Is this meaty pussy a good thing? Is it sexy?

Is this meaty pussy a good thing? Is it sexy?

Yes, at least to anyone who's not 19 and never actually seen a real cunt.

i would hit it

for the soul purpose of irony

yeah it's just preference some people really like it others don't

I think it's very sexy. Love a meaty pussy :)

Haven't had sex, but I would imagine that a vagina with extra skin would make for a sexier time for both parties.

Not 19. Have seen real cunts.

Yes I would take you on a ride bby. Wnt some fuk bby??

I like looking at it, fucking it, but not eating it. the texture fucks up my focus horribly.


>the texture fucks up my focus horribly.
Sounds more like pussy is the problem. You are clearly in the closet and need to find a way out

Nigga I'm autistic. We're super sensitive to textures n shit. I love the taste of goulash, but the texture makes me want to puke

>Is it sexy?

Not really, but I'd still fuck it. Also I want to blow raspberries on her butthole.

Meat flaps are the least desirable part of any pussy, i honestly cant stand them. If I were a girl id get them cut off

My ex had larger beef curtains and it was quite a different feeling from my wife who has a cleaner looking vag. With my ex, the curtains would lightly drag along the base of my cock

>lightly drag along the base of my cock
the best

Someone should model a fuck toy after this ass

Girls with huge beef currains can actually get them caught in the zipper through their panties its pretty hilarious.

Exactly what I mean.

since when was the zipper of pants between our legs...

Dat signature slam piggy cunt meat


This is as close as you'll ever get OP. Enjoy.

that is one fine cunt op

Depends on how tight they are and probably how drunk you are.It can happen.

That's a gaping void. Imagine trying to jerk off with only air

Looks tasty as fuck. 10/10 would munch then creampie. Thanks for sharing faggot.