Whats her name user

Whats her name user

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There isn't one


Pic related


I don't have one anymore



nice trips Winrawr



amy poutre

Amber, this girl is so confusing I think about dropping it and moving on once school starts back up again. I like her a lot though.

Laura guerra.

We were good friends for years. Always had a crush on her. Always. One day I worked up the courage to tell her how I felt and she felt the same way and we agreed to try to date. Was a huge personal achievement for me.

It was a 2 month disaster. She didn't let me touch her. Barely kissed each other.

She dumped me bc she's asexual but she just doesn't know it. I know her well enough to know she didn't make it up either.

Talked to her only 3x since. I am past the anger stage, I just don't have anything to say to her.


Hillary Clinton


She messaged me on a dating website. We went out on three dates and I accidentally caught feelings. Told me she's too busy to date, so I know the score.

Just wish I could see her again.



God I miss her, she wasn't the prettiest but fuck me the sex was so good.I wish I hadn't been a faggot and let her go.

Pic related, just got it from her FB

Queen Letifah

Feels for you, but goddamn do I want that mask in Payday right fucking now


Gabby. She left me this mornigna dn I' m drinking it away na dpraying I can forget her soon.


Not the girl I'm engaged to....Jessica



GTX 970

I laughed more than I should have at this

Leslie Jones twitter.com/Lesdoggg?s=09


Maybe they'll do another meme mask pack.

Maybe she really is too busy right now. I mean, she told me everything she has going on. Maybe I'll text her later this week, and maybe she'll respond.

It's been a long time since a girl fucked me up this bad.


I can see beauty in her Sup Forumsro

I feel for you

That's gonna be quite the trainwreck of a marriage, too bad I won't be there to see it.



Heather, that Catholic bitch


Rebecca but she said only her mom called her that.

Italian dont worry





Stef or Stephanie

-sigh- Even thinking about her hurts.

Lady Elaine Fairchild




Mia, she died in accident few years ago

Greentext pls




Ever since I've started my weight loss
I've lost 58 pounds since

This thread needs more Amanda

Oh shit user. You can do better. Try getting a girl next time, not some long haired fag.

Mia. Prostitute I met at an AAMP. She moved back to Korean. Not the hottest I fucked (still a strong 8/10), but easily the best at sex, and was on good enough terms with her that she'd come to my apartment instead of me having to go there. Plus, when she came over, it was actually cheaper because there was no house fee.

The queen 666666666



Kayla m...


How would you rate her /10? She was my two year ex. Would swallow my cum every night. I'm still heartbroken but nothing I can really do... Havnt spoke since a year ago.


>Pic related

Same here man....





Nice, make that work user

thing is we just hung out today and she'd probably call me a faggot if i told her how i felt

>she stuck her nose up my pooper
>gave me splinters
>mfw when there are no laws against puppets raping kids

How much did it cost at the AAMP vs when she came over?

Nice, more of Katie?

Thanks, I'm trying lol

Fuck you.

Katie. Only woman I ever loved. I was gonna marry this girl and she fucking died. It's been almost four years and I still can't move on.

Fuck you OP I was having a good day.

Nadia and she's asleep in bed right next to me. These threads are retarded.

She'd also think you're desperate which is a huge turn off for them. Best to avoid that until the 5th meetup4fun or whatever when it comes naturally and you feel it is mutually exclusive.

Do you have more pics of Amanda?


Sure but she's a minor so you don't get anything special

I dunno. It's made deliberately unclear what the name of the child-like empress was.

Suzie June why won't you love me!!!!!!


Sorta same boat but not really. 4 year relationship with this girl Nancy. We thought about mairrage and everything. Then one day she just cheated on my, and I was depressed as fuck and thought of blowing my brains out with my dad's gun. But to this day I'm still holding on.

Marissa... I love her so much, but she just doesn't feel the same. She's still single, but she's infatuated with a shithead named Mitch. Fuck you Mitch.

Rate my Sup Forumsitch

Mackenzie... Too afraid to talk to her idk why... It is driving me insane

How old?

Well, then nevermind hahaha

Are you my cousin?

It costs $220 while I'm there ($80 house with $120 tip). Also, one hour means one hour because her boss is making sure things move along.

I'd pay her $150 and she'd chill at my place for a few hours and we'd shower together.

She's 16

Me too bro it's all we can do I suppose


Seriously fuck anyone named Mitch. Who the fuck names their son Mitch anyway? Its such a shit name.