Coke or Pepsi Sup Forums?

Coke or Pepsi Sup Forums?

Coke duh

dr. pepper

baja blast

R.C. keeps the big guys on their toes. It doesn't have to be a two cola system.


coke no question for me


Uncle owns a Coke plant so I get free shit if I pull up in a truck. But honestly mountain dew Baja blast is the winner.

Chocolate milk

Pepsi is literally flat coke with more sugar
coke obviously

Fanta>Lemon Soda>*

>battery acid a or battery acid b
lol cancer

Pepsi. To me it tastes like a more carbonated and less sweet coke



pretty simple since pepsi is jew owned you moron

C h e r r y
P e p s i


Pepsi? More carbonated? Yeah fucking right!

Dr. Pepper

Filthy peasants


Coke has a terrible aftertaste, Pepsi is more citrusy and sweeter.

Both are powerful high-dollar jew swill diabetes in a can though

Rise Dr Pepper Master Race

>RC master race checking in

Then join the Dr Pepper Master Race
Dr Pepper OWNS RC bitch

That is literally the exact opposite of the truth.

Is this purposely the opposite? Is this bait?

Pepsi has better taste but Coca Cola is cheaper, atleast where I live.

Dr Pepper tastes like aged goat blood mixed with Coke backwash.

RC is a better mixer anyway.

The sweetness comes from blended dead babies

neither. both are disgusting. drink water you diabetic obese fuck.

The only difference between coke and pepsi is your sexual orientation

You dont mix Dr Pepper shithead. It stands up by itself. But if you DO mix it: Cherry Kool Aid 4 color and with 4 shots of Maraschino liquor to make The Devil's Blood

Makes sense

If Dr Pepper means pansexual then so be it

>still drinking the carbonated jew
V8 nigger


without being a sperg and saying my favorite, I'll go with Pepsi. It's much more crisp and lighter tasting. Coke is thick and heavy and basically sewage backwash unfit for even 3rd world country gooks

Not even kidding, Dr.Pepper
But I haven't drank soda for a year so I forgot how it tastes like

I'm gay too

cherry dr pepper is delicious as fuck.

Also I recently quit soda myself. Swear to god I lost like 20 pounds in a month.

Dr. Pepper is the elixir of the gods

But I tried this today and it's bretty gud