I laughed so hard at her comment

I laughed so hard at her comment

Other urls found in this thread:






For what propouse.

Disgusting but would smash 3/10

Because he got roasted

probably rides cock real nice though

It was just funny SHE said someone looks like they have a mental disorder. I don't have a problem with that creature

She roasted you bro

>implying whales can even get into that position

Jesus christ way to ruin a pretty face with piercings, shit glasses, tattoos and horriifc hair. I bet she has a forest in her arm pits and a jungle on her vagina

Yeah but many more that aren't like her and much prettier

Not my status but sure lol

She's actually skinny

don't forget those gauges... unless you're into ear sex.

You'll need a gigantic dick like Shane diesel

Im so glad im not a millenial and i dont have to deal with this shit. Good luck 20 somethings!


Daddy loved too much or not enough?

What year were you born?

are u blind you dumb fuck

Shane diesel is still too big

1976 bicentennial baby. Murica!

bitch is ugly and clearly can't judge anyone looks unless their fashion choice is smearing shit all over themselves, but some context here?

Not sure. Not digging into this one

Ahh one of the many who turned America into the shit hole we see today and that raised those whiny ass millenanials

88 here, but honestly in our generations there's plenty of punks that ruined themselves more. They had a point, unlike this stupid bitch i guess, but they did.

OP got roasted and he's mad


seriously, that is it, daddy either raped her or neglected her,

How come none of these photos show up on reverse image search? I think ops a faggot

I agree

my guess would be not enough and some type of personality disorder (boarderline, histrionic, etc.). Seems to be the theme with girls who look like this that I know IRL.

i thought it was something more interesting, something on the news.
Oh well, the only way to make this interesting is to find where she posted that comment, and to link her to this thread

I know right

Shortly ass generation

Add another decade or two you retard. I didnt have kids at 16

most likely molested by daddy as a child

that is one seriously fucking ugly bitch.

fbdotcom jawbreakerr?fref=ts
nigger there is the name

I bet she voted for Bernie.

Either way you are part of the reason america is the shit hole today

ayyy lmfao. what a freak.

why would you even waste your time looking at this gross bitch?

Literally retarded millenial spotted. I work as a .net dev. Not my fault your mommy coddled you and you still love in her basment with your pet tarantula.

She has a boyfriend
>pic related

learn to spell fuck face, devs know their keyboard like the bottom of your dildo

This woman(?) is going to be dead in a gutter before she reaches 30.

did this, hoping she's online. i'm curious about why she was insulting OP

Aerospace engineer :> must suck to be apart of the generation that fucked the rest of America

Not even the dude you were arguing with but
Your generation and the baby boomers fucked the economy.
This is your fault.



but i would also put a magnet under her pillow before i snuck out.

Looks like a really shitty attempt at mo-cap work

Im on my phone dipshit.

You're a do nothing couch potato who cant get laid and has no money but its my fault. Got it.

bitch isn't responding

Magnets don't stick to stainless steel

Why would devs know the bottom of his dildo?

>into grammar

way to rain on my parade, asshole.


Your generation literally invented cucking and single handely ruined the economy. Luckily I am not lazy like your generation and am making good money. Your generation felt the world owed you everything.


Back to tumblr with you.

Seriously, what the fuck. Can you not into economics?

you realize that it is the exact shit someone that frantically looks at social media writes, expecially if they're edgy as this bitch

Gen x has no problems getting jobs. Its the safe space poopy picaso millenials that have to wear diapers and get mommy to give them a job recommendation

I wonder if she's related to spooky graves


Wait a second, people actually want to talk to this pile of worthless shit with the personality of an aids infected jizz rag?

I can't wait til 20 years from now when those who are shitting their diapers today will be saying the same about your generation.
This conflict has happened between every generation for fucking ever since fucking Mesopotamia and you're a fucking tool for playing along.

Did I ruin your safe space?

>boys and girls? i'm hard to get. please fight for me because i like the unrequited attention but need to act like i'm superior to that.

bet that shit dries up when she's 30 and what little attention she has from betas goes down the drain


instagram.com/spookygraves/?hl=en wonder if she's related to this guy

shes autism
not cause all the autistic piercings but the constant obsession with selfies and trend shit

dude, there are ppl on Sup Forums that think men with gynecomastia and implants are pretty women to jerk off to and cartoons of animals that human dicks are sexier an actual female with a real vagina. I'd say the bar is set pretty low around here.

Nah millennials are literal cancer. They're pretty much the only ones sucking up all this SJW shit.

She's probably still trying to figure out your retarded grammar

>ppl on Sup Forums that think men with gynecomastia and implants are pretty women
nobody thinks that

I think you're getting your stereotypes mixed up, nigger

Pretty soon you won't be able to tell the difference between humans and animals. People just want to feel so special and unique. The insecurity has become so fucking vibrant

>damage control post implying damage control

What the fuck is wrong with your face??

i'd fuck a trap way before i'll get my cock around that piece of modern art she calls a face.

Lmao, this fucking dumb fuck faggot, grow a bigger dick emo fag

Millennials are rebuilding the economy you absolutely destroyed. Please lrn2economy with stats and facts

I like the hair. The rest made me throw up a little.

>everyone is one entity
whatever fuckery we do here... some of us tend not to display that in day to day life.

But yeah. A shit hole full of human-mistakes

What's your investment in this conversation?

>oh, why people not learn my language better?


you are dumb as fuck.

>Butchering a plinkett that badly
You should be ashamed of yourself, user

gaahhh... stop putting shit in your ears, for the love of god

>Millennials are rebuilding the economy
>stats and facts
you mean because they buy stuff with the money of their parents?

You ignore obvious facts.

>Millennials are destroying the country with identity politics and letting in unwashed 3rd worlders because white guilt

allow me to introduce you to

She did not have a pretty face. This is the next best thing to get attention for herself. What a pathetic little unloved cockroach

77fag here. I knew some slack-ass gen-xers in my day. Some of them got their shit together, some didn't. I like to think I did. (And yet here I am on Sup Forums lol.)

I've seen whiney millennials on the news, but most of the young people I know (maybe too young to be millennials), while inexperienced and naive, are pretty level-headed.

But go ahead and generalize about entire generations. It's entertaining.


How exactly would you like to go about trying to prove this statement?