho cares if King Henry VIII cucked Natalie Dormer 600 years ago, and who cares that imaginary Houses are vying for imaginary supremacy in an imaginary continent named Westeros. People gain interest in topics if a show is good, not the opposite.


Watch the English version. Its great. Khalid was so based
>Its a route! Our center is gone...we lost the battle Khalid.
>...Not yet.
>BTFOS the Muslim

Khalid was a hypocrite who is currently burning in hell

Ali a gud boi he dindu nuffin

It wuz all Uthman's fault I swear

t. Reza Mobed Hassan Rezaveri

>being this butthurt
>being this much of a Magian Shia heretic

Reza pls

Khalid was LITERALLY based

Shia have art and culture, Sunni fuck goats.

If Shias don't believe the Quran is the word of God, and 'Muslim' literally means to believe that the Quran is the word of God, how can they call themselves Muslims?

I read Hamlet in high school. Not that I am deeply moved by that but me and my classmates read it. Did you read Koran? Or about a war in Bagadad?

They taught us in school about importance of Henry VIII and we actually made jokes about him in school.

As of Game of Thrones, though it's a fantasy, there are many things here and there that I can tell it's relevant to our history. I don't know if GOT has anything from Middle East but if it has I don't mind or care.

>whipping yourselves with chains and barbed wire until you bleed
>requiring taxpayers to pay for sex change operations
>"art and culture"

my sides

>Did you read Koran?

No. Nor the Bible. Religious instruction doesn't happen in U.S public schools as per the law.

>Or about a war in Bagadad?

Yes. It's called History class.

Maybe you went to school in niggertopia or Detroit and didn't get the chance to have a complete functioning education. Don't project that on the rest of us though.

>braindead ghulat doesn't even realize that iranians have been historically sunni until the rise of the safavid empire

Muslims cant even discuss theoretical tv shows without it becoming sunni-shia war. sheesh

Actually, shiaism started in Iran in the 9th century with Imam Rida. It just became STATE religion with the Safavids. There was many shias tjere long before the safavids

This is like saying people who liked video games or movies can't discuss them without it becoming a fanboy war.

There's a bit of autism in everything, user.

انت بتهز معي يا كوتش؟

On the assumption that this being one of the causes of the Sunni/Shi'a split would make it a sensitive topic and if not done with the utmost care would cause a backlash which I don't think any of the big production companies could do. Doing it from the distance of a historical documentary is easier but a HBO drama series would be a little more difficult imo.

Never thought I'd ever see people discuss this her, even calling Umar 'Based'. Pretty interesting.

What did he mean by this?

Fuck off sandniggers

>this is what Shias actually believe

Go away, Sup Forums


>country was historically a sufi majority
>saudis start to get that oil money and starts exporting the "true faith"
>now a batshit salafist majority
>mandatory hijabs
>music/dance/intermingling and dating between the sexes/sufi rituals b& and shrines destroyed



No one cares what you think, goatfucker. Sunni Arabs are subhuman, easily the worst when compared to Shi'a Arabs and Christians.

You're all human garbage though. Islam is a literal cancer.

Don't start this shit, the entirety of South America was conquered in the name of Christ you dumb infidel

What does that have to do with anything both Islam and Christinatity we're expantionist.

You brain dead Sup Forumsfags don't even know about northern crusades.

>not including the massacre and forced Christianization of the Saxons
>not including the Northern Crusades
>not including the Albigenisian Crusades and the genocide of the Cathars
>not including the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Crusades
>not including the Crusades into Egypt and Damietta
>not including the Crusader sack and massacre of Constantinople
>not including the genocide of the Americas carried out by Catholic conquistadors with the blessing of the Church

i hate this shitty meme pic


>the entirety of South America was conquered in the name of Christ you dumb infidel

Citation needed

Wasn't it your idol Umar who fucked over Khalid in the end because he was a drunk rapist? lol

Got it.


Oh STFU you muzzie retard.

Muhammad was a warlord, slaver and pedophile there is literally no comparison with the superior Jesus Christ.

Religion of Piss

>let me spam everythread with the same images and post the same shit everytime

>"waaaah!!! they have capital punishment for murder, treason, adultery, and drug smuggling!!! waaaaaaaaahhh"

then don't do the crime, libshit

That show was propaganda trash. They didn't even show any sex slave rape.

has Baghdadi been taking tips from Caesar's Legion or something

i would waifu the one on the far left

>dat index finger

A realistic version that shows Mohammad for what he was - an Arab con man - would be amazing.

Too dangerous though, muzzie's will riot because their religion is so fragile.


These are all valid and punishable crimes. They can deal with the scumbags who commit these crimes whichever way they like.

>Achmed pretending to support Trump

wew lad

Ok, Ahmed.

of course there isn't.

Muhammad succeeded in his mission and left the world after uniting the tribes of his race, building an empire, and laying down a law code for his people.

Jesus was a virgin and a libshit cuck who lived with his mom and got BTFO by the Roman police, dying a failure. Good thing he had a good hype man though.


>not being a Gnostic

Good job worshiping the Janitor of this universe, cucks.

Are you retarded, my Muzzie friend?

Almost every tribe left Islam after Muhammad died, Abu Bakr had to forcibly bring them back. Then Uthman forced his personal version of the Quran on everyone and now the Sunni-Shi'a theology is almost completely based on Hadith compiled hundreds of years after Muhammad.

Muhammad barely shaped anything, his successors created Islam.

And that's ignoring the fact that Islam is garbage meant only for the 7th century desert, Christianity is superior in every way.

>Most tribes leave the religion after your death
>Some join up with other newer prophets
>Multiple civil wars among followers and your own companions
>Cousin, friends and relatives murdered by fellow Muslims
>Your teachings and life are forgotten, propaganda versions are what everyone knows and follows
>Millions dead
>Millions enslaved

"Succeeded in his mission"

> The one country with literally no cucks

>>Your teachings and life are forgotten, propaganda versions are what everyone knows and follows

What were his actual teachings and life then, if everything we know today is "propaganda"?

>adultery is punishable by death

At least now we know why the cuckolded liberal West is trying so hard to get rid of Islam

>Almost every tribe left Islam after Muhammad died, Abu Bakr had to forcibly bring them back.

That's a lie, after Muhammad's death there grew several people preaching to be prophets from various tribes and as expcted from a historically tribal nation said tribes flocked to their new messngers. Abu Bakr put them down in what was called the Ridda wars.

>Then Uthman forced his personal version of the Quran on everyone

Another falsehood. After the result of many deaths during the various civil wars during the caliphate and different styles of pronounciation and arugments between certain regions under the caliphate control, he diceded to codify it into a singular text and destroy all other copies because of attempts of other regions to modify it.

>Muhammad barely shaped anything, his successors created Islam.

Are you retarded, without Muhammed Islam wouldn't exist, it's like saying Paul the Apostle created Christinaity. Muhammed unified arabia, name one person before him that has unified the entire region into a single entity.

>And that's ignoring the fact that Islam is garbage meant only for the 7th century desert, Christianity is superior in every way.

Not during a signifigant portion of the Middle Ages.

We don't know his actual teachings and life, because there is no evidence for it.

The only details of his life we have are from:

Quran: Tampered with, all alternate copies burned by Uthman

Hadith: Collected 200 years after his death by faggots like Bukhari who were basically playing a game of telephone, their methodology was very flawed

Sira/Biography: Most complete,popular and oldest one written by ibn Ishaq who many other Muslim scholars distrusted; different versions exist

Well he cant control events from his grave right? In his life, all his military and political goals were met. By your logic, George Washington was a failure because centuries later USA is Cuck-Central

OP here, can we please stay on topic? k thx bye

>it's like saying Paul the Apostle created Christinaity.

He did.

Why do you keep asserting that the Uthman codex was tampered with when that makes no sense from a historical context?

What makes you come to that conclusion. I don't know if this is just your "shia" bias, or do you know something that most people don't.

>Quran: Tampered with, all alternate copies burned by Uthman

Archaeologists did however find preserved copies of the Quran in Yemen that date back to Muhammad's lifetime, before Abu Bakr's reign.

Those copies match up with the modern Quran i.e. Uthman was a gud boi he dindu nuffin after all.

It is LITERALLY one of the few points of agreement by muslims (both shia and sunni) that hpthe Quran has never been tampered with. Even the Shias, who hate Uthman, never accused him or anyone else of ever tampering the Quran

>That's a lie,

Wrong, Musaylimah was even alive while Muhammad was and they exchanged letters.

Every tribe except those around Mecca left Islam. Abu Bakr brought them back only through force.

Many of these tribes simply refused to follow Abu Bakr, some joined other prophets.

It's because they were forced to Islam by Muhammad in the first place.

>Another falsehood

Wrong, muzzie. I know your brain can't handle contradictions to your traditional narrative but that's not my problem.

Uthman's Quran was the version his daughter compiled, and he ordered all others burned to standardize it.

A Sahabi and hafiz, and others around Kufa, rebelled against Uthman for doing this.

The Quran has been tampered with, sorry.

> it's like saying Paul the Apostle created Christinaity

He did, in many ways he shaped Christianity.

>Muhammed unified arabia

No he didn't, his successors did. Even then, there were civil wars and sectarian splits.

>Not during a signifigant portion of the Middle Ages.

Who cares? It's not the middle ages anymore.

Every religion evolved, except Islam. That's because the fundamentals of this religion are corrupt, contradictory and nonsensical. It's like Mormonism.
