Who else here is diapered right now? I'm chilling out in my paws diapers and wearing my ducky footie sleeper and sucking on my binkie.

I'll post some pics, where my diaperfags at?

Bump if you want more pics

bump then, I live for wet diaper pics
I'm in that weird niche where I like diapers, but only wet, and no AB or DD/LG shit

its harder to find just dl pics, got any to share?


stuff like this works



nice stuff m8

ill dump for a bit. just keep bumping. I prefer girls in baby diapers or pullups though





What a cuck fetish



I don't think you understand what cuck means



yeah see that's the weird thing, not into AB/DL or any of that but most "diaper" diapers don't look good, but pullups are fucking sexy all the time



i think thats my issue that adult diapers just arnt as "cute"


kill yourself







I like pictures like this, too

Tumblr is the best place for this stuff.


diapered sex is amazing but there's so little of it

Im gonna lurk the other way now

yeah, I like some tumblrs, but a lot are hit or miss. onlydiapervideos I go to a lot though, they update consistently


sadly it is. its the only reason i go on tumblr but damn if there isnt new content every day

checkd and tru it is

10/10, would chain you to my basement radiator for years and years




This whole thread is a joke right?


why bc you dont share the same fetish...

about as much of a joke as impregnating your daughter, and your daughter's daughter which is also your daughter


holy fuck these are so good




Fetish?? This is a fucking mental disorder. Fix your life.


oh god and I love pics like that too, this is the best

wow did you just find Sup Forums today? if you think this is a mental disorder you really need to learn alot more about life this is like a 4 out of 10 on the mental disorder scale of fetishes ppl have on here

ill see what others i have like it


Ok give me an example of a 10/10 fucked up fetish?


actual necrophilia is to me for sure, but I also hate myself for this fetish still but w/e

The most harmless fetish there is... except for the whole raping kids bit.

yeah pedophilia, esp acting on it is pretty fucked too, probably on-par with necrophilia if you act on it

well i did stumble upon a video on here of a guy rapeing a week old dead body of a 4 yr old girl in a bathtub. i cant even explain the entire video that would be around a 9.5

Would you people ever look at your own kids in this way?


most ppl with this fwtish actually arnt pedo's but to each their own what they want to believe. you wont understand the fetish unless you are into it. just like most others

no dude I'm into diapers on cute womenfolk, not kiddie porn

as you see these are not kids and fully fledged adults... so no

Necrophilia seems 0/10 for me, I mean, the other person is already dead. Fuck it. Literally.










please god no messing, I don't want to have to leave the thread

anyone still lurking?

do I count, I've been posting occasionally

really... thats half the fun of diapers... but alright ill play to the crowd


yea... just wanted to make sure someone else was here

nah dude, wet diaper sex with the gf is 100% of everything I'll ever need ever

no sauce on anything. either got it from Sup Forums or tumblr

understandable. i think i have gotten a piss and scat fetish bc of this ferish so poop doesnt bother me at all.



Any diaper crossdressers here?


I had a pee fetish first that slowly became a fascination with diapers but now I'm definitely a DL

are you asking if there are pics... or if i am one?

Asking if you are.

yea im the other way around. ive liked diapers since i was young. that lead me into piss and scat porn now as an adult since they kinda go hand in hand

Love goodnites!

yes, i do like to dress up and am into the sissy side of things idk if its bc of this fetish though, but i do it all