Tfw work tomorrow

>tfw work tomorrow

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw conscripted tomorrow

i work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday literally cleaning up shit at walmart fot 7.50 an hour ;_;

>working on the Sabbath

>tfw constipated tomorrow.

>being a wagecuck

laughing my butt off to be honest

>not being a NEET

fuck off, normalscum


>Not being a good shabbos goy and doing your jewish friends share of the work while hes out having a good time :^)

>tfw I want back to the army
Life was so easy, you just did as you were told
3 meals a day, nights and weekends off if there was no camping exercise

Yeah, it's called adulthood.

this is literally me, just with a black hat instead of red. i hate it but my parents told me to get a job or move out :(

>3 meals a day, nights and weekends off
You know, that's how most of us live outside the military too.

>mfw work tomorrow
who knew dishwashing at min. wage and no benefits could be so fun?

what do you do OP?

forgot pic

Walter, you're not even jewish.

>tfw you remember

The unemployed are literal human garbage.

but user, Walmart's lowest pay grade is $9/hour, and maintenance crew makes more than all of the other non-salaried associates

mexico amigo

>tfw day off tomorrow

Well I meant ready made meals, you just walk in grab yourself a plateful

I honestly eat proper meals maybe twice a day because cooking's a chore and even then I'll eat some shit like frozen pizza half the time

better go to bed soon, user. you need to get up early for work :)

>mfw a hobo asked me to buy him a cigar the other day
>mfw I told him "please fuck off"

i work in taco bell :'(

>Lol working is for losers XD

Fucking limp dick faggot millenials.

buck up, laddo. you just save that money and move as far away from your family as possible. with any luck, you can reinvent yourself and rejuvenate your self-image. that's my plan.

>you can reinvent yourself and rejuvenate your self-image.
Doesn't work, you will go back to your old habits every time.

>got a job at gunpoint
>still lives with his parents
yup, that's a beta

You can always shitpost with your phone, like all the decent hardworking anons do.

shoulda stay in school


country? fellow conscriptbro?

He's working at McDonald's famalam. Can't really afford rent on that wage.

>I honestly eat proper meals maybe twice a day
Is this supposed to be unusual? Nobody eats a proper breakfast anymore.

Pretty much, but people keep telling me its good to have goals, and that's the only one that really resonates w/ me. really, the idea of severing all ties is the goal, here

but are you getting free college/good pay/etc from your shitty job?

>tfw gf keeps starting fights with me over stupid shit
>won't let me just put my feet up and watch a movie

you are already miles ahead of most of us

you already fucked up

A cigar? Those are some ritzy homeless. The homeless around here just want a few bucks every now and then.

>mfw NEET Masterrace
>mfw gonna bang OPs GF again tomorrow

Life is good.

>tfw it's Saturday
>tfw it's literally the most depressing, empty night of the week
>tfw I feel nothing but anxiety because I'm caught in life, with no real social life, working at a job I loathe, with zero real expectation that my life will ever change
>tfw I have acid reflux, which I don't really want to go to a doctor for, for reason I don't even know, I just don't want to go to the doctor, and apparently untreated acid reflux has a drastically increased chance of causing esophageal cancer
>tfw life is pointless, it sucks, and then you die

I've already graduated, and yes it pays better than military unless you're an officer.

If you enjoy the military that's fine, I'm just saying you can get all the same benefits outside it.

I know exactly how to fix your day, user.

>mfw Swedish
>mfw abusing our shitty social wellfare system till it breaks
>mfw free apartment
>mfw free money
>mfw can do whatever I want all day

Feel sorry for these wagecuck losers t b h

It just reminds me of Chris P Bacon.

>tfw no qt baby pig in your life

>tell gf it's time for her to go home because she spent two straight weeks at my place
>she thinks I'm trying to break up with her and freaks out

>tell gf it's time for her to marry me
>she says yes
>get waken up by the sound of my phone alarm at 6 am

>no dreams
>every night is oblivion

>tfw neet until ww3 draft

>It's a dream where I get back together with me ex-girlfriend
>She wants to be with me, I feel so happy, everything is great
>Wake up and realize it was a nightmare, and that she still wants literally nothing to do with me, spend the entire day, if not week, feeling like dog shit

That is truly the worst feel.

Land of the free

wtf is this pic?

You dream every single night fAm. You just don't remember them. In fact, remembering dreams really depends on a variety of factors. Usually it comes with being awoken either during REM sleep, or shortly after REM. If you have a more erratic sleep schedule, you will more likely awake during REM sleep, and remember your dream. If you're getting 10 hours of sleep every night, you're probably waking in non-REM sleep, which means you won't remember shit.

People dream several times every night, they only remember the last one they had.

>NEET for 2 years
>living comfy
>suddenly I have to wake up at 5 am weekdays for work

i want out of this nightmare

imagine that America takes in refugees (hahaaha we already did). And these refugees claim to be 10-15 years old but are VISIBLY OVER 30 RECEDING HAIR LINES, WRINKLED FACE FULLY FORMED BODIES and America says OK since you are 10-15 we will educate you in our schools and a family will take you in.

with the generosity given to them by the host nation, they then proceed to fuck your children.

>tfw i go to sleep after 5am

suicide could be the answer

hahahah oh my fucking god that cant be real

It's literally hell

I was doing that my summers between college. I literally felt like pointless human garbage when I was in that phase of my life.

I don't really feel much better about things working 8-5, however I feel slightly more useful to society.


the cuck meme somehow memed itself into existence over in europe

It's only a thing thanks to americucks desu

I do mean actual cuck btw

>entire nights playing videogames or watching things
>used to sleep around 9-10 am and wake up around 3-4 pm
>now this, forever.
oh well I guess I had it coming.

>working on Sundays

i always forget how many late-teens/early 20s shitheads we have on this sub

Feels good being NEET.

its a good feel if you ask me
spend the nice quiet nights working hard shitposting, then sleep when the shitty cold useless morning comes
I dread the day I give it up, I'll probably just kill myself instead

Jesus christ, this on top of the swedish police chief's statements, how can anyone support this shit?


You're just supposed to go to bars/use tinder and sex these girls, you're not supposed to hang out with them on an ongoing basis, silly.

Wagecuck life is pure misery, day in day out waging away, time goes by like a blur, the weekend comes and goes, its all repetitive and shit and depressing, and yes most jobs are like that even if you're lucky or skilled enough to dj or some kind of jb like that, most people aren't so lucky. I'm just waiting for my mom to kick me out after I never get another job, would prefer to be homeless and possibly die then back to wageslave misery.

fucking saveges

this quite honestly. I tend to enjoy a long breakfast in bed, then I often study Moliere or Kyd, followed by a constitutional stroll through the park, a nice afternoon tea, and then I visit one of my numerous mistresses around dinner.

I can't imagine having a job and spending all that time working instead of enjoying life.

fucking sweden get your act together


they are doomed.

and with the media censorship over there, fucking hell.

Haha I saw that meme too haha with the ripped guy and the bright smile lmao

This one ended up raping the girls at night as their parents slept down the hall.

lmao literally swietnam

>>Fucking limp dick faggot millenials.
found the middle class pleb finding pride in his misery

how do you think the wife initiates the conversation for this to happen?


I'm not even white and this triggers me.

99% of elementary teachers are retarded sluts with no marketable skills and no talent, so they went to college because they "love kids" and want to teach.

I've fucked about 4-6 stupid sluts on campus at parties, black out drunk, who have told me they were education majors. They're too fucking stupid to learn anything more complicated than algebra or "hurr 1776 we became independent and in 1861 there was a big war" so they just fuck and suck their way through 4 years to get a piece of paper that says they're qualified to teach 8 year olds that 2+2=4.

If you see a female teacher who teaches any grade lower than 9th in the USA, and she's under 35, there is a 99.999% chance she is a stupid whore who is dumber than a box of rocks and has no problem filling your child's head with nonsense and wasting 20% of class time talking about her day and complaining about how her new boyfriend dumped her so all her students can bloat her ego by telling her she's pretty and the bestest person in the whole wide world and make her feel better about the fact that she doesn't have any children of her own because she wasted the best years of her life being a worthless cumdumpster passed around from guy to guy instead of staying faithful to the one guy who actually gave a shit about her I hope you're happy Sarah you filthy fucking whore

Not long now

>I hope you're happy Sarah you filthy fucking whore



>this pure hatred for a profession

Calm down m80. Elementary school is pointless and will always be pointless. Shit doesn't matter. You don't need to get upset about it.

You don't really start learning anything until you're actually challenged by it. Most of that comes outside of school. Your parents teach you how to read, you don't learn that from school. Your homework teaches you Math, the teachers barely help with that. Everything else you learn in school, aside from trade shit like programming or shop, is utterly pointless and doesn't matter at all if you forget it.

oh shit
